Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition

Chapter 31: Super-High Risk Primal Psyker Ability

There were two common ways to use Psionic Energy in the universe.

One of the most common was to just use it basically; technically speaking, one could use the Psionic Energy to make some basic things, like performing blasts of the Raw Psionic Energy or using it to strengthen physical attributes during combat.

It was used without any specific effects, and such people were Classified as Psionicists. Even they, with their limited usage of the Psionic Energy, were far superior to the Warriors because one Psionicist could defeat several Warriors of the same Grade.

And above the Psionictists were Psykers. Not only could Psykers use the Psionic Energy far better than Psionicists, but at the same time, Psykers also awakened their own Psyker Ability, giving them far higher combat prowess and development potential.

[Displaying status.]

Soon enough, after he heard the notice from the Star Citizen Online System, his character sheet appeared in front of his eyes.

[Name: Arcturus Al-Yesod Crawford

Race: Asuryan Human

Classification: Psyker / Warrior

Psyker Ability: Dimension Empyrean (Super-High Risk Primal Psyker Ability)

Grade: Psionics - N/A, Physique: Epsilon-Grade


Skills: Basic Swordsmanship (Level 5 Master - 47%)

Abilities: Regeneration (Epsilon), Enhanced Senses, Enhanced Thinking and Learning

Innate Abilities: N/A

Augmentations: Neural Extranet Terminal Gene Implants]

Though he noticed his percentage in the Basic Swordsmanship went up, he mostly focused on the Psyker Ability that he awakened as he clinked on it, and soon enough, the entire status screed warped and displayed the description for it.

[Psyker Ability: Dimension Empyrean

Type: Original Ability

Rank: Super-High Risk Primal

Uniqueness: Primal Variation

Description: The Dimension Empyrean is the first time Original Ability, meaning that it is only one of its kind. At the same time, it is also Super-High Risk Psyker Ability of Primal Variation, which allowed the Psyker to enhance his overall abilities, tremendously increasing affinity for the Psionic Energy and Attunement for it.

Dimension Empyrean has three basic abilities:

1st - Psionic Energy Realm: The User has his own Dimension in his very own soul, which is akin to the everchanging realm of pure Psionic Energy and Empyrean Power.

2nd - Empyrean Manifestation: The User can manifest the Empyrean Power in the Realspace, can use it to enhance attacking power and so on...

3rd - Aether Conversion: The User can convert anything with Psionic Origin and absorb it into the Dimension Empyrean, growing the strength of the Dimension while at the same time also increasing his Empyrean Power.]

Arcturus understood the value and reason why the Dimension Empyrean was classified as the Super-High Risk Primal Development Psyker Ability from the start. Even the basic abilities of the Psyker Ability were actually very useful and powerful if someone knew how to use them accordingly.

The Psionic Energy Realm was basically priceless because while it didn't give any direct offense or defensive bonus, it was something that was far more valuable. He would have basically tremendous storage of Psionic Energy in his soul.

This would give him the capability to fight in prolonged battles far longer than average Warrior, Psionicists, or Psyker could; not to mention, at the altered date, he would be able to spam many attacks of Psionic nature without any problem.

From what he understood and sensed within his soul, the Empyrean Power was dangerous, extremely destructive in nature, and could corrupt anything it touched. Meaning it was a no-go zone for most people.

So the fact that the 2nd Ability of the Dimension Empyrean was a manifestation of the Empyrean Power into the realspace, could tremendously enhance his combat prowess in one go during the combat.

The 3rd Ability was something that would allow him to basically expand and upgrade the realm inside his soul and fill it with Psionic Energy and Empyrean Power.

[Psionic Attunement Hidden Attribute has been revealed.]

[Due to awakening Super-High Risk Primal Development Psyker Ability Dimension Empyrean hosts' Psionic Attunement has been increased.]

[Psionic Attunement: Superior (0%)]

[Attunement Ranks (Psionics):

Common - Average Psionic Potential for development.

Advanced - Strong Psionic Potential for development; people in this category have strong attunement for Psionic Energy and talent, giving them an easier time advancing through Grades. Aside from that, they have a chance of awakening strong Psyker Ability.

Superior - Potential ranked 1 in a hundred million; people with Superior Attunement for the Psionic Energy are destined to become Psykers and awaken powerful Psyker Ability. They also have a highly unnatural talent for the Psionic Energy Manipulation and

Cosmic - Psionic Potential of Cosmoc-scale, bordering the mortal possibilities. Only one person with Cosmic Attunement may be born in trillions over several centuries, and each of them is destined for greatness. Having such Attunement guarantees that one would obtain a High-Level Developer Psyker Ability. ]

In fact, he didn't expect that he would have such good Psionic Attunement; perhaps the prospects of his Isekai Life started looking good. He suspected that the Psionic Attunements could be somehow upgraded and evolved...

He wondered how powerful the Superior Psionic Attunement looked like and how it would ease him in the cultivation of the Psionic Powers. Now that he became Psyker and even obtained Super-High Risk Primal Psyker Ability, he was aware that he would need to train as much as possible to increase his strength.

The real power wasn't really in the edges of the Chronus Expanse; only deeper in the Chronus Expanse were there truly powerful people. Right now, Arcturus was operating in the so-called safe zone for newbies.

He wanted to get into the place where the big players were, because only there he could find contracts that were worth tons of Universe Credits or where he could find precious resources.

'Perhaps I should seek advice from the old man Byrmellir... he always looked far more important than he pretended to be. Maybe he is some super strong person living as a hermit...'

For this thought, he decided to ask Master Artist Byrmellir for advice because there was not much about developing Super-High Risk Psyker Ability on the Extranet and Imperial NetSphere.

That was mainly because every single Super-High Risk Psyker Ability was unique on its own, and Arcturus possessed Super-High Risk Psyker Ability of Primal Variation and Origin Type, so there had never been such an ability before.

He needed someone who could guide him, or rather he wanted because he knew that while having Super-High Risk Psyker Ability was good, but... there were some hidden dangers that he wasn't really keen on exploring.

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