Supervillain Idol System: My Sidekick Is A Yandere

Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Operation Santos City… Start (Part 1)

Almost immediately Elle fainted, Don leaned in to check on her. But before he could assess anything, Trixie appeared on the bed, opposite of him and also looking down on Elle, though without the same degree of concern.

"Wow, can't believe you exhausted her so soon, I was sure you two would go at it like rabbits for hours." Trixie looked more disappointed than concerned as she spoke, prompting Don to lessen his concern, instead only asking, "is she going to be okay?"

"Hm?" Trixie looked up at Don as if the answer was obvious, "why wouldn't she? Though she'll probably hide in shame the whole morning when she remembers… Heh, I'll be sure to remind her of every juicy detail."

"Right…" Don could only accept the response.

'That was both scary end exciting. What's the word for it? Right exhilarating. I could definitely see myself getting used to this. And there's also Trixie…' Don shifted his gaze from Elle to Trixie's cleavage for a moment before a knock on the door snapped him back to reality.

*Knock* *knock* Shortly after the knocks rang, Gary's voice could be heard on the other side of the door. "*Ahem* Pardon the interruption sir Don, I came to inform you that the preparations have been set. If you're done touring, we can begin the operation."

'This guy takes punctuality a bit too seriously.' Don thought, but before he could formulate a response, Trixie replied to Gary.

"Hold on Gary! Elle went crazy on Don and exhausted herself, We'll be out once we tuck her in." Trixie casually explained, as if the sentence didn't sound absurd.

"Oh dear! Is sir Don alright?" Gary asked in concern.

'Why does he make it sound like I'm a victim?' Don narrowed his eyes at the question but once again Trixie was quick to reply.

"Oh yea, he's fine. Just a few scratches and bites, he'll live." Trixie casually explained while raising a thumbs up.

Gray's concern immediately vanished and he replied with his usual tone, "ah, I see. Brilliant, as expected of sir Don. Very well, I shall leave your change of clothes. The rest of your equipment will be loaded into the air shuttle."

'The what? Wait, I'm leaving already? But I just got here…' The rate at which experiences were occurring for Don was a bit too absurd to outright accept, but that's all he could do as this was his life now.

The sooner it was accepted, the easier the transition, though easier said than Don in world of supernatural and sci-fi elements he thought could only exist in fiction.

After Gary departed, Trixie walked over to the door to retrieve the clothing. She came back with a crisp white shirt, dark brown trousers, clean white sneakers, stylish aviator sunglasses, and a silver wristwatch. As she placed them neatly on the bed, she flashed Don a playful grin.

"That's a great outfit," she joked, her eyes twinkling with playful intent. "Are you dressing up for me? Or should I simply sit back and enjoy the view?"

Don smirked, picking up the shirt. "Do you ever stop?"

Trixie leaned against the wall and crossed her arms, a mischievous grin on her face. "I couldn't resist teasing you after what I just saw," she said. "You and Elle... that was quite a show. I never would have guessed you had it in you."

Don sighed and rolled his eyes as he slid his arms into the shirt, buttoning it up. "It wasn't really something I planned, but I have to admit, it was quite... exhilarating."

Trixie watched him intently as he dressed, her eyes roaming over his body with a playful glint. "Exhilarating, huh? That's one way to put it. She really likes you, you know. You should be careful with her feelings."

"Yeah, I got that," Don said, fastening the last button. 'But it's not like I planned any of this. It just happened.'

As he slipped into the brown pants and adjusted the waistband, Trixie kept her eyes on him, a sly smile curling on her lips.

Don began slipping on the white runners and adjusting the aviators on his face. He gave a quick assessment of his outfit in the mirror and nodded in approval. "Looks good enough. Let's tuck Elle in and get going."

They gently tucked Elle into the blankets, making sure she was comfortable before heading out into the hallway.

The hallway was dimly lit, the only source of light coming from the sconces on the walls. The walls were painted a pale shade of red, with faded floral wallpaper peeling in some places. The carpet was threadbare, revealing the luxury polished wooden floorboards underneath.

Don took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the upcoming mission settle on his shoulders.

As they entered the transportation sphere, Trixie instructed it to take them to the main hangar. As the sphere started to hum, Trixie turned to face Don with a softened gaze. "You know, you shouldn't be nervous."

Don raised an eyebrow, leaning against the wall of the sphere. "Nervous? Who said I was nervous?"

Trixie smirked. "I can smell strong human emotions, you know? It's one of my many talents. And right now, you're practically radiating nerves."

Don sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Fine, maybe I am a little nervous. But can you blame me?"

Trixie placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry. I'd be nervous too if I were in your shoes. But no matter what, you'll always be the cool Don in Elle's eyes. And if I were you, I'd just enjoy the ride. Maybe have some orgies every Friday like a true supervillain."

Don couldn't help but laugh at that. "Orgies every Friday, huh? You might be onto something."

He took a deep breath, reminding himself once again that once he entered the city, his new role had to be fully embraced. Just then, a system prompt appeared before his eyes.


**Objective Completed: To Stick Or Not To Stick Your Dick In Crazy, That Is The True Question..**

**New Ability Unlocked: Mark Of The Arcane Being. High affinity for supernatural beings, 50% higher chance of meeting them than the common man.**


Another prompt followed.


**New Stat Unlocked:** Aura. This stat will affect how others perceive you. The greater the aura, the more seamless you will be able to project your character to others, fake or genuine. Aura can either be gained by performing tasks that warrant it or stealing from people with it by putting them in a situation that takes away from their aura.


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