Supervillain Idol System: My Sidekick Is A Yandere

Chapter 35: Chapter 35: Welcome To SHU (Part 4)

As Don and Donald arrived at the custodian's office, they found only three other guys present, two tall and one of average height.

They each had black hair with varying haircuts, but two possessed brown eyes while the other had green. They all wore similar sports-themed attire. Don and Donald didn't pay these three much mind and were about to make their way directly to the custodian's desk to apply for accommodation.

However, the three guys approached them and blocked their path, with one of the taller ones standing in front as he asked, "You guys here to apply for accommodation as well?"

'And what other business would new students have at the custodian's office?' Don thought, feeling like they were perhaps seniors trying to make a quick buck off naïve new students.

Donald seemed to share the same thoughts as he gave a quick reply, "Yeah," before trying to walk away. However, the same guy that stood in front stretched out his hand and blocked his path while wearing what seemed like a friendly smile.

"Hold on, man. Just hear us out. See, my friends and I were applying for a room, but unfortunately, they only give them away in pairs, even though we said we wanted to buy a whole room for ourselves, can you believe that? So here's what's going to happen: you're going to apply with my buddy here and get the accommodation. Then afterward, we're going to pay you for it.

Sounds like a good deal." The guy offered, trying to make it sound like Donald and Don had the most to benefit from the situation.

But Don could see that this was all just a façade and that even if they accepted, he highly doubted they would be paid as they were saying, so he immediately replied, "Not interested."

Donald, who seemed more nervous, also gave a nod and said, "Yeah, we're not interested. We plan on getting a room together." After saying that, Don wanted to take his leave by walking away, and Donald wanted to follow suit. However, one of the guys shoved Don back, and another did the same to Donald.

Don simply shuffled back but remained standing, whereas Donald, who was smaller, stumbled back and fell.

Before he could even get up, the guy at the center no longer smiled and looked at them with a hateful gaze. "Okay, listen here, you little fags. One of you is going to get a room with my buddy, and you're going to give him the key and fuck off. Do you not recognize this tattoo?

You fuckers better think twice before saying no again." As the guy made this threat, he pulled up the sleeve of his hoodie and revealed a tattoo on his forearm, showing a knife with a snake coiling around it.

Seeing this, Donald, who was yet to stand up, looked even more nervous, whereas Don simply looked upset. Though he was never the target of such people in his former life, he had encountered similar situations where people tried to shake him down either due to his lack of a superior physique or a group of friends to have his back.

It was an incredibly frustrating situation to find oneself in, and had this happened in his former life, Don would've simply allowed it, as back then he moved with the model that life was precious and wasn't worth risking over stupid things such as feuds, money, or women.

But after having died in such a cruel way, he found himself not to be intimidated at all by these three, with all his instincts urging him to fight back. Though he suppressed the urge and simply narrowed his eyes, this stance didn't phase the three, with the guy who seemed like a leader even going as far as to laugh.

"Haha, what? Are you angry? What are you gonna do about it, fucker? Do you want to die?" Donald struggled to his feet and saw that Don wasn't backing down. His mind was telling him in this fight or flight situation, it was best to choose to fly, but seeing Don looking unfazed, he felt motivated to stand up for himself as well and just dusted himself down before saying again, "We're not interested.

If you're such big shots, find someone else to buy a room from."

This response seemed to especially anger the leading guy as he stepped forward with a raised fist, about to throw it at Donald. However, in that moment, a voice called out from behind, "Hey, what do you think you're doing?"

The guy immediately froze his punching motion and turned to see an older-looking lady with a stern expression looking over her desk. He immediately clicked his tongue in irritation and ordered his friends, "Let's get out of here."

The trio began to make their way out, with the leader making sure to bump shoulders with Don while giving a warning, "You two better watch your back from now on."

"Yeah, we'll be back," one of the friends barked. As they were making their way past Don, he suddenly placed his leg in front of one of them and caused them to trip and faceplant onto the dusty marble floor.

Don then said to him, "Yeah well, you might want to watch your step."

This caused the guy on the floor to immediately stand up in rage and try to attack Don, but the leading guy stopped him by grabbing onto his hoodie.

"Not here, Tony. Don't worry, we'll see them around." The guy named Tony glared at Don and let out a dissatisfied huff as he angrily turned while saying, "Whatever you say, Dwight. You two better watch your backs."

The man addressed as Dwight looked at Don and Donald one more time with a clear angry expression before turning and instructing the final guy, "Let's go."

Don and Donald watched the trio leave with collective anxiousness.

"Fuck. This is bad… Those three are obviously part of a gang. What do we do?" Donald asked Don, thinking that for him to stand up so confidently, he must've had some sort of confidence in either his own ability or backing.

Don, however, gave a light shrug, "For now, all we can do is register for accommodation and stay alert afterward."

Donald didn't like this vague plan, thinking, 'Dammit. Maybe I should have just given up my room,' but could only sigh on the surface as the situation had already passed.

"Well, there's no helping it now. I guess you're right." Agreeing on this, the two made their way to the custodian's desk and quickly got the accommodation registration done without too much of a fuss.

But as they were walking out, Donald seemed especially nervous to head back out into the campus. "Maybe we should stick together for the rest of orientation, you know, just in case."

Although more anxious than fearful, Don also thought this was a good idea and nodded, "That's probably for the best because if there's one thing guys like those are good at, it's never letting something go."

Donald nodded, gulping down saliva out of fear. "Yeah, this is only made worse due to the fact that they're part of some gang. You don't seem nervous at all, though."

Just as Donald asked this, a system prompt appeared in front of Don, first saying,


**+10 aura**


Another prompt then appeared.


**Objective: Revenge Is Sweet**

**Task: In true supervillain fashion, you shouldn't let things go. Get revenge by the end of the day.**

**Rewards: Dependent on the method of revenge.**


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