SSS Ranked Reincarnation: Dark Dragon Legacy

Chapter 107: Demonstration part 1

Advanced magical class. This was the class for those who wanted to learn more spells and better ways to use their magic in different situations.

It was generally an open class held in one of the large halls, but the S class students were all recommended to take it; they couldn't skip it.

So over a hundred students sat in the hall, with Silva's class. They were a mix of all first-year classes.

The instructor was a middle-aged man, Nick, with a slim build. He had a lot of grey hair and dressed in a minimalistic manner, wearing a white shirt and trousers.

When he walked into the hall, he took out his books from his ring and placed them on the teacher's table before turning to the board.

He picked up a piece of chalk and wrote down "Magical Formations," then turned to face the class.

"Welcome, all of you, to the first advanced magical class for the semester. You are already accustomed to how this academy works, so we will skip right into the topic.

Many of you, till date, use basic spells to cast magic, right? And some of you believe that this class will teach you some advanced spells, but you are wrong.

If you haven't maximized the weapons in your hands, what's the use of starting to teach you another one? It is pointless because you would reach an uncrossable plateau.

You have to first understand and master the intricacies of basic spells before you can step into advanced spells.

In your first year, building up your basic spells is what we will be doing here. It's when you get to the second year that you will start learning real advanced magic theory and some practicals.

Now, before I start my explanation on magical formations, are there any questions?" he asked, and several hands went up.

He picked a boy from the students, who got up and spoke.

"Sir, are you saying we can't learn advanced spells? Because I remember during the entrance exams, a student used an advanced spell." The boy asked. He was talking about Lia.

"Oh, I did hear about that, and it is very much a normal situation. There is nothing out of the ordinary with that.

I am not saying you can't learn it, but it is better if your time is invested in making the most out of every spell level before leaping into the next.

I have seen the files of the person that did that, and she received a lot of training before coming here to the academy. She has probably touched on the aspects of formations as well." Nick answered.

The boy raised his hand immediately again, and Nick picked him again. The boy got up and spoke.

"Sir, what you are saying is purely based on assumptions. Can this person show us that they have really touched what formations are?" he asked, and his question resonated with the other classmates, so they agreed.

"Sigh, well alright then. Miss Lia, can you come and show us your knowledge about formations?" Nick asked, but before she could stand up, Silva, who was beside her, got up.

"Sir Nick, what these people are asking for is completely unreasonable. The knowledge that my sister has was gained through her hard work. Why should she show off to someone for free? ԁ#ι#ѕ?ς@оν$ҽг-*

If he wants to see what she is capable of, he should be able to pay the price. Otherwise, she is not obligated to show anything to him." Silva pointed out.

The students started talking, but not about the matter; rather, they were talking about the fact that Silva called her sister.

People already knew that Silva was the Duke's son and that Lia's family had taken care of him.

"He called her sister? Does this mean he still takes her family as his own?" one girl asked in a hushed tone.

"Of course, he grew up with them. He only just met the Duke. He would be a monster to just throw away the family that took care of him." a boy answered her.

These sorts of discussions were happening all around.

"What's your name?" Nick asked the boy who had asked the question. He may know Lia and Silva, but he couldn't know everyone.

"My name is Brian, sir, from class 1B," he spoke.

"Well, you see, Brian, Silva Terron is currently the number one student in the whole first year. On that note, his words are quite precious.

Because if I decide to overlook what he said and force her to show off, I wouldn't be in trouble—you would be.

Imagine him wanting to make your life difficult; he has the resources, connections, and position to do so.

I like to take life realistically. I don't want to promise you that the academy would stop him, because we can't. He has the privilege on so many grounds.

So, that being said, do you have some sort of method to reward Miss Lia if she is capable of what we asked her? If she is not, then she will also reward you for wasting your time." Nick said.

Brian started looking flustered after that, but he had his pride as a man. He couldn't back down now; he could only step forward.

"Yes sir, I have currently accumulated a thousand points, and if she is able to do it, I'll transfer all my points to her."

To Lia, who had already made over five thousand points through academy work in just a few days, a thousand was not too tempting, but Silva was the one who set the stage, and so she would gladly take those points.

To the other students, that amount of points was absurd to give away. Only S class students could easily rake in thousands.

Nick looked over at Lia and asked, "Miss Lia, are you alright with that?"

"Yes," she said and stood up. She walked to the front of the class.

"Alright, Miss Lia, make any sort of magical formation or circle for demonstration purposes."

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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