Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World

Chapter 48: The Runaway Princess

Chapter 48: The Runaway Princess

After a moment of surprise, the two women quickly regained their composure.

The blonde-haired girl lifted her head and said with a huff, Northwest Bay or not, as long as they cant find us, its fine.

Paul was struck by her demeanor and tone, which felt oddly familiar. After a moment of reflection, he realized she was acting tsundere, a term he thought was exclusive to fictional worlds before he crossed over. Seeing it in real life was unexpectedly exciting.

Where are you ladies from? Paul asked again, his tone exceedingly polite. He had noticed the decorations on the blonde girls cloak, which were not something ordinary people or even nobles could afford. This wasnt something money could easily buy.

Paul remembered seeing a similar style of decoration in a portrait from his childhood, in a collection owned by the older Grayman. It depicted a significant figure from some country. This girl, he realized, must have a notable background.

It seemed prudent to be courteous with these two.

Were from the Gabella Empire, said the blonde girl, introducing herself as Betty Dias, a wandering scholar. The other woman, Mary, was introduced as her guard.

Another scholar? Paul wondered, finding it suspicious. Ladis attire seemed more fitting for a scholar. Regardless, he didnt intend to pry into their affairs, whether they were runaway nobles or exiled royalty. As long as they werent breaking the law, he wouldnt interfere, unless they caused serious trouble like kidnapping or murder.

This led him to consider establishing a public security department to manage the territorys law and order.

Who are these people? the blonde-haired girl asked while Paul was lost in his thoughts.

Oh, sorry, the horsemen are my subordinates, and the others are from the Lichman Adventure Team from the south. Actually, it was Miss Ladi, the green-haired lady over there, who killed the black-spotted tiger with her arrows. Shes a scholar like yourself.

Paul felt a bit ashamed for forgetting to introduce the person who played the biggest role in their rescue.

The two women bowed in gratitude to Ladi, their manners impeccable, further convincing Paul of their noble origins.

Ladi returned the gesture, her gaze briefly lingering on the self-proclaimed scholar.

The taller woman asked, Is there a place nearby where we can stay?

Paul pointed eastward with his whip, If you travel east for half a day, youll reach Lakeheart Town, where my residence is located. Youre welcome to accompany us there, if you dont mind.

Then well trouble the Count, they replied.

When the group returned to the resting spot, Quellers eyes widened in surprise: had Paul just returned with two beautiful women after a classic hero-saves-the-damsel episode?

Paul arranged for the two women to ride in the wagon with the Lichman Adventure Team and ordered the troops to continue their journey to Lakeheart Town, the rest of the way passing in silence.

As evening approached, the troop arrived at Lakeheart Town. The soldiers were dismissed for two hours of free time before returning to their barracks for rest. Queller Foster and the members of the adventure team were arranged by Paul to rest in the lords castle. The two girls who had joined them midway inquired about the location of an inn, and after bidding farewell, they went to stay at the inn on their own.

Paul, shaking his head and slightly regretful, thought to himself, Really, wouldnt it be safer and better to stay directly in my castle?

He entered the grand gate of the lords manor where Philip, the castles steward, and Ford, the seal bearer, were already there to welcome him.

Paul cheerfully said to them, Ah, you two, Ive missed you during this time. Weve won a great victory!

The two men hurriedly complimented him, Congratulations, Lord Count, Lord Count, your military strategy is divine.

Has everything been normal in Lakeheart Town during my absence? Paul asked.

Ford, the steward, replied, Everything is normal, my lord. However, the royal commissioner who left some time ago has returned?

The royal commissioner? Paul was momentarily puzzled, then he remembered, Oh! Baron Hansel Abbott. I thought Lord Baron was scared back to the capital by pirates, haha! Whats he here for this time?

Baron Abbott is actually stationed here as a representative of the royal family. But it seems he has returned this time to discuss important matters with you.

Paul twisted his mouth, Thinking of his last visit makes me angry. But let bygones be bygones. Ill meet him tomorrow.

Ford briefed Paul about the sales of the new paper and the expansion of the paper mill, among other matters. The situation was quite promising; even in the culturally backward northwest region, their products were selling well. If they could reach the affluent regions, it would be even better.

They also discussed the affairs of Port Fran, including the public trial, the establishment of a navy, the building of ocean-going ships, opening up trade, and the rescue of Queller, the son of the Foster Marquis of the Horn Bay Alliance, from pirates.

Fords eyes lit up upon hearing this and strongly suggested that the Count develop a good relationship with young Master Foster. With the Foster familys connections, they could sell their goods in the commercially advanced southern regions.

So, lets invite young Master Foster to dinner tonight, and you, Ford, stay as well. Lets enhance the friendship between our families, the Count decided.

In the only inn of Lakeheart Town, in a superior room, the two beautiful women saved by Ladie were staying here.

Your Highness, shall we set off eastward tomorrow?

How about we stay here for a while? What do you think, Leah?

Indeed, these two were Princess Eileen of the Kingdom of Ordo and her female bodyguard Leah, who had secretly run away from the capital.

Upon learning that her father intended to marry her to Duke Viburen of the eastern territories, Princess Eileen, in a fit of defiance, fled home with her personal bodyguard.

They had originally planned to detour through the northeast to seek refuge with her mothers family in the Gabella Empire. However, due to their lack of sense of direction, they ended up in the northwest bay.

Fortunately, the princess had brought her private savings and jewelry with her, so they did not lack food or clothing on their journey. Their noble attire and Leahs swordsmanship deterred many with ill intentions.

Still, for the princess, who had grown up in the royal palace, the journey of more than half a month had reached her limit of endurance.

That morning, suspecting they were being followed, they galloped into the forest and encountered a black-spotted tiger while resting. Their mounts fled, leaving them to confront the beast. Fortunately, Paul and his group passing by rescued them.

Although her royal upbringing allowed the princess to maintain a facade of calm, her exhaustion was nearing a breaking point.

The encounter with the tiger left a deep psychological scar on her. Had it not been for the rescue, she and Leah might have perished.

Continuing the journey promised more dangers, but returning to the capital to comply with her fathers arrangements was even less appealing to the princess.

Lets stay in Lakeheart Town for now. The lord here doesnt seem like a bad person, and the place is remote with limited communication. As long as we hide well, it should be quite difficult for those from the capital to find us.

After thinking for a while, Leah agreed, Then lets do that, Your Highness. Since thats the case, staying in an inn isnt a long-term solution. Ill look around the town tomorrow to see if we can buy a house to settle in.

Thank you for your efforts, Leah.

Another reason for the princesss decision to stay temporarily in Lakeheart Town was their poor sense of direction; continuing their journey might take them ages to reach the Gabella Empire.

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