Shinigami in the Ninja World

Chapter 2: First Meeting with the Nine-Tails

Naruto found it a bit challenging to adjust to his new identity as a "genius."

He also felt somewhat uncomfortable being observed with so many "friendly" and "enthusiastic" looks.

It was a treatment entirely different from what he had experienced in Konoha, a stark contrast.

The significant psychological gap made him inevitably anxious and uncertain.

He worried about whether he truly had talent.

He worried that once the "truth was exposed," he would continue to be ridiculed by his classmates and looked down upon by his teachers.

However, after enrolling.

Naruto first learned a term: " A Fool's Worry (杞人忧天)."

He was indeed a genius.

The main four courses at Shin'o Academy are "Swordsmanship (Zanjutsu), Hand-to-Hand Combat (Hakuda), Shunpo (Hoho), and Kidō."

"Swordsmanship" refers to kenjutsu, as Shinigami are warriors who fight with zanpakutō, and the sword is their other half.

"Hand-to-Hand Combat" is similar to the taijutsu Naruto was familiar with.

"Shunpo" is a technique for rapid movement.

In these three areas, Naruto showed exceptional talent, especially in Shunpo. While other students struggled to grasp the basics, Naruto had already mastered it. This movement technique seemed ingrained in his body, activated upon contact.

His talent in swordsmanship and hand-to-hand combat wasn't as evident compared to some of his peers.

But Naruto worked hard enough.

Moreover, he had an extraordinary healing speed since childhood, which he retained in the Soul Society.

While others could only train for seven or eight hours a day, Naruto could train for fourteen or sixteen hours!

He wanted to quickly fulfill the potential that the Dean had mentioned.

He wanted to become a Captain soon.

He wanted to find his parents quickly, to have a family soon.

Among the four courses, Naruto's performance in "Kidō" was the weakest, even quite poor.

Kidō is a form of spellcasting that converts spiritual power into various techniques, similar to the "ninjutsu" in Konoha.

When his classmates had already mastered the first-ranked Hadō and Bakudō and started learning higher-ranked Kidō spells, Naruto's "Hadō #1: Shō (衝,Thrust)" was still laughably weak, less powerful than the air from a fart.

This troubled Naruto.

It wasn't that he lacked talent, nor was his learning progress slower than others.

It was just that... he couldn't perform it.

It was the same when he was "alive," though he didn't understand it then.

After "Death," it was still the same. However, after studying courses on understanding "Spiritual Power," Naruto could clearly feel that the reason he couldn't perform Kidō was due to a strange power interfering within him.

He didn't know how to explain this to his teachers and was even more afraid of his "Fool's Worries" coming true.

However, not all schools are "Ninja Academy," nor are all teachers "Ninja School Instructors." People in the Soul Society are vastly different from those in Konoha. The Shinigami responsible for teaching Kidō did not scold Naruto but instead patiently and gently guided him.

After understanding Naruto's situation.

The teacher did not think it was a lack of talent but attributed this strange power to Naruto's enormous spiritual power, which he had yet to fully control, causing the illusion of interference.

This was considered a "genius problem," something that could be solved with more practice in spiritual power control.

With the teacher's comfort and encouragement from his classmates, Naruto gradually gained confidence, similar to when he studied the "Sexy Technique"—he wasn't incapable of performing all ninjutsu; the "Sexy Technique" he worked hard on was quite outstanding.

His progress in Kidō, though slow, became visibly better.

His studies went smoothly.

His life was also going well.

His classmates liked him very much and took good care of him. It wasn't related to talent but to his age. Naruto was the youngest in the class, whether in terms of his twelve years of life before death or the three years after.

Two months later.

With new students settling in, those who were to drop out had already done so, and it was time for the Zanpakutō Ceremony.

In the classroom.

The instructor announced loudly: "Finally, the time has come."

"The day to bestow your Zanpakutō upon you."

"From today on, you will be called Shinigami apprentices until you graduate."

Speaking, he knocked on the table.

"It is time to tell you about the graduation rules of Shin'o Academy of Spiritual Arts."

"There are two ways to graduate."

"One way is to complete six years of study. Even in our class, the most outstanding class this year, this method is the only graduation option for the vast majority of you."

"The other way is to master the initial release (Shikai), allowing for early graduation."

"Such geniuses are rare."

"It is even rarer for a first-year student to master the initial release and graduate."

"But... perhaps this year, we will have one."

Almost as soon as the teacher's words fell, everyone's eyes unanimously turned to one person.

A small blond boy sitting in the front row.

"Teacher, I..." Naruto scratched his head and smiled sheepishly.

The teacher ruffled his hair, "I have high hopes for you to become the youngest captain!"

With the other hand, the teacher grabbed a shallow hit (Asauchi) and placed it in front of Naruto, "The Zanpakuto being distributed to you now do not have names yet. Or rather, they only have a standardized name for now, called 'Asauchi.'"

"Remember one thing."

"The Asauchi is not given to you, it is temporarily leased by the Shin'o Academy of Spiritual Arts."

"Until you graduate and join the Gotei 13 (13 Division Imperial Guards) or other organizations such as the Onmitsukidō (Punishment Force), it will not be officially granted to you."

"Now, remember these words firmly!"

"During the lease period, the Asauchi must not be given to others."

"It must not be lost."

"If any of these situations occur, or if the Asauchi is damaged or broken, you must report it to the Academy immediately."

"Otherwise... you will face severe punishment."

The teacher's face and tone were exceptionally serious.

The students nodded solemnly in agreement.

Only after the last person had received an Asauchi did the teacher's expression soften slightly, "Now, as taught in previous lessons, try the Blade Zen (刃禅, Jinzen)."

"Use your spiritual power to feel the voice of your sword."

Blade Zen.

It is a practice of the Shinigamis.

In meditation, using spiritual power to resonate with the Zanpakuto, achieving the purpose of communicating with the Zanpakuto.

Being able to communicate with the sword is the first step toward its release.

Only by knowing its name can one use its power.

Naruto closed his eyes and placed the sword on his lap.

As soon as his spiritual power touched the sword.

His consciousness was suddenly pulled with great force, as if a deep pit had opened beneath him, causing him to fall weightlessly.

When he came to his senses again.

He found himself in a damp, dark underground like sewer.

Naruto looked around, bewildered.

Where is this?

Another world?

But he quickly dismissed the thought.

He could feel a familiar power here, the power that interfered with him when he cast "Kidō."

This is likely the "inner world" the teacher had mentioned.


Generally, mastering the initial release involves merely hearing the sword's voice. Delving into the inner world is something only Shinigamis who have mastered the initial release and further studied "Bankai" can do.

Is his talent that strong?

Moreover, where is the spirit of his Zanpakuto?

Naruto stood up and walked along the path.

He soon reached the end.

A towering red barred gate blocked the way, behind it was dark and seemed to house something.

Heavy breathing, undisguised malice, a glimpse of crimson, like all-devouring flames.

"Hey, kid." From behind the gate, the massive creature stirred and called out.

Naruto responded, "I'm here."

"Come a little closer." It called again.

Naruto approached.

With a whoosh, a fierce wind blew.

A huge claw ruthlessly stabbed, clanging against the gate, with long claw blades piercing through the gap, stopping just at Naruto's throat, almost piercing it.

"You've got guts... kid."

"Daring not to dodge."

Naruto grinned brightly, "Why should I dodge? You won't hurt me."

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto."

"What is your name? Can you tell me?"


杞人忧天, A Fool's Worry - is a metaphor for unfounded and unnecessary worries.

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