SSS Ranked Reincarnation: Dark Dragon Legacy

Chapter 14: Rising Hate

Silva headed towards the herd of slimes. Raze had offered to help him, but Silva refused his help. He couldn't let the EXP that he could gain from there be taken away.

As soon as he got to the place, over twenty slimes took notice of him, but before they could do anything, he had already dived into their midst.

His speed was too fast for the slimes to react to. Their base speed was around ten, but Silva was already at a hundred, which was ten times their speed.

They also had very low intelligence, and because of that, they couldn't keep up with his movements, even with their three hundred and sixty-degree sight.

In less than a minute, over twenty slimes were already killed, and that amounted to 10 thousand EXP, and an additional five thousand SP.

He leveled up to level 16, with some EXP left over.

Raze looked at the scene in shock. He was capable of pulling off something like this, but he didn't expect Silva to do it, not in his wildest dreams.

"That's the last of them, is the quest considered complete now?" Silva asked.

"Y-ye-yes, the quest is complete. I didn't think we would get it done in one day; I believed we would have to return another day to finish off," Raze said.

"That would be a waste of time. I want to get through all the quests as fast as possible," Silva said.

_______ _______

When they returned to the guild, Raze sat Silva down in his office. He wanted to have a talk with him.

"Kid, there is really no point in me training you; your sword skill is already at a high level. Your movements are fluid and fast.

You also have your own personal style added to it, with extremely fast reactions. It takes people years to create styles unique to them, but you already did.

All you need now is experience to level up more and more. This is something that you can't get from me. The best I can do is offer you pointers from time to time," Raze explained to Silva.

"Then how do I get this experience? I can only take the quests that you give me," Silva said.

"I understand, and that is why I'll be making the first exception, and I'll be making you an adventurer.

That way, you can mix up in real quests, not the quests that I have chosen for you. I had selected those quests for you while keeping safety in mind.

But I've come to realize that the way for you to grow is by going through some difficult situations. I know you are a six-year-old, but I believe you can handle it," Raze explained his offer to Silva.

"I want to take the offer, but I believe that you should inform my parents about it first, and if they let me, then I'll be an adventurer," Silva said.

After that, Raze went ahead to tell Silva's parents about the offer, and after a long discussion, they agreed to it.

The word of a child adventurer got out, and it caused an uproar all over the town. Many people tried to find out more about this adventurer, but Silva kept a very low profile for the next few years, completing quests and leveling up.

_______ ________

A few years went by just like that, and Silva celebrated his twelfth birthday. He had grown so much in that time.

Twelve years were considered the real starting point of life for any person. It was also the legal age of becoming an adventurer, though he had started far younger.

All this time, Silva had been growing in strength and skill; that was the only thing he did.

The amount of spells and skills now were amazing, and his stats had also reached crazy heights.

But he was yet to start searching for the reason why the goddess sent him here, but all that changed after his twelfth birthday when he started having some kind of dreams.

The dreams always started with him going to a certain magical academy, and then something of massive chaos happens in the academy.

He knew he had to go to that academy to find out what the dreams meant. The academy was called the Blackstar Academy.

It was in the nearest city to them, Blackstar City. It was also the original place where Silva was born.

This was the academy that Lia had been trying to get into. Her legacy had come to be an ice-type legacy, and that made her a very powerful ice mage.

She had started receiving training since she was ten, preparing to get into the academy when she turned fourteen.

Normally, her training would have cost way too much for her parents, but they had Silva.

Silva was now a C-ranked adventurer and was making tons of money after every quest, and he was able to pay for her training.

This action further increased how much Lia loved him, and how much Mike hated him. The gap between them was so evident that even his parents knew about it but could do nothing about it.

Quin, on the other hand, didn't care about all that was happening. He had become an adventurer and had also risen to the rank of C.

He trained hard and became a very skilled swordsman, well-known throughout the town. Most of the time, the people of the town referred to Quin and Silva as the shining brothers.

Lia, on the other hand, was referred to as the rising star.

As for Mike, it was as though he failed at the game of life. Even though he trained and was getting better, he was still far outshined by his siblings, especially Silva.

No matter what he did and how he trained, he was always compared to his brothers, and his own accomplishments always fell short of theirs, and not by a friendly margin.

This had slowly thrown his soul into despair, and all that hate was getting channeled at Silva.

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