Supervillain Idol System: My Sidekick Is A Yandere

Chapter 124: Chapter 124: A New Target (Part 6)

Before either Summer or Sylvia could answer Don, a soft but commanding feminine voice called out, "Sylvia?"

The voice carried a strict elegance that made heads turn, prompting everyone to look toward its source.

A striking woman stood there, wearing an elegant black hat adorned with a ribbon. Her outfit was equally elegant, composed of a form-fitting black dress, black lace gloves, and pearl jewelry. Her short black hair framed a pale, almost porcelain-like face. Black lipstick contrasted sharply with her gray eyes, which were both mesmerizing and intimidating.

Beside her stood a large bald bodyguard, whose mere presce amplified the woman's aura of authority and power.

Don immediately thought, 'Who's this?' But he didn't have to wonder for long. Sylvia turned her head and, with a cheery tone, said, "Hey, Mom!"

The shock hit Don so hard that he almost let his surprise show, but he managed to keep his expression neutral. 'That's her mother?' he thought, incredulous. 'They seem nothing alike. She has to be adopted, right?'

Sylvia's mother maintained a stoic expression as she regarded her daughter. "What are you up to, dear?" she asked, her tone impeccably refined, almost musical, yet hinted with a quiet authority that demanded respect.

She took a momt to glance at Don, her gaze piercing and calculating. Don felt a chill run down his spine as he met her eyes. The intsity of her gaze made him feel as if she could see through him, into the very core of his being. 'She looks like the type who kills people for a hobby,' he thought, his unfazed trait barely keeping him from breaking eye contact.

'But if I look away now, I'll look suspicious.'

The silt exchange lasted only a few seconds, but to Don, it felt like an eternity. Finally, she turned back to Sylvia and said, "You never mtioned you had any male frids."

Don couldn't help but feel like she had referred to him as some sort of exotic animal rather than a person. Despite the overwhelming presce of Sylvia's mother, Sylvia herself remained cheerful and unfazed. "Oh, Mom, this is Summer's brother, Don. We're just out shopping."

Summer, who had be standing with her hands held together nervously, nodded respectfully. Sylvia's mother shifted her atttion to Summer, her gray eyes narrowing slightly. "Oh," she said delicately, as if the word were wrapped in silk. "I had no idea the Bright girl had a brother."

Summer started to respond, "Oh, I—" but before she could finish, the woman's gaze returned to Don, scrutinizing him more closely. Her eyes flicked over him, trying to find a resemblance to Summer, th she asked in that same refined yet commanding tone, "You, boy, what is your name, and how come I'm only hearing of you now?"

Don could practically feel the weight of her words, which felt like they were wrapped in the politess of high society. 'Is she asking or commanding?' he wondered. 'How does one sound so pushy and polite at the same time?'

Noting Summer's nervousness, he realized it would be wise to tread carefully, but he also didn't want to come off as completely subservit. In a respectful tone, he replied, "My name is Don Bright, ma'am. As for why you've never heard of me, it's a ssitive family matter, one I'm not comfortable discussing in a first meeting."

The bald bodyguard beside Sylvia's mother tsed, his eyes narrowing into a deathly stare. Summer looked at Don in disbelief, clearly shocked by his response. But Sylvia's mother simply raised a hand, and the guard immediately relaxed.

She th straighted her posture with a precision that only hanced her allure. "I see," she said, her tone measured. "Th I shall consider this a formal introduction. You may call me Miss Claire."

Don nodded politely. "The pleasure is mine," he said, trying to keep his voice steady.

Miss Claire's gray eyes lingered on him for a momt longer, as if assessing his worth, before she turned to Sylvia. "Sylvia, darling," she began, her tone softing slightly, "care to join me for a little shopping, or will you be staying with your frids?"

Sylvia's eyes lit up. "Woohoo, shopping!" she exclaimed, but Miss Claire quickly shushed her.

"Not so loud, dear," she said with a hint of reprimand, "you'll attract unsavory stares."

She th glanced back at Summer and Don. "Until next time," she said, her voice smooth as velvet, before turning elegantly and walking away, her bodyguard close behind. Sylvia skipped along beside her mother, clearly excited.

As they walked away, Summer inwardly cursed, 'Sylvia, you traitor. How the hell am I supposed to drive home with Donnie alone without things getting awkward? Argh.'

Don turned to Summer, wanting to ask her about the strange counter, but he felt the eyes of Miss Claire's guard still on them, so he decided against it. Instead, he said, "Well, let's get going," and handed her a small bag. "Oh, and I got you this."

Summer, who had be feeling anxious, looked surprised. "Huh? What's this for?"

Don shrugged. "I had a little change, so I bought you something."

Summer oped the bag and found a simple silver bracelet inside. She blushed slightly. "You didn't have to buy me anything, but… whatever, I'll take it."

Don couldn't help but respond with a sarcastic, "How noble of you."

Summer glared at him, but before she could say anything, Don reminded her, "Remember, you have to be nice."

Grumbling, Summer reluctantly said, "Whatever, let's just go."

As they began walking out of the mall, Don felt a sse of satisfaction. 'I handled that situation really well,' he thought, feeling he deserved some sort of reward from the system. But th he shook his head. 'What a stingy system.'

Just as the thought crossed his mind, a system prompt appeared in his field of vision.


**New Objective Launched: Here's Your Aura**

**Objective: Seduce Miss Claire in one year's time**

**Rewards: 5,000 Aura, New Ability: Flight**


Don stopped in his tracks, his eyes widing in disbelief. 'What the fuck? A year? I don't think I could do it in five! Now you're just being petty.'

As if the system were responding to his thoughts, another prompt appeared:


**Objective Updated: Seduce Miss Claire in six months' time**


Don was left speechless, his mind reeling at the impossible task set before him.


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