Solar Mage

Chapter 74: Blanket Seal

Chapter 74: Blanket Seal

Ugh... it's so hot and humid in this seal of blankets... I need water... Seriously, how did they let William take care of me? He's supposed to be helping me recover, not to let me die from dehydration! I did try to jump off the window the second day but I didn't actually do it!!! I'm going to die in this ball of blankets before I even manage to do anything!

I close my distressed eyes for a few seconds before I open them once again, calmly observing the objects around me.

This would have been so much faster with Heightened Senses... But okay, the first thing I need to do is to get this stupid bandage out of my mouth. That'll be easy, all I need to do is open my jaw enough so that the bandage falls out! Except... my mouth is already opened as low as possible, which means there's only one option left. Surely it won't be that bad– right?

Using what little energy I got from those energy pills I've conserved from the past 5 days, I bite down on the daily renewed, extremely compressed ball of bandages as hard as I can, decreasing the size, only by a single centimeter.

Come on you shitty body, have you forgotten the training you've been doing for the last seven years with the greatest swordsman on the continent? Are your muscles so weak that a simple poison can destroy it so easily?!?!

With the motivational speech I gave myself, I bite down even harder, putting all my energy and more into it, but the bandage's size does not decrease any more.

Oh, well I guess a simple poison can destroy it all that easily. It's only been seven days since I was poisoned, unlike in my past life where I was only rid of my depression a month later, but wow, this body really sucks.

With the addition of the centimeter in my jaw's range of motion, it is enough. I hold my bite down on the bandage for another second before abruptly releasing it, and swinging my jaw open as far as possible, when reaching the end of its range of motion, it pushes past its restraints, and dislocates.


The bandage drops out of my loosened jaw as my eyes close in pain. They open cautiously, but quickly return to normal.

Actually, it's not that bad, or at least, as bad as I imagined. I kinda just hurt at the moment of dislocation.

I play around with my jaw a bit, moving it around, sideways, until I finally feel it relocate back into place, and close it.

Yeah, that wasn't so bad. The problem now is that I still can't get out of these blankets and make the antidote myself, but now that I can breathe properly, I can finally start removing the poison from my body with the Body Cleansing Technique! It wasn't that useful in my old life since I had already reached the 5th stage of my Heavenly Martial Body with it, and was already immune to all the poisons I found in the library, which had a time-accurate, all plants and plant seeds garden, in which I just stuffed each one in my mouth one by one, they were pretty tasty, but I had to keep myself reserved otherwise I would be liable for the extinction of plant species thought to be extinct. So I just used the skill to clean the impurities out of my body, like... waste from grain pills.

But for my body right now, it is the perfect thing to help me recover from this poison. It's what the manual was made for, and all I need to do is to calm my mind, and concentrate. Of course, I would also need to breathe in order to concentrate, so I haven't done it yet. I don't want the body cleansing to fail, and instead of me just being hot and humid in this seal of blankets, I would instead be hot, humid, and also smelly. So let's do this properly.

I fix my posture, my spine straightened in this seal of blankets, forced upright on top of my bed, unable to even relax and lie down, and slowly close my eyes.

Wait, if I'm just now using the body cleansing technique, and I've been encased in these blankets and rope for the past five days, how have I not needed to defecate or at least urinate?

Even encased in numerous layers of heavy blankets, the rumbling from my stomach erupts very clearly throughout the room.

Oh right, it's because this piece of shit that's supposed to be my physician has only been feeding me FUCKING PILLS AND HALF A CUP OF WATER FOR THE LAST SEVEN DAYS!! I'm definitely going to get him back for doing this to me.

I try to put on a menacing, and intimidating appearance, but unfortunately for me, nuggets with rumbling stomachs aren't intimidating.

Finally when the rumbling stops, I finally calm and concentrate.

Okay, here goes:




First, transparent, water-like sweat appeared all over my body. The sweat appears intensely in large amounts on my scrunched face, making an expression of pain. The sweat slowly moves down until it reaches my chin, before it drips down falling onto my soaked blankets.

As I continue to concentrate intensely, the sweat begins to become less transparent, becoming a darker color until it fully blackens.

Seconds after the black substance protrudes out of my skin, I awaken, my eyes swing open, and with anger plastered all over my face, the blankets around me begin to expand, the strands of the rope beginning to get strained and rip, before it finally snaps. The blankets, soaked in sweat fly out in all directions, scattering across the room. The almost solid-like black substance, not traveling as far.

Like a starving, ferocious beast finally being freed, I roar, flexing my muscles tightly as the hazy air scatters the light around me making for a blurry view.


The hazy air, trapped within the blankets with me, finally obtains its freedom, it's disgusting smell lingering behind, as if it was giving me it's thanks.


I run out of the sweat-polluted bed and charge to the bathroom.

Sticking my head under the water rune, and slamming my hand on it in my impatience, and glugging down the water pouring out of it, as if I had an endless stomach, staying still under the faucet for twenty seconds, until I finally remove my hand from the rune and wipe the water from my face.

"Ahhh! That was refreshing."

My gaze veers off from the faucet, to the toilet and then the tub further inside the room and staring prolongedly at it.

I haven't bathed in warm water for a while now, but should I really be wasting my time showering right now?

I move my arm up to my nose and take a whiff, quickly turning away and cringing afterwards.

"Yeah, I really should."

I grab hold of the doorknob and bring it to a close.


I step out of the shower with a towel over my head, my face rid of wrinkles and stress.

Did I just spend the last 30 minutes wasting time? Maybe.

But was it worth it?

Definitely, I'm going to be taking warm showers a lot now. I even get to smell flowers everywhere I go instead of the terrible smell of grain pills!

I dry my luscious, vibrant hair off, and step outside the bathroom with my fancy green bathrobe around me, ignoring the disgusting black filth around the bed, and the smelly blankets covering the sides of the room, as I walk up to the balcony, leaning on it's rails and staring up at the sun.

How calming, but this red light in the sky is not very off putting.

I squint my eyes at the sun with a strong dislike for it.

I am certain of it now, this world is not a dream, I really have regressed back to the past. But that is not Pyro. I know her warmth far too well, she does not act in such a way, if what I feel from her is kindness and justice, then what I feel from this is punishment and execution.

I continue staring at the red sun, but no thoughts form, all I do is look. But suddenly, ruining my calm state, the door begins to creak open.

Damn, I wasn't even able to hear his footsteps coming up to the door, I really need to get my Heightened Senses back.

"Hey there Arthur, how are you doing–"

He pauses in his sentence for a second, looking up from his clipboard taking a long and loud sniff through his nose, even audible to me from the opposite side of the room.

"EW! What the hell is all this crap Arthur? Clean it up!!"

He exclaims, only looking at the blankets and black substance, while having a disgusted expression on his face, before he finally looks up at the window and sees me staring with such a calm expression on my face while looking up at the sun, as if I had reached enlightenment.


He drops his clipboard and charges at my calm self just admiring the weather. Once he gets close enough to me, he tackles my legs and grabs onto them tightly.

"Hey- What the hell are you doing?!?!"

I say, trying to shake this determined bastard from me.

"I'm saving your life!! I don't know how you got out of those ropes, but I won't let you do it!! I'm not letting go until you listen to me!!"

"I'm not going to jump off, I just took a shower!! Get away from me with your dirty body!"

I continue trying to shake him off, but also to not to hurt him.

Tears begin to drop from his eyes, falling on my new bathrobe and legs.

"Don't do it Arthur! You have so much to live for, you can get past this obstacle, don't throw your life away! You've already started recovering!!!"

I try to push him off of me with my arms now, at least wanting to get his tears from ruining my bathrobe and clean skin any more.

"God damn it you bastard, I don't need any motivation and I already said I wasn't going to do it, so get the hell off of me before I hurt you!!"

He resists my attempts and instead wipes his face on the bottom of my bathrobe, his tears being absorbed by it.

"No! I won't let go! I would rather you hurt me than to hurt yourself!!"

Seriously, why the hell is he being so damn clingy?!?! Is he deaf? I don't need his cringy motivation, he can save that for someone else some other day! What kind of doctor acts like this?!?! Think Arthur, how do you get this idiot off of you before he makes his way up and gets his dirty tears on your hair?

Right! This guy loves money!

My attempts of trying to get him away from me are suddenly brought to a halt, his crying finally stopping, as he looks up at me in confusion.

"If you let me go right now, I'll give you a platinum card."

I say while smirking deviously.

He stares up at me blankly, without letting go of my legs.

"No, I won't let my patient die just for such earthly possessions."

I stare back at him, my emotions controlled and unchanging.

"Fine then."

I lean down and grab him by his lab coat, then drop him on the floor, walking towards the table full of papers.

I thought that he was the greediest person alive, is that one of the inaccuracies in this world like the sun, or did he just put on that act for me in my past life? Why?

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