Strongest Superhuman System

Chapter 142: Two In a Month Is Madness!

Arit spoke up worriedly as she saw the frown on Mark's face and Mark quickly relaxed into a smile.

"Yeah, I'm good. Are you comfortable?"

Mark waited for Arit to get comfortable on the bike first and she nodded before he revved it up and took off down the street. He was about to turn into the street leading to the hotel when his phone suddenly started to ring. Mark narrowed his eyes as he recognized Patrick's ringing tone.

Mark stopped the bike and clicked the AirPods in his ear while looking toward the west side of the city. Is that smoke?

"Pat, what happened?"

[Calamity class. It came from the sewers and made its way to a building close to your location. The superhumans there are all A ranks or lower; they don't stand a chance against it. I know you and your wife are on your honeymoon, but you need to go handle this.]

Mark frowned as he kept his gaze fixed on the horizon. What the hell was going on in the city? This was already the second calamity class in the past month that appeared in the city, and Mark knew that this was not normal. He would have to figure out what was going on after he was done dealing with the Anima.

"How many civilians are around?"

[Too many to count. Just wear your mask and get out there. People are dying, Mark.]

"Okay. I'm on my way."

Patrick immediately cut the phone once he heard Mark say that he was going, and Mark parked the bike and told Arit to get off. He told her what Patrick said as he took off his jacket and outer shirt and handed it to her.

Arit's eyes were wide as she collected the shirt from him and held it tight. She watched Mark putting on his mask and a pair of black gloves, and she felt some fear in her heart as she knew that he was about to go do something dangerous. Arit didn't want him to go.

This was the first time since he saved her that he would be going to fight like this, and it was finally dawning on her that he was always going into these dangerous situations.

She wanted to tell him not to go, but she knew that it would be selfish for her to say something like that right now, so instead, she just told him to be careful.

"It's just a calamity. I'll come back before you know I'm gone, I promise. You two get back to the hotel and wait for me, okay?"

'I don't think I've ever heard anyone say something like 'it's just a calamity' before.'

Arit couldn't help but think like this as she felt some reassurance from the way Mark addressed the unbelievably dangerous situation. If he thinks that a calamity is nothing, then she was sure he would be fine.

"Alright. Stay safe."

Mark nodded before he suddenly blasted off the ground and towards a building roof in the distance. He zoomed over the building and disappeared.

Arit looked down to see that Talia was frowning as she watched Mark leave. Arit knew that Talia must be remembering how her grandfather left to fight and never came back. Arit just smiled.

"Mark is strong, Talia. He'll be fine."

Talia just huffed as she turned and started walking towards the hotel. Talia wanted to ask Mark if she could come with him. Talia would usually go with her grandfather to fight against Anima because she was strong enough to survive against weak Disaster classes while using her blessing.

And if the monster was too strong, then she would just stay behind and rescue civilians who got involved in the situation unknowingly. But from how quickly Mark left, she could barely get her words out to ask him before he was gone. She could only hope that Mark would be okay.

They weren't very far from the hotel, so there was no need for them to call a cab, and since Arit couldn't ride a bike to save her life, they had to walk.

Arit sped up her pace to walk beside Talia and she put out her hand. Talia looked up at Arit and Arit smiled down at her kindly. After a few moments, Talia finally huffed and took Arit's hand. Arit's smile widened.

"Let's get some ice cream while waiting for Mark. And I'm sure he'll want something to eat when he gets back, so should we cook too? What do you think?"

"...I want strawberry ice cream."


[Warning! Warning! This is a general broadcast to all citizens. There is a battle ongoing in your vicinity, and all citizens are advised to find shelter or evacuate from the area. This is not a drill! All citizens are advised to find shelter or evacuate from the vicinity!

The danger level is Calamity Class! This is not a drill!]

On the other side of the city, there was a mad rush as people ran away from the fight that was currently happening inside a large shopping mall in the center of a shopping district!



"Run! It's a Calamity Class!"

"Another one!? We just saw one the other day! Two calamity classes in one month is madness!?"

"Mummy! Mummy!"

"Come on, we'll find your mummy later! We have to get out of here!"

People were in a frenzy as they desperately tried to get out of the danger zone where the fight was happening. There were currently five superhumans on-site fighting against the Calamity class that appeared. Three of them were B-rank superhumans, and the other two were A-rank.

One of the A ranks was a woman wearing a skintight red outfit that clung to her body like a second skin! She had red hair and a pretty oval face that was currently contorted in a grimace of pain as she jumped back from a swing from the massive monster that was in front of her.

Her name was Selina, but all the people online knew her as CATWOMAN, and she was an A-rank superhuman blessed by the Egyptian god Anubis. Her blessing gave her enhanced strength and flexibility that was on par and even greater than any feline in the world. She could contort, bend, and twist her body to levels that were considered impossible for anyone else.

She also had enhanced precision in movement and the ability to remain on her feet even if she landed in unbalanced positions after a fight. Selina was someone who cared a lot about her image, so she was very active on social media, and she was known to post thirst traps and sexy lingerie pictures that gained her a massive male following. She was basically a sexy red vixen.

But at this moment, Selina was not at all interested in how the people saw her. She was terrified.

No, in fact, she was more than terrified. Selina couldn't see any chance of them winning against a monster like this. She could usually see a pathway to winning a fight after just a few moments of exchanging blows with an enemy, but Selina had never fought against something this powerful before. This monster was beyond anything she had ever seen.

"CAT! Get your head in the game! We have to keep it busy to make sure everyone else can escape!"

The person who shouted at Selina was the other rank superhuman fighting the beast. He was a man wearing cargo pants and a black tank top; he carried a baseball bat made from titanium in his hand and brandished it like a weapon as he faced off against the Anima. His name was Derek, and he was blessed by the goddess of hunting, Artemis.

Derek had very sharp instincts that allowed him to avoid blows that would otherwise be fatal to other A ranks, so he was capable of moving in close to the Anima and facing it head-on to give the other superhumans a chance to attack from a distance.

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