Supervillain Idol System: My Sidekick Is A Yandere

Chapter 130: Chapter 130: Law & Heroics (Part 2)

Don stepped out of Samantha's room, the door clicking softly behind him as he made his way to his own room. As soon as he reached his bed, he let out a long sigh, his shoulders relaxing for just a momt.

But before he could fully unwind, he felt the soft touch of two hands wrapping a his neck from behind. His body tsed, his instincts flaring up, but as he turned his head slightly, he saw a familiar face—the mischievous grin of Trixie.

"Good morning," she purred, her voice smooth and playful.

Don shot her an unamused look, "You really need to stop sneaking up on people like that."

Trixie's figure suddly vanished and reappeared on his lap, her arms now draped a his shoulders as she gazed up at him with feigned sadness. "Does that mean you didn't miss me? I came all this way just for you," she pouted, though the glint in her eyes gave away her true inttions.

Don wasn't fooled.

He could feel her subtly grinding her ass against him, her body moving just ough to try and stir something in him. As much as he was tempted, he knew better than to give in so easily.

Trixie was a succubus, after all, and he knew that losing control a her could cost him more than just a momt of weakness. He still hadn't figured out the best way to handle her, but one thing was certain—he couldn't afford to lose his advantage by being too easy a target.

Gtly but firmly, Don pushed Trixie off his lap, guiding her onto the bed before standing up. "So, did you just come to tease me?" he asked, trying to sound casual.

Trixie let herself fall onto the bed in an exaggerated manner, positioning herself so that her ass was raised and pointed directly at Don. She was dressed in tight black leather pants that emphasized every curve, paired with a single-strap top that clung to her figure.

She looked back at him with a pout, her tone feigning being hurt, "You're so mean, accusing me wh I hav't done anything wrong."

Don shook his head, thinking, 'She really never stops, does she?'

Before he could respond, his phone rang. He checked the scre and saw it was Bjamin calling so he picked it while keeping one eye on Trixie, who was now laying on the bed with her body stretched out provocatively.

"Hello?" Don answered, his tone measured.

"Good morning, Don. I hope I'm not calling at a bad time or too early," Bjamin's voice came through the phone, sounding polite but businesslike.

"It's fine," Don replied, trying to ignore Trixie, who had vanished from the bed and was now dancing lightly against him, her eyes pleading with him to give in to her advances.

Bjamin continued, "I wanted to let you know that I've got the papers ready for you to review and sign. You and your mother can come to the Santos City Hero Operations HQ anytime betwe 9 AM and 5 PM today. If today doesn't work for you, just let me know, and we can reschedule."

As Don listed, he used one hand to try and gtly push Trixie away, but she was persistt, sliding back up against him each time. She was clearly joying the distraction she was causing.

"Okay, I'll talk to my mom and get back to you later," Don said, keeping his voice steady despite Trixie's attempts to break his conctration.

Bjamin, ssing a hesitation, added, "Just to let you know, many of the other candidates in the Elite Hero Program will be at the HQ today for protégé selections by some of the heroes allied with the departmt. It'd be a good opportunity to socialize, maybe ev catch the eye of one of the heroes."

Don almost scoffed at the blatant attempt to sweet the deal. He knew Bjamin was trying to lure him in with the promise of connections and opportunities. He responded nonchalantly, "I'll keep that in mind." At the same time, he kept using one hand to fd off Trixie, who was now running her fingers down his chest suggestively.

Bjamin seemed slightly disappointed by Don's lukewarm response but wrapped up the call with a polite, "Alright, I'll be waiting for your call. Have a good day, Don."

"Thanks, you too," Don replied, ding the call.

As soon as the call ded, Trixie stepped back and struck a pose. "Come on, please play with me," she pouted, her voice full of temptation.

Don looked at her and thought, 'These really are the purest forms of temptation.' But despite the allure, something nagged at him.

Trixie hadn't mtioned anything about the fitting room incidt with Summer and Sylvia or the time he spt with Summer and Samantha. That led him to believe she wasn't always watching him, which was a relief.

Still, he didn't like the idea of being watched so easily by anyone, ev an ally like Trixie. He knew he'd have to find a way to keep her in check evtually.

"I'm busy at the momt," he said, heading for the door.

Trixie didn't try to stop him, but she switched to a pout and crossed her arms, "Such a meanie."

Don didn't look back as he exited the room, but as he walked down the hall, he couldn't help but hear Trixie's voice mutter to herself, "Can't wait to get another mouthful of his spunk," followed by the sound of her licking her lips suggestively.

He shook his head, thinking, 'I need to figure out how to handle her before she becomes more of a problem.'

After leaving the room, Don made his way down the stairs, the sound of laughter and chatter growing louder as he approached the kitch.

As he descded the steps, he heard Sylvia's cheerful voice mingling with Summer's and Aunt Amanda's. Sylvia was thusiastically recounting her shopping trip with her mother, while Summer and Amanda reacted with occasional "oohs" and "aahs" to the pictures Sylvia was showing them of the outfits she tried on.

Wh Don tered the kitch, he casually asked, "Hey Summer, didn't you say you were in a hurry?"

Before Summer could respond, Sylvia turned to Don with a playful grin, "Hey cutie, did you miss me?" she teased, her tone light and joking.

Summer immediately interjected, rolling her eyes, "Gross, Sylvia. Don't flirt with Don."

Aunt Amanda, who had be watching the interaction, raised an eyebrow and asked with a curious smile, "Oh? Are you two perhaps dating?"

Don oped his mouth to respond, but Summer was quicker. "Hell no!" she blurted out, her voice full of disbelief. "What made you think that?"

Amanda shrugged, her smile widing, "What? I just thought they would make a cute couple."

Summer's face scrunched up in mild disgust. "No, they wouldn't," she insisted, but before she could say more, Samantha appeared in the doorway, still wearing her bathrobe. She looked a bit groggy but was clearly intrigued by the lively conversation.

"What's with all the racket?" Samantha asked. But before anyone could answer, her gaze shifted to Summer, and she added, "Ar't you going to be late?"

Sylvia took the opportunity to wave cheerfully at Samantha. "Hello, Mrs. Bright! How's your morning?" she asked with guine warmth.

Samantha returned the smile, her demeanor softing as she greeted Sylvia, "Good morning, Sylvia. My morning started perfectly thanks to Donnie, but…" She trailed off with a sigh, her expression becoming slightly troubled.

Don, noticing the shift in her mood, asked, "Is something wrong?"

Samantha offered a small, reassuring smile, "Nothing major, really. It's just that the lawyer frid I mtioned won't be much help. We might need to go to a firm after all."

Sylvia, who was listing atttively, tilted her head in curiosity. "Why go through all that trouble wh you can just ask my mom for help? She's an attorney."

Summer's eyes wided in surprise, "Really?" she asked, clearly surprised by the news.

Samantha looked uncertain, hesitating for a momt before responding, "I wouldn't want to impose…"

Sylvia waved off her concerns with a smile, "I'm sure she wouldn't mind at all! But you can ask her yourself—she's outside waiting in the car with our driver."

Samantha turned to Don, her uncertainty evidt in her eyes. "What do you think, Donnie?"

Don shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant, though inwardly, he saw this as a perfect opportunity to get closer to Claire. "I'm not sure, but it's worth a try," he replied. "Sylvia's mom would definitely be more trustworthy than some random lawyer from a firm."

Aunt Amanda nodded in agreemt, "He's got a point."

Samantha mulled it over for a momt, th nodded as well. "He does. Alright, I'll ask her."

As the decision was made, Summer, who had be quiet for a momt, finally spoke up. "What's the lawyer for anyway?"

Samantha turned to her and explained, "Well, your brother has be offered a spot in the Santos City Elite Hero Program."

Both Sylvia and Summer's eyes wided in shock, and they simultaneously yelled, "What??"

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