Supreme BeastTamer: I Can Copy and Upgrade Skills 10x!

Chapter 127: Space Type Elemental Beast

Nox gasped in shock at what he saw, his heart thudding loudly against his chest, as if it would jump out at any momt. His eyes gleamed with an incredulous light. He wasn't scared; on the contrary, he was astonished by what was behind him.

The island was a massive sandy surface with several rocks of varied sizes—some roughly the size of a truck back on Earth, while others were like mini hills. The sun's rays beat down on these rocks, causing them to shimmer slightly. Behind the rocks, Nox could see towering trees that stretched into the sky like stinel monumts.

However, the rocks were not Nox's focus. Instead, it was what was lounging on the rocks, bathing in the sun with its eye closed and a peaceful expression on its face.

The strange yellow creature had a transluct, gelatinous body with a network of glowing, blue-gre veins. Its ttacles were long, slder, and covered in sparkling, star-like suckers that could create miniature wormholes. Looking at it, Nox noticed that the beast seemed smilliar to jellyfish/octopus type beast

Yes, it was a beast.

But not just any beast... it was...

"An Elemtal Beast!" Nox's body was literally trembling, his breath quicking; he held back the urge to shout those words, afraid that the beast would be startled awake from its slumber. Nobody liked being jolted out of their sleep, and the last thing he wanted was for this beast to go on a rampage.

Nox had already witnessed the strgth of an Elemtal Beast firsthand, so he acted with caution. He knew this was an elemtal creature because of the bluish scre that gleamed in his retina.


[Astralux - Cosmic Entity - LV Wildin]

Elemtal Type: Psychic/Water

[Progress: /0%]

Energy: [0%/0%]

Description: Astralux is a mystical, aquatic beast that dwells in the depths of space-time. Its ethereal, jellyfish-like body is sured by a halo of shimmering, iridesct ttacles that can manipulate the fabric of reality.

Special Skills:

- Spatial Ttacles: Astralux can extd its ttacles across vast distances, manipulating objects and ev bding the fabric of space-time.

- Reality Distortion: Astralux can create localized distortions in reality, making it difficult for opponts to land attacks or maintain their footing.

- Stellar Regeration: Astralux can regerate its body and ttacles using stardust and cosmic ergy.

- Levitation: Astralux can levitate itself and nearby objects, allowing it to move through the air with ease and avoid attacks.

Evolution Path (/8): Astralux → Stellaluna:


- Complete the "Cosmic Awaking" quest (a simple quest that introduces Astralux to the concept of evolution)

- Collect "Stardust Shards" (dropped by defeated emies or found in treasure chests)

Description: [Stellaluna is the first evolved form of Astralux, granting it new abilities and hanced powers. Its celestial body shines brighter, illuminating the path to further evolution.]


"Yes, this one is low level! It's just a wildin'!" Nox did a silt punch to the air, his eyes gleaming with excitemt. He calmed his rapid breathing and assessed the situation with a bit of clarity flashing in his eyes.

"The system scre of this beast is a bit differt from the others," Nox pointed out. For one, the beast didn't have any stats like the Magical Beasts. It showed only the beast's skills and available evolution path, which, by the way, didn't look impossible to fulfill like the Magical Beasts.

It also had a progression bar, which could be filled up if Nox continued to feed it Beast Cores.

Afterward, Nox used Beast Sse on the elemtal beast, and its weaknesses and strgths cascaded down Nox's view.


[Astralux - Cosmic Entity - Level Wildin.]

Currt State: peaceful, Dreaming


- Shimmering, iridesct lights

- Celestial music and vibrations

- Cosmic ergy sources

- Mystical, ancit artifacts

- Whispered secrets and mysteries


- Shark-type monsters (selachophobia)

- Bright, flashing lights

- Discordant, jarring sounds

- Cosmic ergy disruptions

- Being confined or restricted


- Reality manipulation

- Spatial awaress and ttacles

- Regerative abilities

- Cosmic adaptability

- Colony mind (telepathic connection with allies)


- Vulnerable to sonic attacks

- Depdt on cosmic ergy

- Gullibility (easily deceived)

- Fear of shark-type monsters (selachophobia)

- Disoritation (confusion and loss of focus)

- Smile-induced trust (easily trusts those who smile)


"Great!" Nox's first instinct wasn't to kill the beast. No, that would be a pure waste with all these powerful skills. Instead, he decided he'd tame it. Though Nox didn't know the success rate of his taming attempt since it wasn't depicted on his scre, he decided to take a leap of faith.

Besides, he noticed from Thirte that it was much easier to tame baby creatures, and this beast could be idtified in that category.

"Hmmm, let's see," Nox muttered, slowly making his way behind the beast. The creature was two meters in height, and its ttacles seemed ev longer.

"I doubt that an ice Elemtal Beast would let me tame it easily, so I can't miss this chance," Nox thought as he placed his hand on the beast, feeling its soft, jelly-like flesh.

Suddly, a huge mountain of water surged up, revealing a massive shark-like beast over four meters in lgth, with scales running down its back. The beast seemed to levitate in the air for a bit as its red eyes glared at Nox with ravous glints... Th it fell back into the water, causing a huge wave to splash out in all directions.

As the water splashed on him, Nox balled his fists in anger as his eyes darted betwe the elemtal beast and the shark; as expected, a momt later, the elemtal beast's single closed eye twitched, causing Nox's forehead to crease with anxiety.

If the beast woke up, it would definitely be much harder for him to tame it, but this shark just had to ruin it all! As he cursed the beast, Nox noticed that the elemtal beast's eyelid had stopped twitching, and its breathing was steady once more.

"It's gone back to sleep." Nox exhaled in relief as he brought his hand back to continue the process once more.

Th the shark leaped out of the waters again, this time seeming to have increased its power, and directly landed on the g just a few meters from Nox and the elemtal beast.

'Curse you!'

Nox's eyelid twitched as he stared at the shark that was squirming on the sandy g, approaching the now-awake elemtal beast. The elemtal beast's eyes were a sight to behold—mesmerizing red with a black circle in the middle. Those eyes at first seemed lost and confused.

But as soon as the beast's glare fell on the shark that was dragging itself through the g, its razor-sharp teeth macingly revealed, the elemtal beast flinched back, frighted.

Wh Nox saw this sce, he recalled the elemtal beast's weakness!

"Yes! They're afraid of sharks!" he exclaimed as he looked at the shark, and sure ough, the peaceful calm had changed to frighted tsion. Despite its size, the elemtal beast was still just a child, so this fear was ev more palpable.

"Damn it, this shark will scare away my beast!" Annoyed, Nox raised his hand and pointed a finger at the shark that was at the Intermediate tier.

'Stay still. I'll protect you.' Nox telepathically relayed to the elemtal beast, whose eyes flashed with confusion. How was it hearing a voice in its head? The beast looked a but couldn't find anyone, th its gaze narrowed at the squishy human who offered a reassuring smile at it.

That smile. The elemtal beast was perplexed. Why did it bring so much warmth? Why did it feel secure in this human's presce? The elemtal beast had never met a human before, but its brethr had and had said they were a really wicked species.

So why did this one feel so differt?

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