Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition

Chapter 20: Training

Rylon Star System, Lycrugos Starfort, Inner District, Lycuros Dojo, Several Days Later

Typically, a dojo is located in a quiet area, away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. It was a standalone building, a very large building, in fact, and in very different architecture to that of what was considered the standard of the Eternal Imperium of Asurya.

In the heart of the dojo, there was a training area where the martial artists were training.

The floor is usually covered with tatami mats or specialized flooring to provide a comfortable and safe surface for training. Mirrors were lined on one or more walls to allow practitioners to observe and correct their techniques.

"You are getting better... it seems that your learning capabilities are indeed astounding."

In the middle of the training area of the Lycuros Dojo, two people were locked in very intense sparring against each other. Arcturus was sparring against the master of the Dojo, an elderly-looking Asuryani Highborne who had a short white beard and shining purple eyes.

"Thank you, Master Byrmellir."

Arsit Byrmellir was master of the local dojo, and the man who had been teaching Arcturus for the few past days. He was elderly Asuryni, who was over three hundred years old, but at the same time, he was also Psionics that was something that Arcturus knew for sure.

Aside from that, the elderly man was total enigma, because he didn't knew his strength, but it must be really something frightening... to the point where even General in the command of the Starfort Lycurgos was acting respectfully to the Master Byrmellir.

That was something that Arcturus noticed a few days ago when the General in the command was visiting Arsit Byrmellir for something. Arcturus was living in the dojo, because the elederly Asuryani Highborne, was very keen on training him.

At first, Arcturus suspected, that it was because of his Skill of Basic Swordmanship at the Level 5 Master. But that was just a misconception, when the old man started teaching him different martial skills, and that was when Arcturus started realizing something.

The one thing he realized was that he had a very high aptitude for combat. Just a few hours after they started sparring, Arcurus already started learning from the Arsit Byrmellir at astonishing speed even for the elderly dojo master.

[Proficiency with the Skill Basic Swordsmanship is rising.]

[Proficiency of the Skill Basic Swordsmanship is at Level 5 - 38%.]

Sparring with someone as skilled as Aris Byrmellir was tremendously beneficial to Arcturus because he was not only getting a sparring partner, but actually, he was getting guidance from the elderly master.

He was correcting the mistakes he was making, pointing out the things he could do better, and so on... at the same time, he was also teaching Arcturus some more advanced sword styles because he knew that Arcturus didn't have any.

"When are you planning to leave?"

It was already soon enough time for Arcturus to leave for the Helios IV to complete the mission from the Star Mercenary Association and claim several bounties from the Bounty Hunter Guild.

The Votann Dwarf forged for him a few of protections, mostly, gaunlets, leg protectors and chestplate, only for the protection of vital areas and places that were used for the combat.

It was of superb quality, but that was also natural as it was forged by the Force Forger.

"Tomorrow... though I will return immediately after I complete the Mission. In the end, with my strength, the outer edges of the Chronus Expanse are suitable for my development."

The entire Chronus Expanse was rather safe in what Arcturus heard, at least from what he read about the Chronus Expanse which was one of the major Regions in the North-Western Regions.

The outer fringes of the Chronus Expanse were safe for him because, according to everything that Alice gathered through the Extranet and NetSphere, there were not many powerful Psionics or any powerful entities within the outer fringes of the Chronus Expanse.

On top of that, most of the Chronus Expanse, namely the Core Area, Inner Area, and parts of the Outer Area, were the territories of the Eternal Imperium of Asurya. The Throne World Asurya was located in the Core Area of the Chronus Expanse.

"That is indeed truth... within these few Star Segements that were bordering the Wildstar Region don't really have many powerful threats and Psionics. Most of them are congregating on the demilitarized zone with Veren Republic."

The outer parts of the Chronus Expanse didn't really contain many powerful entities or powerful Space Beasts, in fact, so according to the Space Exploration Guild, it was considered a relatively safe zone.

"You should return as soon as possible; we have a lot of work to do..."

Arcturus could see that the elderly man wanted to take him as a student probably, or at least he thought so, but that was for the future thing to happen.

"Master Byrmellir, how does one awaken as Psionics?"

Arcturus asked, because what he wanted right now the most probably was to become Psyker and command the overwhelming might of the Psionics users. He saw some videos on the net showing how much power they wielded...

The ability to use the mind to induce paranormal phenomena. They are present to various degrees in various species. The presence of Psionic Powers within a species is rare, and is dictated by their structural makeup.

"All members of the Asuryani Higborne awaken as Psykers when the time is right; some who could not awaken will need to awaken manually."

This was already something that Arcturus knew because he was aware that all members of the Asuryani Highborne, after some time, awakened as Psykers, or at least the majority of them did after they reached high enough Warrior Grade in their Physique.

This was something that wasn't necessary for the ordinary Asuryani or other species in general but rather a result of the gene engineering of the Asuryani as a whole. The Psionic Powers and Psyker Abilities were dangerous and powerful.

Many Psykers were killed by overusing their own power when they couldn't handle their own abilities, and some even died from the overwhelming power of the Psionic Energy as their bodies couldn't handle the destructive energy of Psionics, and it would obliterate them from existence.

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