Supervillain Idol System: My Sidekick Is A Yandere

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: An Unfair Death

It was a little over 9.00 p.m in the small rural town of Michells Hills. Currently a commotion had erupted and small crowd of people could be seen carrying around lit torches and pitchfolks as they yelled, "Death to the home-wrecker!" "Death to the home wrecker!"

At the very front of the crowd, the home-wrecker in question was a man currently tied to the hood of a pickup truck as it slowly drove forward. His features weren't very visible under the dim light but his clear masculine voice could be heard as he spoke in a panicked tone.

"Hey come on guys, let's talk about this."

"Death to the home-wrecker!"

"I swear I didn't know they were married, believe me, I'm sorry!"

"The home-wrecker lies!" One angry mobber yelled out while raising his pitch-folk as he revealed, "He's been sleeping with our daughters and wives ever since he stepped foot into this town!"

The accused man was quick to defend himself. "Hey now you're exaggerating. Seriously, I swear you've got the wrong guy, you're making a mistake!"

"It ain't no mistake boy, I was in the closet when you fucked my wife. All 5 times I just watched ya. I even know every bad word you called her… and all the names she called me. You knew she had a man." The angry mobber argued, causing a few other men to look at him strangely, with one even putting a hand on his shoulder and asking, "You gonna be okay Bill?"

The mobber name Bill maintained an angry face and nodded. "I will be, once we bury this here home wrecker!"

'Shit…' The accused man thought as he continued to struggle and shake, trying to loosen the rope with which he was tied with. 'Dammit, it's too tight.'

As the man reached this conclusion, the vehicle suddenly made a turn into a muddy gravel road before stopping after driving just a few meters.

'Where the fuck did they take me?' The man though, unable to make out any distinguishing landmarks aside from a few scattered trees and long grass.

However his field of view was soon made clearer when some of the men carrying torches came to the front of the car, revealing that it had stopped just a few inches away from a hole in the ground with a poorly made white wooden casket inside.

'Shit, shit, shit…' The man began to struggle more as it became clear that his situation wasn't going to improve. 'These guys are really going to kill me!'

Just as he had that thought, a tall burly man exited the truck and lit a cigarette before approaching. He came to a stop right before the tied man and took a puff of his cigarette before blowing the smoke on the man's face as said, "there's a special place in hell for fucker like you."

After saying that, the burly man removed the cigarette from his mouth and ashed it on the man's forehead before turning away and yelling, "Somebody bring the shovels in the back… let's bury this weasel already."

"Wait! You're making a mistake…" The man tried to argue but at this time two men began to untie his rope while another two held onto his arms.

He began to panic and move his head around while still struggling but just then another mobber suddenly placed a blindfold over his face and stuffed a cloth in his mouth.

"Shut up! Home wrecker!" One man angrily yelled before throwing a gut punch.

*Argh!* *cough* the now blind folded man coughed and groaned in pain, before feeling the ropes he was tied with loosen. Unfortunately he could be barely react to this as in the next moment, he was pushed into the hole.

*Bam!* He landed with a loud thud that caused a wave of pain to be felt all over his body. And although he couldn't tell exactly where, he could feel that he had broken something. 'Fuck…'

He tried to raise his body but felt pain all over and immediately laid back down on the wooden and moist muddy inside of the casket.

*Bam!* Just then he could hear the casket being shut, which prompted him to raise his hands in attempt to feel the top. And sure enough it was closed, not tightly, but closed.

Just as he was holding it thought, the situation got worse as he could feel and hear dirt being put into the hole, with a voice on the outside urging, "Hurry up! We still gotta burn his stuff."

The man in the casket tried to move around but the space he was too small. He tried to yell but the cloth muffled his pleas.

'Dammit! Where the fuck is James!? He's the fucker they're looking for. It can't be coincidence that the fucker just left me here and with his clothes! Fuck!' The man inwardly vented, unable to fully express the unfairness he was feeling in that moment.

'Go to a quiet town they said, it'll be good for the mind they said. Fuck, I'm a goner.'

The longer he laid there, the more oppressive the air became. His breathing grew ragged as the oxygen in the casket dwindled. Each inhalation was a struggle, the cloth in his mouth making it even harder to draw in the precious little air that was left.

He squirmed, his body still aching in pain from the earlier fall. Each movement sent waves of agony through him, but he couldn't stop. He kicked, he punched, he writhed, but the casket held firm.

Soon, his breathing became shallow. The air felt thick, like trying to breathe through a wet cloth. His vision, already darkened by the blindfold, began to fade at the edges. Dizziness overtook him, and a cold sweat broke out across his skin.

The realization of his impending death hit him like a cold wave. 'This is it… I'm really going to die…'

His movements slowed, his body succumbing to the lack of oxygen. His thoughts became disjointed, a chaotic jumble of fear and regret. And then finally, everything went black.

**Congratulations, you have died and awakened the Supervillain Idol System.**

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