Supervillain Idol System: My Sidekick Is A Yandere

Chapter 32: Chapter 32: Welcome To SHU (Part 1)

As the car sped along the highway, leaving the airbase behind, Don settled into his seat, trying to relax. Trixie, beside him, looked out the window, her fingers tapping her thigh.

The driver, glancing at them in the rearview mirror, decided to strike up a conversation. "So, you two on a trip together? You a couple or siblings?"

Don was quick to respond, not wanting to give Trixie a chance to answer first. "No, we're not-."

The driver raised an eyebrow, his smile growing a little wider. "Ah, I see. Both, huh? No judgment here. Me and my cousin, we're real close too."

Trixie raised her brow at the driver's words while Don, a bit surprised, stammered for a moment. "Uh, no, it's not like that. Trixie is just a close friend."

The driver nodded knowingly, winking at them afterward. "I get it, I get it. Close friend, huh? Say no more." He continued driving, occasionally glancing back at them as if expecting more juicy details.

Don couldn't help but think, 'Foreign drivers always have the strangest personalities.' He wondered whether this was a cultural difference or just his own perception from his former life.

Meanwhile, Trixie, feeling bored, decided to stir the pot.

She leaned over the seat while showing a mischievous smile. "Actually, we're pornstars on our way to shoot a university orgy movie."

The driver's eyes widened in shock. "Eh? R-really?" He laughed awkwardly, trying to process the information. "Wow, that's... interesting. Have you done many other films?

I'd love to, uh, show my support. You seem like a nice person."

Don inwardly sighed. 'Wow, he broke down quicker than a simp in front of a Goth girl looking for a pet,' he thought.

Trixie, enjoying the reaction, smiled sweetly. "Thanks! You seem like a nice person too. So nice, I think I could ask a favor." She paused for effect. "The first part of the movie requires some raw, back-arching rough sex in a taxi, but I don't know any kind taxi driver who'd allow such a mess in their car."

The driver, distracted by the words, almost collided with another vehicle. He swerved just in time, hitting the horn and cursing out the window. "Watch where you're going, idiot!" he yelled before turning his attention back to Trixie, his face expression one of excitement.

"Well, I don't know many kind drivers, but I'm certainly one of them. I have some of the highest five-star reviews for Ober drivers. And I'm well known at my church; you can ask any of my friends!" he boasted, clearly trying to put across a point.

Don, who knew Trixie was just teasing, couldn't believe what he was hearing. 'This guy just put together a quick CV to have a chance at a scene in his taxi.'

Trixie, maintaining her playful demeanor, leaned in closer. "That's great to hear. You must be a very respected and kind person." She fluttered her eyelashes, making the driver squirm with happiness. "So, how about that favor?"

The driver gulped, his hands gripping the steering wheel tighter. "Well, uh, I mean, if it's for your movie... I guess I could make an exception. But, you know, just this once. For you."

Don, watching the exchange, shook his head slightly. Trixie's ability to manipulate emotions was something else. He remained silent, deciding to see how far she'd take the fake story.

Trixie clapped her hands together. "Wonderful! You're a lifesaver. You really are the best driver." She leaned back in her seat with a satisfied grin on her face.

The driver, clearly flustered but proud, kept glancing at her in the mirror. "Anything for a nice person like you," he said, his voice a bit shaky.

As the car approached Santos Hero University, the scene became increasingly lively. Students of various ages, dressed mostly in casual clothes, filled the grand entrance.

The entrance itself was a sight to behold: an expansive, steel gate with intricate designs that seemed to shine in the sunlight. Above it, the university's name was emblazoned in bold, glowing letters, visible even from a distance.

The university was situated on the outskirts of town, covering a vast area. The campus was an impressive demonstration of modern architecture.

Large, sleek buildings rose up, their glass and steel structures reflecting the surrounding greenery. Pathways crisscrossed the campus, leading to various departments and facilities.

The driver pulled up near a pathway leading into the university. "I can only stop here, my friends. It's hard to get out if I go any further."

Don nodded. "No problem. I'll register here while Trixie goes to the nearest hotel to book a room."

The driver's eyes lit up. "To prepare for the scene, right? I can wait, no problem!"

Don inwardly sighed. 'This guy has been thinking about the scene the whole time,' he thought.

Stepping out of the car, Don joined the crowd of students heading towards the university, trying to blend in. As he walked, he heard Trixie's voice calling out from the car window.

"I'm going to start preparing for the orgy scene, Don!" she yelled, causing several heads to turn and look at Don with curious gazes.

He sighed, feeling the stares. 'At least no one took pictures,' he thought, quickening his pace to disappear into the crowd.

Just as he began to relax, a man shuffled out from the crowd and positioned himself beside Don, throwing an arm around his shoulders like they were old friends. "¿Qué pasa, amigo?" the man said, his voice casual.

Don looked at him, confused. The man introduced himself despite Don's expression. "Name's Hector. What's up?"

Don moved Hector's arm off his shoulder. "I'm Don. Can I help you?"

Hector grinned. "It's more like I can help you, man."

Don felt a scam coming but his curiosity got the better of him. "What do you mean?"

Hector's grin widened. "I can show you the ropes around here, amigo. For a small fee, of course. You look like you could use a guide."

Don raised an eyebrow. "I see. And what exactly do you offer?"

Hector leaned in, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "Everything you need to know about Santos Hero University. Where to go, who to talk to, what to avoid. Trust me, I'm a third year. It'll save you a lot of time and trouble."

Don thought for a moment. 'This guy could be useful, but he could also be trouble.' Deciding to play along for now, he said, "Alright, Hector. And the price?"

Hector clapped him on the back. "Smart choice, amigo, it will only cost you 10 credits. Follow me, and I'll get you sorted out."

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