Super Gene Ⅱ: Evolution

Chapter 156: 156: Promotion to Alloy

Chapter 156: Chapter 156: Promotion to Alloy


After transporting the corpse of the Supersource Triceratops to the warehouse, Lin Shen and Lei discussed how to deal with the bodies and then went back to his residence alone.

Upon arriving home, he found Wei Wufu right in his own yard, which greatly pleased Lin Shen, as he had many questions he wanted to ask Wei Wufu.

“The freak?” Wei Wufu, seeing Lin Shen, asked directly.

Lin Shen recounted the events to Wei Wufu and also took the opportunity to ask some questions.

Wei Wufu pondered for a long time before he gave his judgement.

As to the origins of the freak, Wei Wufu also had no clue; he had never heard of such a person, nor did he know whether the freak was human or an alien creature.

Unable to clarify the freak’s origins but when it came to some questions about the Ascended Creatures, Wei Wufu was very clear.

To Lin Shen’s disappointment, Wei Wufu said that under normal circumstances, Mutators could not use Ascension Liquid because the energy contained within was too terrifying; even the body of a Crystal-based Creature couldn’t withstand the energy released by the Ascension Liquid instantaneously, and it would cause damage to the body.

The only piece of good news was that Wei Wufu had brought back a Primeval Egg for Lin Shen.

“Wei, can you discern which one of these two Primeval Eggs is of better quality?” Lin Shen took out the Primeval Egg given to him by Tu Xiaodao for Wei Wufu to see.

“Don’t know,” Wei Wufu said, shaking his head directly.

Seeing Lin Shen’s disappointment, Wei Wufu pointed to the Primeval Egg he had brought and said, “Primeval Egg, rare, try it.”

“You say this Primeval Egg is rare?” Lin Shen was somewhat surprised; if Wei Wufu said it was rare, then it must be special.

After asking in detail for quite a while, Lin Shen finally understood why Wei Wufu said this Primeval Egg was rare.

Half a month prior, a Base Mutation Zone beneath Tiancheng, which was originally inconspicuous, erupted with a beast tide, and there were even many Ascended Creatures among them.

After the Wei Family repelled the beast tide, they plunged directly into the Base Mutation Zone, found that Mutation Point, and brought back this Primeval Egg.

They had thought it was an Ascension Primeval Egg, the kind that could allow Mutators to ascend.

However, after testing, they found that it was still an ordinary Primeval Egg, not the kind that could enable Mutators to ascend.

This was very strange because organisms infected by ordinary Primeval Eggs usually have great difficulty reaching Ascension Level.

A Base Mutation Zone infected by this Primeval Egg could give rise to so many Ascended Creatures, it should be an Ascension Primeval Egg, but it wasn’t.

“Wei, what exactly is going on at Tiancheng? Hasn’t the Base Mutation Zone been cleared out after more than two hundred years?” Lin Shen asked with confusion.

“To hold it, very difficult,” Wei Wufu stated.

Lin Shen was shocked and quickly inquired in detail, only then did he learn the severity of Tiancheng’s circumstances.

More than two hundred years ago, transport pods carrying Primeval Eggs scattered across the world, forming many Base Mutation Zones.

At Tiancheng, it wasn’t just a few transport pods that fell, but a damaged transport ship that crashed directly down, smashing into the depths near Tiancheng.

By sheer coincidence, where the transport ship fell was originally a bottomless pit, and the transport ship crashed deep into the earth, exploding in an underground space tens of thousands of meters below.

No one knew how many Primeval Eggs scattered throughout the subterranean space, and for more than two hundred years, the Wei Family had to repel hundreds of beast tides emerging from the cave each year.


The Wei Family had also charged into the underground space multiple times, intending to completely eradicate the primeval eggs therein.

Regrettably, as the Wei family members grew up, so did the base variant creatures in the underground space. Although they had already cleared out hundreds of base mutation zones, the number of base variant creatures seemed to only increase without decrease, leaving them clueless about the amount of primeval eggs still present within.

It could be said that if not for the Wei Family, all of the base variant creatures would have surged out of the underground space, likely dooming the vast majority of human bases.

Because of this, the Wei Family paid a heavy price, with their original lineage of over a thousand members now reduced to merely thirteen.

To defend the underground space, members of the Wei Family hardly ever left Tiancheng.

Those among the Wei Family who were beyond the ascension level had also sacrificed their chance to venture into the universe, staying in Tiancheng to suppress the underground space, never having set foot outside of Tiancheng for their entire lives, all to suppress the terrifying entities that had emerged in the underground space.

The Wei Family of Tiancheng was hailed as humanity’s last line of defense, the strongest of spines, earned through over two hundred years of blood and tears, as well as the ultimate sacrifice of life itself.

“A thousand people for one city, a hundred years for one defense,” these eight words were a legend forged with blood and bone.

Apart from the Wei family members, there were others in Tiancheng, some of whom voluntarily aided the Wei Family in guarding the underground space, while others were mutators sent by major families to support the Wei Family.

Of course, their support was not solely for the Wei Family—what they really coveted were the base mutation resources of the underground space.

After learning the details, Lin Shen understood why someone like Wei Wufu could exist, and perhaps only the Wei Family could have nurtured a person like him.

“Our duty is undeniable,”

When Lin Shen first heard Wei Wufu utter these words, he had thought Wei Wufu was being overly obstinate.

Now that he thought about it, without the Wei Family’s obstinacy, humanity would not be in the position it is today.

“Old Wei, do you have enough primeval eggs for your own ascension?” Lin Shen asked with a sigh.

Wei Wufu did not speak, but instead used his base mutation power, and a purple crystal carapace enveloped his entire body.

“Ascended to crystal base,” Lin Shen felt immensely pleased in his heart.

Putting away the primeval eggs that Old Wei had given him, Lin Shen returned to his own room, planning to use the primeval eggs for ascension into alloy that very day.

Since even Wei Wufu said he did not know how much longer Tiancheng could hold out, once Tiancheng fell, it would be too late to live the life of a carefree wealthy man—he had to rapidly enhance his level.

Having arranged everything, Lin Shen took out the primeval egg Wei Wufu had given him and swallowed it directly.

The moment the primeval egg slid into his stomach, a chill spread in Lin Shen’s belly, rapidly filling his entire body and making him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Unlike the first time, no cocoon formed, as the base mutation carapace automatically surfaced, covering Lin Shen’s entire body.

However, the base mutation carapace was not solid this time, but moved like a thick liquid.

Evolution Theory automatically began to operate, deepening the chill to the bone marrow.

Gradually, the cold sensation vanished, his body growing hotter and hotter along with the carapace, which felt like molten iron adhering to Lin Shen’s body, twisting, moving, and morphing.

In a trance, Lin Shen seemed to see a figure of light overlapping with his own body. The liquid moved along the contours of the figure, slowly solidifying into the same shape as the light.

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