Supervillain Idol System: My Sidekick Is A Yandere

Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Settling In Part 6

Don continued to be surprised by how quickly everything was happening around him.

While Gary and him had been discussing the finer details of his insertion into the city, he found it overwhelming to take in all the information at once. Deciding to propose an idea, "Is it possible for you to create an app for me that I can access at any point for information I need regarding Santos City? It would be easier than trying to memorize everything, and I can simply refer to it anytime."

Under normal circumstances, such a request would be preposterous, but considering the absurdities he had seen thus far in the base alone, he didn't think an information app would be too much to ask.

Gary immediately paused and brought a hand under his chin, giving a slight nod. "That is actually a better idea, sir. I shall have the IT department get on it at once. It should certainly be ready by tomorrow."

As Gary said this, he began to pick up the folders he had put aside, stacking them on top of one another. This made Don let out a minor sigh of relief. 'Thank goodness. With how much I've heard so far, I'm surprised my Honeyed Words trait hasn't leveled up. How do the traits even work? Do they pop up like achievements without even knowing what to do?

The system itself is selectively generous. Anyway, no use thinking about what I can't control. So far, so good, I guess.'

Just as he thought that, Gary picked up the documents and got ready to leave. "Very well, sir. I shall be returning later to make preparations." After he said this, he brought his hand to his face and looked at his watch before adding, "Ah, Lady Noir should be returning soon, so I shall be on my way.

Excuse me." Gary then turned to leave, his figure soon disappearing behind the transportation sphere doors before a hum took him away.

After Gary left, Don leaned back into his seat and let out a very loud sigh. "Does everything happen so fast around here? Well, it's nice to finally get some time to myse—"

Before Don could finish that line, he felt a sudden heaviness in his lap as some light pink smoke appeared in front of him. Trixie's figure then emerged out of the mist, landing quite aggressively on his lap, forcing him to sit upright immediately. He lowered his head to see Trixie, who was also letting out a sigh of relief while using one hand to wipe her brow. "Phew, that was close."

After saying that, Trixie realized where she had landed and raised her head to look up at Don before showing a very wide smile. "Well, hello there! Fancy meeting you here," Trixie greeted before proceeding to arch her back a bit more and push her butt against Don's crotch.

"Trixie… get off me before Elle comes back and thinks I'm in cahoots with you." Don urged.

"Oh, don't be like that," Trixie said, pressing her body against him even more. "Elle could never bring herself to hurt you. Worst case scenario, she ties you up and does weird things to you, but who knows? You might enjoy that. I hear a lot of men in this world don't mind taking it up the ass."

"I mind, I very much mind." Don retorted.

"You need to learn to have a bit of fun," Trixie said playfully before teasing, "But the thought of it made your cock really hard."

"It's not hard because of that, it's hard because you're grinding against it."

"So what you're saying is you want to stick it up my butt? Well, since you asked so nicely..."

"Okay, now you're just hearing what you want to hear."

"So you don't want to stick it up my butt?" Trixie asked, narrowing her eyes at Don.

Don simply narrowed his eyes at Trixie, realizing she was purposefully teasing him. 'Two can play at this game,' Don thought for a moment before suddenly bringing his hands forward and sliding them under Trixie's large cropped shirt, where he proceeded to grip her petite breasts and give them a firm squeeze.

*Mn~* Trixie moaned out as a shiver ran up her spine. Despite her teasing, she didn't expect him to act and instead wanted to be entertained by how fidgety she could make him.

However, she welcomed this development, soon biting her lip and looking at him from the corner of her eye. "What are you doing down there, Don? Find something you like?"

"Like is a very strong word. Right now, I only found something I tolerate," Don replied as he began to playfully squeeze and grope her breasts.

Trixie arched her back slightly and let out a moan, continuing to grind her body against his crotch. "You're so mean. What does little ol' Trixie have to do to make you like her more? Maybe you'd like to fuck my face silly or maybe cum into my pussy and fill my womb with your cum, or maybe you'd prefer to plunge your raw cock deep into my tight little ass."

With each option Trixie stated, Don's cock throbbed as if by reflex, an action which Trixie herself could feel, making her giggle. "I guess it's all three."

Just as she said that, however, the transportation sphere doors opened and Elle walked out carrying a fork in one hand and a butter knife in the other. She looked less upset now and more emotionless as she slowly turned her head to look in Don's direction, where she could clearly see him groping Trixie's breasts while Trixie playfully moved her butt against him.

Trixie was the first to spot Elle out of the corner of her eye and didn't seem fazed. She soon raised her hand and waved. "Hey there, Elle. Don here was just talking about you."

Elle immediately narrowed her eyes at Trixie.

Only realizing now that Elle had arrived, Don paused his groping of Trixie's breasts but didn't remove his hands. Trixie, however, continued to grind as she explained, "Now, before you go and blame me for anything, Elle, I am not being a pervert this time. I'm just helping Don out because he is in pain."

Elle crossed her arms with the utensils still in hand and gave Trixie a skeptical look. "What kind of pain needs that kind of treatment, Trixie? I may not be a pervert like you, but I wasn't born yesterday."

Trixie smiled at the response and stopped grinding against Don, vanishing from his lap and reappearing on the table, where she now stood with her hands on her hips. "Don't believe me? Come see for yourself."

Elle remained skeptical but approached, still holding both the knife and fork tightly. Once she got close, Trixie moved one hand from her hip and pointed toward Don's crotch. "See? Right there," she revealed while pointing at the visible bulge Don had.

Elle blushed as she looked at this. 'That's his... thing,' Elle thought, feeling incredibly embarrassed. Looking intimidated, she switched to looking at Don, "Does it hurt?"

Not needing to think twice, Don immediately blurted, "Yes, it feels like it's going to burst."

Trixie smiled at the answer. "See, Elle? You can't deny a man his needs."

After saying this, Trixie's figure vanished and she reappeared behind Elle and whispered in her ear. "Remember, Elle, the number one reason men leave women is when their needs are not satisfied. Now, would you rather your best friend and super cute familiar ease his needs while also feeding herself, or would you prefer some girl in Santos City to dig her claws into him?

I hear sidekicks at Santos Hero University can be real sluts."

Elle's eyes immediately widened in concern, but she tried to play it off. "That can't happen."

"Maybe, but do you want to risk it?" Trixie cunningly replied.

Elle went silent for a moment before looking at Don with a very flushed face. "Don, if you're in really that much pain, then you can use Trixie to treat yourself if you want... but..."

"But?" Don asked with caution, a bit worried that something unsavory might be said.

To his surprise, it was the exact opposite as Elle completely looked away from Don and shyly muttered, "But... I would like to help too."

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