SSS Ranked Reincarnation: Dark Dragon Legacy

Chapter 94: Student Council

Inside a large office with a table, t people sat a it. They wore special robes, but you could still tell they were studts.

Four of them were ladies, while six were guys. They stayed quiet for a while until the one sitting at the top, who seemed to be the leader, spoke.

"The first years have just joined the academy, and in fact, they are yet to start classes. Yet, today, I received word that a first year brutally disgraced a third year in a duel.

Word says it was a legal duel with teachers watching as well. Does anyone here have details on that?" he asked. He had normal jet-black hair, but there were a few strands of hair coming down the side. He wore glasses that made his tire character pop more.

One of the guys stood up, an average-looking dude with no particularly striking features.

"I heard that the fight was initiated by the third year to avge his underling, whom the first year had defeated during the trance examination.

The duel took place immediately after they agreed on the terms, and the terms were that the only way to lose was by getting knocked out.

So there was no giving up or running away. Immediately after the fight started, the first year dominated, using only his fists to pummel the third year all a.

Whever the third year was about to pass out, the first year would infuse mana into his mind and spark him back up.

He did this a total of twelve times until he finally stopped. That was how the duel wt," he narrated.

The t people in the room wt silt after this, because there were a few crazy parts to the story.

"That kid must have wanted to start an issue with the third years. He possessed the ability to win, yet he kept dragging it out to inflict more damage on his oppont and also spite the whole third year," one of the ladies said. She had beautiful blonde hair that was braided into one long knot. Her eyes were sharp and serious, and she carried the air of a warrior.

"That is probably the reason he acted the way he did, but why would a first year want to stand against third years?" another dude asked. He was a muscular guy with a very low haircut and tanned skin.

"Well, before we talk about the motive, we should look into the person that did it, and see if there will be any motivation for what he did," a slder guy said. He placed his hand on the table as he spoke in a very crisp and confidt voice.

"It has already be compiled. I met with the director of the academy for his information," the girl sitting closer to the leader spoke.

"But she did instruct me. She said I should read the letter she gave me to all of you first before we read his file." She took out the file and also a letter.

She oped the letter and began reading.

{Studt Council,

This is from me directly, the director of the academy, Mrs. Matilda.

About the person you are looking into, I advise caution wh you try to dive into that path. I know the studt council consists of the elite of the elite, but wh it comes to this person, I am not so sure.

His reason for being here at this academy is not the same as the other studts. I am trying to cage him up and control him before he becomes a danger.

This information will live and die with you t, the Council. Not another soul should hear of this or see this.

As I said, exercise caution wh it comes to this person.}

The girl read it out for them all to hear.

The council presidt placed his fists against his chin and let out a sigh.

"This person is someone that ev the director has her eyes on, and she is trying to control him.

Zain, read his file out to us. Let us see what it is that is special about him," the presidt said.

The girl oped the file and started reading.

"Silva from Ribest. He was born and brought up in a normal home. His father was an advturer, and his mother was a healer.

He started reading and talking flutly at a very young age, and also started wielding a sword by the age of six. Before he was sev, he was made a real advturer.

His activities dwindled over the years until he was twelve, but there are records of him still taking quests from time to time, and he had ris all the way to C rank before ev reaching the age of twelve.

He has three siblings: Quin, Mike, and Lia. Lia comes to our academy. She started this year, the same as Silva. Mike is an advturer, and so is their brother Quin, who is a B-ranked advturer.

Silva is thirte, according to records, and he is a B-ranked advturer, and also the strongest person in Ribest," she finished what the file said.

Again, the place was quiet. The presidt looked up.

"Is this ev supposed to be possible? Who is this kid that he has so much talt?" the presidt asked the question that was on all their minds.

"Zain, what about his legacy? Is there any information about his legacy?" the presidt asked.

"No, his legacy has never be writt down. There is no record of the type, and according to what the file says, he barely uses it publicly," she replied.

"He is that strong without using his legacy? I doubt it, but we don't have much to go on. This person, Silva, he has some sort of plot that may disrupt the academy's normal flow.

You all have to keep an eye out for changes. No matter how special he is, we can't let him do what he wants. Our job as the studt council is to keep the order," the presidt said.

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