Supervillain Idol System: My Sidekick Is A Yandere

Chapter 133: Chapter 133: Sensory Overload Training, Start! (Part 3)

Don barely had time to catch his breath before his superhuman hearing picked up a faint, almost imperceptible hiss.

The hair on the back of his neck stood up as he instinctively turned around, eyes scanning the darkness for the source. Then, he saw them—two glowing eyes, unblinking and filled with predatory intent.

They were much larger than the rat's eyes he'd encountered earlier, and before he could fully register what he was facing, the eyes seemed to flash forward, closing the distance between them in a blur.

"Shit!" Don barely managed to raise the crowbar in front of him, the metal bar jamming into the creature's mouth just in time.

The impact jolted through his arms, and he strained to hold his ground against the immense force. As the creature pushed forward, its body slithering closer, Don got a good look at his attacker—a giant snake, easily the size of a small car, with scales that shimmered in the dim light.

The snake's jaws were pried open by the crowbar, but its sheer size and strength made it difficult for Don to keep it at bay.

He was about to push the creature back when his nose caught a sharp, acrid scent. His instincts screamed at him to duck, and just in time, he dropped low as the snake spat a thick, hissing liquid at him.

The corrosive spit splattered against the wall behind him, producing a sinister **sizzle** as the stone began to melt.

Don's eyes widened as he realized what he was up against. "An acid-spitting snake? You've got to be kidding me," he muttered, quickly backing away.

The snake didn't give him much time to think. Its massive body coiled and slithered, blocking off his escape routes as it pursued him through the narrow catacombs.

Don swung the crowbar at the creature's head, but the snake was quick, its movements incredibly swift. It dodged the strike and retaliated with a quick snap of its jaws, forcing Don to leap back.

He needed to create some distance, but the snake was relentless, its body moving like a tidal wave of muscle and scale.

It spit again, this time aiming directly at Don's chest. But he twisted his body, narrowly avoiding the corrosive fluid, but the close call caused him to lose his balance.

He stumbled back, landing hard against a crumbling wall. The crowbar fell from his hand, clattering to the ground.

"Dammit," Don cursed, scrambling to get back on his feet. But before he could reach for the crowbar, the snake's massive tail swung at him like a wrecking ball, slamming into his side and sending him flying across the chamber.

**Thud!** Don crashed into a pile of bones and rubble, the wind knocked out of him. He groaned in pain, clutching his side as he tried to regain his bearings, but the snake was already closing in.

It slithered over the bones, its body crushing them under its weight, and lunged at him with terrifying speed.

Don rolled to the side just in time, avoiding the snake's fangs by inches. He then grabbed a sharp femur bone from the pile and stabbed upward, aiming for the snake's eye. The bone struck true, piercing through the snake's scales and into the soft flesh beneath.

The snake let out a blood-curdling **hiss**, its body thrashing wildly in pain. Don seized the opportunity and yanked the bone out, then plunged it back into the snake's eye, twisting it for good measure. The creature recoiled, pulling back and flailing as it tried to dislodge the makeshift weapon.

Don staggered to his feet, gasping for breath.

He could feel his ribs aching from the earlier impact, but he pushed the pain aside.

The snake, now partially blinded and enraged, lashed out in all directions. Its body slammed into the walls, causing dust and debris to rain down from the ceiling.

Don had to move quickly, ducking and weaving through the confined space to avoid being crushed.

He noticed a large, jagged rock embedded in the ceiling above the snake, barely holding on. An idea formed in his mind. Don sprinted toward the snake, making sure to stay just out of reach before waving his arms, trying to get its attention. "Hey! Over here, you oversized garden hose!"

The snake hissed, its good eye locking onto Don. It lunged again, its jaws snapping shut where Don had been a second earlier. Don sidestepped, leading the creature toward the center of the chamber, directly beneath the loose rock.

The snake spat more acid, the liquid splattering on the ground where Don had been standing. He could feel the heat from the corrosive substance, but he couldn't slow down. Timing was everything.

With the snake now in position, Don turned and sprinted toward the rock wall. He could feel the creature's hot breath on his back as it gave chase, its massive body causing the ground to tremble beneath him.

Just as the snake reared back for another strike, Don leaped onto a nearby ledge, grabbing hold of a loose stone. He yanked on it with all his might, dislodging the larger rock from its fragile spot.

**Crack!** The sound echoed through the catacombs as the massive rock broke free, plummeting toward the ground. The snake realized too late what was happening and tried to pull back, but its own momentum carried it forward.

**Boom!** The rock crashed down onto the snake's head, crushing it under its weight. The impact sent shockwaves through the chamber, causing more debris to fall from the ceiling. The snake let out one final, pitiful hiss before its body went limp, its skull shattered beneath the rock.

Don remained on the ledge, breathing heavily as he watched the life drain from the creature's eye. His heart pounded in his chest, and he could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins. The fight had been brutal, and his body ached from the strain, but he had won.

As the dust settled, Don slowly climbed down from the ledge, careful to avoid the still dangerous acid that had pooled around the chamber. He approached the snake's corpse, making sure it was truly dead before allowing himself to relax.

The battle had taken its toll. His clothes were torn, his arm throbbed from the earlier bite, and his ribs ached with every breath. But despite the pain, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had faced a formidable opponent and come out on top.

"Guess I'm stronger than I look," Don muttered, wiping the sweat and blood from his face. He looked around the chamber and took a deep breath, gathering his strength.

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