Supervillain Idol System: My Sidekick Is A Yandere

Chapter 27: Chapter 27: Operation Santos City… Start (Part 3)

Gary narrowed his eyes at Trixie. To say he didn't believe her would be putting it lightly.

'Hm, I suppose she could be of help to sir Don. Plus it would be nice to have her out of the base, perhaps I can enjoy a little peace.' Gary didn't have much to consider before reaching a conclusion and saying to Trixie, "if sir Don has no issues, then you may accompany him. Though I must beg you to exhibit caution and either stay hidden or blend in.

You succubi don't have the best reputation with people."

"Hey! That's racist!" Trixie feigned a look of offense to the statement but Gary's demeanor didn't change. "I am merely stating the obvious, apologies if you took offense. Now, if you have nothing more to ask, may we head to the sir shuttle? If you start off now you will still reach Santos City by 8:30 a.m."

Not sure where Santos city was, Don asked, "what's the current time there?"

"It is currently 5:30 a.m. You will be an hour late from the official start of registration but as I'm sure you know, university students are never early for such matters so it shouldn't present a problem." Gary explained.

Not needing to ask anything else, Don just nodded before Gary turned to begin leading the way. The minions followed him on either side while carrying the bag and suitcase.

Don followed at a casual pace with Trixie walking closely by his side. He glanced at her for a moment and noticed a glaring issue which lead him to ask, "are you not going to change? You're basically have nothing under that shirt."

As Don pointed out that fact, Trixie proceeded to skip ahead off him and slightly raise her shirt, just enough for him to see her pink little plump ass, hugged tightly by the thong she wore.

She then teased him. "Oh~ I'm sure you don't mind."

Before Don could answer, Gary commented on the matter without looking back or slowing down his steps. "Madam Trixie…"

Without him needing to say much, Trixie sighed in disappointed and shrugged her shoulders. "Fine, fine, I'll be a good succubus." After saying this, Trixie snapped her fingers and was engulfed by a large puff of pink smoke for a moment before it faded as quickly as it came.

Once the smoke faded, it was revealed that her outfit had changed from a cropped shirt with a thong underneath to a school uniform featuring a plain white button up shirt with a loose blue tie, a plaid gray skirt whose length was above the knees, mid length white sock and black shoes.

"There, happy Gary?" Trixie crossed her arms and asked but Gary didn't need to look back as he answered, "as long you aren't walking around half naked, you will here no complaints from me."

"You guys are no fun. Back in the netherworld, you'd be a weirdo if you walked around in clothes like these. As the succubi say, the more skin the better *hehe~*" Trixie slowed her pace and began walking at Don's side once again as they arrived in front of the air shuttle at the center of the base.

The air shuttle was a sleek and futuristic vehicle, its metallic exterior shimmering under the bright hangar lights. Its smooth curves and streamlined design conveyed a sense of speed and efficiency.

Don was inwardly very impressed by the sight but maintained his composure as Gary instructed the minions, "load the case and the bag quickly and have the hangar doors opened."

After instructing the minions, he turned to Don just as the shuttle's single door on the side slowly opened upward. "This way sir Don."

Don followed with Trixie still by his side as they entered the shuttle's interior. The interior of the shuttle was sleek and modern, with gray metal walls and a shiny black floor. The seats were made of a smooth, leather-like material and the control panels were lit up with buttons and screens.

"Please take a seat and strap in sir." Gary advised as he reached for the nearby panel and pressed a few set of buttons. After he did, the panel lit up and the shuttle began to hum softly.

As Don walked over toward his sit, Trixie stood by the entrance and raised her hand toward Gary. "Can I sit on his lap?"

"No, now please strap in, unless you wish to be thrown around as the shuttle takes off." Gary advised, his focus still on the panel.

"You're no fun." Trixie pouted but complied and strapped into a seat opposite of Don, who had already strapped in and was now curiously looking around the shuttle.

As the shuttle's engines hummed to life, the hangar doors slowly opened, revealing a glimpse of the sunny sky above. Gary sat down in the pilot's seat and began a series of pre-flight checks, his movements precise and focused.

Don felt a surge of excitement as the shuttle started to lift off the ground, the G-forces pressing him back into his seat. He stole a glance at Trixie, who was gripping her seat tightly with a wide grin on her face.

The shuttle ascended smoothly into the skies, leaving the base behind as it streaked toward its destination. Don watched in awe as the base below grew smaller and smaller, replaced by vast expanses of ocean.

Trixie leaned over toward Don, her voice barely audible over the hum of the engines. "You okay there, big guy?"

Don nodded, unable to contain a grin. "I'm more than okay. This is incredible."

As the shuttle soared higher, the ocean below turned into a glittering expanse of blue, interrupted only by the occasional whitecap of a wave. Don couldn't tear his gaze away from the window, captivated by the beauty unfolding before him.

In his former life, the closest thing he could compare to the experience he felt was that of his first time on a roller-coaster, though this felt a 100 times better.

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