Solo Leveling: I Am The Only Supreme With the Cheating System

Chapter 132: Mr Supreme

"Michael?" Scar face turned to the handsome man who stopped in front of them.

"So you are the "handsome" she saved on her phone, saying the truth, you are really handsome. " Scar face nodded.

Michael frowned slightly and turned to Stella, who looked down in embarrassmt, her face red like tomato.

He moved his gaze back to Scar face. "I see you are using my name to intimidate Non-players."


Now the six and everyone were dumbfounded.

"What is this guy saying?"

"Is he Supreme?"

"Let me take a look." A woman in a waitress's outfit walked forward, seeing Michael she froze.

"What is it?" Her fellow worker asked.

"That's the guy I was telling you about."

"You mean the handsome one? Who caught you staring at him?"

The lady glared at her frid. "Do you have to bring it up all the time?!"

"He is handsome, I now know why you stared for so long."

The lady shook her head. "Don't think about it, you can't have him; you know why?"

The other waitress shook her head.

"Because he is Supreme."


The customers closest to her turned to Michael, "Supreme!! He is Supreme!"

"I have se Supreme!"

"Where is my phone?!"

"I need to take a Picture!!"


Scar face frowned and yelled. "Shut up!!" He brought out a gun th pointed it at the ceiling. With a BANG!! The restaurant instantly got silce.

"Why are you so hot headed?" Michael formed a red and black throne behind him with his Mana and sat down.

'If you want to show your powers, you have to go all the way.' He thought, staring at some customers who had already started taking pictures and videos.

"And You!!" Scar face pointed his pistol at Michael's head:

"Who gave you the gut to claim you are Supreme? The Supreme we knew has brown hair, not black! So you must be lying."

"I'm lying?" Michael pointed at himself with a surprised expression on his face.

'These fools might be my fans, but they fucking knew nothing about me.' He shook his head, with a flick of his wrist, The starlight sword appeared in his hand; He placed it on the table closest to him.

"Is this ough proof? No? Drakon, come out."

The space distorted behind him and Drakon walked out. "What is it, partner?"

The six m were completely stunned, Scar face lowered his gun, the next momt they all rushed up to Michael falling to their knees.

"It's really you Mr Supreme, we have tried to reach out to you, but all effort failed."

"I can't believe this, it's really Mr Supreme." They said sparkles in their eyes

Michael moved his gaze to Stella and Kira. The six followed his gaze and Scar face yelled. "What are you two waiting for?! Help those young ladies up!!"

Two nodded, they quickly stood up and walked towards the two Ladies; helping them up with smiles on their faces.

The two and all the customers were dumbfounded as the turn of evt.

"What just happed?"

"Did he save those two girls without doing anything?"

"Why are these m behaving like slaves?"

The customers stared at the five m who were now trying to clean his shoe.

"That is ok." Michael stood up and walked towards the two girls. "Did they cause you any trouble?"

The two girls turned to the m behind Michael. They all folded their hands mouthing the words please to them.

"Nothing, thanks to you." Stella said.

"Em... As everything is sorted out can we eat something." Kira asked moving her burning gaze all over Michael's body. She licked her lower lip.

"No, I'm here because of the call and I also what to buy food for Mira."

"Oh?" The two girls said in mind surprised.

Hearing him, the two waitresses quickly rushed up to him. "What do you want to order, Mr Supreme?" The lady who answered him on his first time here said with a smile. Her frid stood behind her, a little vious.

"Micheal will be fine, these are the foods I need." He mtioned all the food to her while she wrote everything down on the note in her hand.

"Is that all?" She asked, her eyes fixed on him.

"Yes." Michael nodded, he frowned seeing the waitress still staring at him.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Uh? No, nothing." She stammered, th said. "The foods with be ready in minutes, please... Will you stay in our VIP section and wait for your food?"

"Down here will be ok."

'Down here? He doesn't like to show off, what a respectful gtleman.' The other waitress thought inwardly.

"Ar't you leaving to prepare the food?" Stella asked the waitresses, who quickly nodded at her; the two th rushed towards the kitch.

"You have to wait for your food, so why don't you eat with us." Kira suggested.

Michael thought for a momt and looked at the six m behind him, who were trying to touch the starlight sword which he placed on the table. Drakon lied down in front of the sword watching the m with an amused expression.

"What is your name?"

"I'm called Scar, Mr Supreme." These five are my brothers.

"My name will be good."

"That will be a disrespect, We'll call you Boss from now on."

Michael just shook his head, with a wave of his hand; the starlight sword vanished from the table. With that tak care of, he followed the girls to their seat which was in a corner and sat down with them. Some customers were still recording him.

"So Michael? How did you become so..." Kira moved her gaze on his body, and added: "Do you know you are now a celebrity?"

"Celebrity?" Michael turned to her in mild confusion.

"Yes. There are hundreds of groups on social media with thousands and hundreds of fans. All those people are yours."

Michael remembered Niki, 'is it because of the video, or AI's broadcast?'

"What happed to you guys?" He gestured at the six m standing behind him like loyal guards.

"It's nothing serious, Boss." Scar quickly said with sweat on his foreheads, he smiled brightly at the girls.

"It's nothing, we have forgiv them; and besides they didn't touch us or hurt us. So..." Kira focused her atttion on him again. "Do you have a girlfrid, Michael?"

Michael looked at her for a momt, th shook his head. "No, I don't really have time for dating."

"Oh, if you have the chance, you can tell me. Maybe the "one" is right in front of you all along." She said.

Stella just shook her head. 'Wh will this girl stop being so desperate?' She thought inwardly.

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