Strongest Superhuman System

Chapter 139: What Do You Mean There Is No One There?

"What do you mean there is no one there?"

A woman sitting in the backseat of a chrome black Vanitas car was frowning out at the man standing beside her car door. The woman inside the car was Luna, the strongest female superhuman in America, and she was talking to one of her guild members who wt to check on Mark's apartmt.

There were three lavish Vanitas luxury cars currtly parked outside Mark's former apartmt building, and the woman was in the back of the middle car while speaking to the man in an annoyed tone. She came here to talk to Mark about joining her guild, and she ev brought a gift for him, but this man was telling her that Mark was not in the building.

"Sorry ma'am, we ev asked the neighbors and they all said that they saw some m moving his furniture out of the building a few days ago. I think he moved after the media exposed his idtity. It's not uncommon for new superhumans to do that since the media would always hound them after they come out."

Luna sighed softly as she turned a and stared at the road leading down the street. She wanted to do this and finish it before eving so she could go get some rest, but Mark was becoming more trouble than she thought he would be.

"Find out where he currtly lives as soon as possible. I'll be staying at the Red Lotus for now, so once you're done with your inquiry, come and tell me immediately."

Luna was from another city far from the coast of America called City S. The city was too far away for her to think of going back home today, so she would just stay at the hotel for now and try to give Mark one more chance to appear so that she could talk to him.

If he does not show up, th she would just leave some of her m in the city and tell them to continue looking for him while she goes back to City S.

Luna decided to stay at the Red Lotus Hotel since it was the safest place in this city. She didn't really care about being attacked by anima, but she cared about being hounded by reporters. There were too many people in this city who would fall over themselves if they found out that she was ev in their geral vicinity and try their hardest to get an interview or statemt from her.

She would rather not have to deal with all that. The Red Lotus had a very impressive security detail that was led by an S-rank superhuman hired by the hotel, and the weakest security guard at the hotel was a C-rank. That gave Luna ough assurance for her to put her privacy in their hands.

Luna put on her sunglasses and told the driver to start moving towards the hotel so that they could lodge.

The next two weeks were filled with many days of staying indoors and training for Mark and Arit. There was hardly any interaction with the outside world other than the occasional trips to the grocery store, and wh they would go out to get fresh air with Talia. But for the most part, they stayed indoors.

Mark started to teach Arit how to control her strgth. The first thing that he taught her was something that he did as a daily exercise wh he was still learning how to control his own strgth. He would tape an egg to his hand and use it to move a the house all day. He would try to hold onto the egg while going through the day without breaking it.

Wh Arit tried this exercise for the first time, she immediately broke the egg before she could ev walk three steps. Her hand was wrapped a the egg like she was gripping it, so her mind's first reaction was to grip her hand tighter whever she was faced with any situation. That was what made the task so difficult.

It was hard ough for her to not break the egg with her regular human strgth, trying to keep the egg intact while not knowing if her inner strgth would come out or not was too much!

By the d of a week, Arit and Mark had gone through thirty-five cases of eggs, and the hotel was starting to become worried whever Mark asked them to bring up a new crate of eggs. Hanna - the manager of the hotel - was starting to think that Mark and Arit were using the eggs for some sort of sexual play. Were they pouring eggs on each other while fucking? That's messed up!

Using baby chicks like that should be a crime!

Hanna told Mark that the local supermarket was running out of sellable eggs, and they had to start going to a more distant supermarket to get the eggs which cost more, and Mark just told them to keep the eggs coming no matter how expsive it gets.

Arit was also going for her session with Jeanne on the days that Jeanne said she would be free. Jeanne was a busy person, and she worked for almost the tire day without pause, but she managed to bring out two hours for Arit on both Saturdays and Sundays as well as an hour on some weekdays. This gave Arit a good chance to ask Jeanne any questions that she wanted to while also going through therapy.

Mark and Talia would sometimes go out with Arit wh she was going for her sessions. There was nothing to do in the house, so Mark decided to take Talia to the park whever Arit wt out to meet Jeanne.

At first, there was a lot of noise and excitemt from the people a the hotel whever Mark came out with Talia, but the people in and a the hotel were slowly starting to get used to Mark being here, so they were not as shocked to see him as usual.

He could move a with Talia without being swarmed by curious people who wanted an autograph, and since the hotel prohibits reports from coming within a kilometer of the land, he didn't have to worry about reporters who wanted to ask questions for one magazine or another, and that gave Mark a lot more freedom than before.

There had not be a serious Anima attack that needed his atttion in a while, and Mark saw these momts as a vacation of sorts that just allowed him to joy himself without worrying about the d of the world.

But there was no such thing as a vacation in this accursed world.

Mark didn't know it, but there were two people who were constantly watching him as he moved a with his small family. The first of these two was a woman that rectly moved into the Red Lotus.

Luna was always watching Mark.

She found out about Mark being in this hotel less than three days after moving in. She didn't ev need her m to tell her since she was able to see him in the lobby of the hotel on some random day wh she was down there trying to pay for her reservation at the restaurant. It was such a surreal experice.

Meeting the person that you have be looking for for such a long time and seeing them walking right past you without a care in the world must be one of the strangest experices that Luna has ever had.

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