Struggling as a Villain

Chapter 137: Chapter 136- Prepare

Amelia had a good impression of Ethan until now. She has heard about him from Richard once or twice, and even during the assessment, he behaved quite well with others.

His involvement in helping Richard was something that made her feel that he might become an ally on whom Richard, at some point, could rely.

However, she was wrong. Utterly wrong.

When Amelia was at her most vulnerable stage, and Ethan was aware of it, he took advantage of her situation and kidnapped her.

And now, she was sitting in some random place, being tied by ropes and her ether completely suppressed.

In an icy voice, she asked, "What intention do you hold for abducting me? Are you risking your life for a few gold coins?"

Ethan raised his brows, and asked in pure astonishment, "The only thing you can think of is ransom? Really? Do you think I would dare touch the daughter of the renowned Duke for money? Ah, I expected a lot more from you, Amelia."

His voice held that edge that made him look different from how he had presented himself until now. For a moment, she thought it was Ethan's clone currently in front of her, but with the Headmaster's presence in the academy, it was highly unlikely for the clone to dare enter the island once again.

Then it means the person in front of her is, indeed, Ethan.

Sitting down on the ground, Ethan calmly told her, "I don't hold a grudge against you, Miss, but since you chose a problematic partner to build a romance with, you're involved in his mess as well."

Amelia's gaze darkened, "What Richard is doing is none of your concern."

Ethan's smile vanished as, with a snarl, he spat, "It has to do with me, Amelia. Your boyfriend has chosen to resurrect something which shall not exist. He has taken the side of evil, and I, as the Emissary Of Light, hold the responsibility to stop him."

"So you chose the method of a coward and kidnapped me to stop Richard, huh?" Her insult was met by silence, making Amelia growl.

Leaning forward, she stated in a grave voice, "Listen, Ethan, I don't know what is the matter with you, but the moment I realise that I can become a hindrance to Richard's goal, I swear I won't think twice before killing myself. So it's better you steel your nerves since my death would bring hell upon you."

Ethan's eyes no longer held amusement as he stared at Amelia blankly for a few moments before getting up.

"Don't make much noise, Miss Amelia; no one is gonna come to save you." Saying so, he disappeared from the place.


It has been eight months since Richard began working under the contract and regularly got into contact with Blaze.

He has been remodelling swords for eighteen hours a day, one hour in other activities and the remaining time in bed.

He has gotten used to his work so much that even while being half asleep, he ends up hammering a sword back into its original shape without a single error.

Once in a while, he went to battle people in the arena as well; however, considering the number of people he had slaughtered, it was inevitable for only a few of them to be here.

To not completely desolate the floor, Richard asked Blaze to bring prisoners from other floors, and he readily agreed.

At some point, Brad and Jasmine arrived on the third floor through a monthly inspection as well. And thanks to Brad's presence Richard was no longer getting bored during work.

And about Jasmine...then she somehow reminded him of Violet. Awkward, mysterious and devoted to serving him.

She brought him his lunch, arranged his bed, and even sometimes massaged his shoulders after work. Considering how blissful she looked while serving him, Richard also didn't feel the guilt of making her work for him.

About his kill count, then, he had already reached seventy-thousand eight hundred, and only twenty thousand two hundred remained before he could leave this place and heal his family.

His stats have improved as well, but he wasn't focusing on that.

Thanks to the fact that he can now build a whole weapon from scratch allowed him to hasten his kill counts.

Now, back to the present.

"Here you go," Brad extended the leather belt towards Richard which he had to bind around the handle of the blade he was making.

With careful hands, he wound the thick leather belt around it, pulling it tight. His fingers worked with a steady rhythm, securing the belt in place with small knots. As he tugged the last end, the sword felt different—gripped better, more sure in his hand.

He stood, testing the feel by swinging it lightly in the air. The new grip held firm, offering more control with each move.

Satisfied, he rested the newly made sword inside the bracket before seeing it disappear instantly.

He looked at the counting panel and found he had gained over twenty targets for today.

"It still baffles me," Hearing those words, Richard raised his brows as he heard Brad adding, "Like you forming a contract with the authorities and then having prisoners being served to you like this. Seriously, you are one lucky bastard."

Richard shrugged, "Maybe I am. After all, I didn't think that with that pace with which I was killing people, I could have reached anywhere near my goal within time."

Brad sighed, "Maybe you are destined to become a blacksmith and Endless Hold made you realise your talent."

Richard hummed, "You might be true. I was also thinking of having my own forge once I return. After all,.the way I have become addicted to this I don't think I will be able to live for more than a few days away from hammer and anvil."

Brad was about to suggest something when suddenly Jasmine appeared inside the cell, "Master, I have brought a blueberry jam sandwich for you~"

There was a happy smile on her face, as she hoped inside the forge.

Brad has nearly forgotten about her previous attitude which she maintained back on the base floor towards the others.

"Huh?" Noticing Brad Jasmine uttered, "You are still here? Annoying..."

...well, not completely he has forgotten.

"Okay then, I will be taking my leave," Brad said as he retired for the day and returned to his cell, which was just across from Richard's.

Richard chuckled seeing that reaction as he washed his hands and took the sandwich from the girl.

Looking at her flushed cheeks, and stretched lips, he couldn't help but ask, "How can you look so happy about something so trivial?"

Jasmin shyly giggled which made her bountiful bust shake, as she replied, "Satiating Master Richard's hunger gives me pleasure."

Richard halted while chewing and told her, "You gotta work on your phrasing."

She giggled mischievously hearing that, making Richard roll his eyes.

While eating, he asked her, "How long are you sentenced to remain here?"

Jasmine smiled in glee, "As long as my master is here."

Richard scoffed, "You know this isn't some grocery store where you can enter and exit on your will, right?"

Jasmine nodded, "I am aware, master, but don't worry, Jasmine will be with her master despite how challenging it becomes."

Richard didn't know what he should say here, so he focused on his dinner and once finished, he wiped his hands and walked out of the chamber.

There, Blaze was unexpectedly waiting for him with all the prisoners lined up to be executed.

Richard extended his hand toward them and released Hell Blaze upon the lot as he asked the man, "What do you want now?"

Every time Blaze appeared before him, it was something related to the forge. And as he expected, this time as well,

"We want you to make a scythe this time. We will be sup-"

"Not possible." Richard outrightly rejected it. He has recently got the hang of making a sword, and now, Blaze is asking him to make something so complicated, like a scythe.

Blaze's smile didn't falter; he was now accustomed to getting interrupted by Richard so he just continued,

"Naturally, we will supply materials for the weapon and as a reward, we will grant you a hundred prisoners!"

Jasmine beamed hearing that as with her fists bumped, she excitedly looked at her master.

However, Richard didn't speak for a brief moment before demanding, "Two hundred prisoners and a specific one from the fourth floor. His name is Hazard, a big fat man with a round tattoo on his head. You must know him, right?"

Blaze, with a wide smile, extended his hand for a shake as he said, "Deal. But you only got three days to make one, okay?"

Richard heaved a sigh as he shook his hand and said, "Guess, you guys want to overwork me to death."

Now Jasmine was glaring at Blaze, making the latter embarrassed as he said,

"I will now take my leave before your maid ends up clawing my face."

Saying so, Blaze bowed slightly and his figure disappeared.

Left alone, Richard turned toward Jasmine, and told her, "I need you,"

"S-So suddenly? I-I haven't e-even bathe-"

"Jasmine, focus. You need to help me pull this off, got it."

Hearing his words, Jasmine instantly nodded, "Whatever you command, my lord."


A/N:- Her picture will be posted in a few days. Thanks for reading.

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