She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (LN)

Volume 1 - Ch 7

Throughher closed eyelids, the dim sunlight stimulated the young girls pupils and slowly brought her back from her driftingconsciousness.

After a while, Mira sat on the canopy bed and started tidying up her thin and now out of shape clothing. At the same time, she opened her small lips and took a deep breath, trying to keep her drowsy self awake. That, however, was in vain. Succumbing to the vestiges of sleepiness that still affected her, the girls eyes closed as her back made contact with the bed once again, her mind drifting away to the land of dreams.

Then, the moment she finally fell asleep, Miras slumber was disturbed anew by something else. Inside that quiet room at the highest floor of the tower, where not even the birds cries could reach, a muffled and rhythmical sound could be heard, over and over again. Against her own will, the girl ended up half-woken by that terrible noise. While staring blankly around her with unfocused eyes, she got up and, surprised, found herself in an unfamiliar and very luxurious room.

Where am I?

Triggered by the high-pitched voice that escaped from her lips, all the events that happened yesterday suddenly gushed forth like a geyser and filled Miras mid. At the same time, similar to dizziness, she was affected by a slight sense of loss as the girl became aware of her current state. Ohh, I see was the only thing she could mutter in response, resigned to her fate.

Still not used to her petite body, Mira let herself slide to the edge of the bed and sat there, taking a breather. But all of a sudden, from that position, she caught sight of her young and charming legs; now revealed by the flippedover end of her robe. The light shining in from the gap in the curtains worked almost like a spotlight, somehow emphasizing even more the pure whitenessof her skin; Mira was simply at a loss for words.

Even though she was blushing like a teenage boy, the young girl observed her legs and used her fingertips to quietly feel and verify their skin: it had just the proper degree of flexibility and softness, as ascertained by Miras sense of touch. She also clearly became aware of another thing that was going through her brain at that exact time. It was somethingMira had felt yesterday while observing her own body, a sky-high sense of arousal.

But wait a moment, just what is this noise so early in the morning?

With her mind now completely awake, the girl finally noticed the incomprehensible and rhythmic sound that had started while she was still asleep; consequently, she strained her ears to try and identify it.

(*knock knock knock*)

First came the sound of something hard being hit; next was the faint and unclear voice of a person. In the end, what Mira managed to grasp was that at least two people were talking, so she left the bedroom to check if anything had happened. As she got closer to the main door of the Private Room, the voicesandtheir intention were madeclearer,the chaotic noise from before now forming recognizable words in Miras ears.

Mira-sama, are you there? Mira-sama.

Litalia-sama, are you really sure that the disciple of Dunbalf-sama is here?

The first voice seemed to belong to an elegant woman while the second one came from an unknown man.

Without a doubt. She held the Master Key of the Tower of Summoning and, after asking around, I found out that a young girl with silver hair was seen entering this tower yesterday night. That means she most probably slept here.

But later in the night, couldnt she have left the tower and gone for an inn?

She has the Master Key, why would she bother staying in an inn, of all places? The Private Room has everything she would ever need. Moreover, I made sure to clean and tidy it up every day, the entire room should still be in perfect shape.

This time, a different voice could be heard from behind the door and, rather than an adult woman, it sounded like a young girl was talking. All together, there were three people outside the room: one man and two women; Mira felt the younger girls voice was strangely familiar, but couldnt clearly remember to whom it belonged; thus, she chose to open the door and verify it with her own eyes.

My, so it was you, LitaliaandMariana.

After quickly looking up to confirm who the visitors were, Mira glanced at her acquaintances while rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand, still displaying some traces of sleepiness. At that moment, she made eye contact with the third person; a man dressed in a military uniform standing in wait, one step behind the two women. It was possible to see on his right shoulder an armband of the Kingdom of Arkite.

And you are?

Mira-sama! Why are you dressed like that!?

You! Please look the other way!

For an instant, Litalia stood there, dazed at the sudden appearance of Miras figure. The next moment, she rushed to the girls side and covered that nearly naked body with her own, trying to block it from the mans line of sight.

Agirl who was dressed in maids clothing acted simultaneously, her sapphire twin-tailed hair fluttering and sparkling while she moved. The maids intention was to force the military man to do a right about-face; before that, he couldnt take his eyes off from the parts of Miras body that were visible through her thin robe. That was then followed by a dull sound as he faced the wall and nearly hugged it with his entire figure. Behind him, Litalia already had Mira on her arms and was bringing the young girl back to the room.

Just what are you doing!?

With the door finally closed, Mira was let off on the side of the leather sofa. She didnt understand why she was forced to return inside; so, while feeling completely baffled, the girl looked up at Litalia and demanded an answer.

I should be the one asking that. This may be the Sages Room, but you cant simply come out dressed like that! Theres a possibility that people will come here for a visit!

While feeling a bit angered, Litalia scolded Miras choice of attire; as a result, the girl brought her gaze down to look at her clothes, wondering what could be wrong with them. Instantly, she noticed that indeed, the Robe of the Celestial Maiden was too transparent to be used as underwear, let alone as everyday clothing.

More often than not, she spent her time inside the Private Room while casually dressed. And right now, all the robes Mira had prepared before going to sleep were only tailored for combat. Even the Sages Robe she was wearing yesterday was, in the end, something oriented for battle.

If compared to what she was using now, though, Mira would feel more comfortable in any of those combat clothes. The problem was that she didnt have any intention of wearing outdoor clothing while inside her own room.

Sorry, but I do not have any clothes for the occasion.

Feeling she couldnt do anything to fix that problem, Mira brazenly said what she thought of it.

There is something you can use here. At least cover your skin, or you might end up attacked by some lecherous pervert.

After warning Mira, Litalia picked up a red and black robe from the sofa and put it over the little girls head. She squirmed for a bit and when her face finally appeared through the collar, Mira realized that its size was simply too big for her body. The lower hem was dragging on the ground and not even her fingertips would come out from the sleeves.

But the biggest problem was that the collar of the robe, once a perfect fit for Dunbalf, now was simply too wide for Mira. Its opening reached the area around the young girls chest, exposing a huge part of it while giving off a bewitching aura that differed from being simply naked; consequently, this went against Litalias original intention.

It is too big.

Of course, that robe has the right size for Dunbalf. It would never fit your small frame.

While saying that, the maid girl took out one of the bands that tied her hair and used it to fasten the robes collar. After that, the red, ribbon-like band that now decorated Miras chest area emphasized even more her little girl appearance.

This does not suit it at all

Mira dropped her shoulders, reacting to the sight of one of her favorite robes losing part of its majestic feeling due to a single ribbon.

Mira-sama. Are you really Dunbalf-samas apprentice?

The maid asked Mira while still adjusting the collar, her eyes fixated on the young girl. It seemed as if she were clinging to a sliver of hope that suddenly appeared in front of her.

Indeed. Mariana, I have heard a lot about you.

She was a maid that could easily take ones breath away. Her sapphire-like hair and eyes didnt have a single stain that tainted its color and her physique was similar to Miras. On her back, two butterfly-like wings slightly swayed. Those same wings, that instead of wind used the mana captured from the atmosphere to fly, were proof of her status as a member of the Fairy Tribe. Another characteristic from that race was that its individuals would maintain the appearance of a human child even after reaching adulthood. And that fairy girl was none other than Dunbalfs aide, Mariana.

Im so glad Dunbalf-sama

Feeling completely relieved, Marianas eyes got slightly damp and tears started flowing down her face, the reddish tinge on her cheeks moistened by that crying. Upon seeing the aide breaking out in tears, Mira became incredibly flustered and, in a semi-unconscious act, held out a hand to that girls cheek, unable to endure that scene any longer.

However, right before touching the girls face, Mira brought that hand back and idly placed it on her chin, having finally grasped the feelings behind Marianas crying expression. Those tears were shed because of her emotions towards the disappeared Dunbalf; as a result, Mira hesitated to caress the aides cheek, feeling somewhat guilty for deceiving her.

Being moved by those tears, she considered telling the truth, at least to Mariana. However, she dropped that thought. Just how would Mira explain that situation to her? It would be a huge shock to the aide if she knew that her master, Dunbalf, had turned into a young girl. What that in mind, the apprentice decided to continue using her fabricated story.

In the past, Mira had only treated Mariana as a mere assistant. But now that the NPC became a real person with a sense of self and even shed tears for Dunbalf, the girl wasnt sure on how to deal with her aide. This was mostly caused by two different emotions that fought within Mira: one was the selfish feeling of not wanting to be rejected by Mariana, who dearly missed her master; the other was the desire to not let the assistant feel worried anymore.

Naturally, as Mira chose the selfish way out of that situation, the words she wanted to say stopped at her throat and slowly disappeared into silence. While still feeling pathetic for that, the girl stared at the hand that was now hidden by the robes sleeve and then silently watched the scene in front of her. Responding to what Mariana felt, Litalia whispered Indeed, I am also glad while gently wiping the tears from the maids cheeks.

Sorry, Im fine now.

Just as Mariana had finally sorted out her feelings and calmed down, a familiar rhythmical sound could be heard inside the room.

Hello? Litalia-sama, Mariana-sama. Are you finished yet?

Following it, after a short while came the muffled voice of the military man, the person who had been forced by Mariana to turn around and face the walls; once again, with renewed composure, he restarted the absolute mission assigned to him by the king himself.

Yes, we are leaving now.

With that reply, Litalia then returned her attention to the one who was the original goal of her visit, Mira. Currently, the little girl was shaking the sleeves that covered her hands while stretching her body on the sofa.

So, what does he want? I see that he is a soldier from the Kingdoms army.

Oh, right. Yesterday after we met, I humbly reported that matter to King Solomonand he instantly wanted to meet you, Mira-sama. That gentleman outside is an envoy from the capital sent to pick you up.

Hmm, Solomon I see

The King of Arkite, Solomon. He was Dunbalfs best friend, the player who invited the Summoning Expert to his newly founded nation. Compared with Luminaria, Solomons friendship with Mira started much earlier.

However, neither Litalia nor Mariana knew that, so they thought the casual tone used by the young girl to address the king had a different meaning. It would be considered a huge disrespect to their leader if one were to use his Solomon name without the King title or the correct honorifics; the assistants, though, simply treated Miras shameless behavior as a charming trait of a rebellious adolescent. Not only that, the way she talked was so similar to Dunbalf that, in their mind, it evoked the image of a child mimicking her parents actions. Yet, those thoughts were unknown to Mira.

Luminaria-sama is also in the capital, so I believe you can meet her after your audience with the King.

Oh, good. Then, we should not make them wait any more.

If Solomon was really there, then he would probably be in the same situation as Luminaria: a player stuck in this new reality. After realizing that, Mira got up from the sofa to respond to the summons; an act in vain, as her movements towards the door were stopped instantly by Litalia and Mariana.

Stop right there, Mira-sama.

Hmpf, what now?

Surely, you are dressed in a robe now, but you still cannot go out like that.

What Litalia meant was that the hem of that robe was dragging on the ground and its sleeves still covered Miras hands. In short, the size of that clothing was still a problem for the girl.

Please stand still, Mira-sama. I will fix it really quick.

To Mira, Litalias eyes seemed to show a suspicious gleam but, in the end, the aides hands didnt leave a single opening for escape and captured her. What followed next was a scene where a joyful Litalia helped Mariana, who produced a great number of ribbons out of nowhere, to adjust the robe, rolling up its sleeves and raising the hem. Mira still tried to somehow oppose them, but ended up overwhelmed by their splendid coordination, her clothes finally decorated with the ribbons.

Now the only problem left is the underwear.


Having roughly finished with the outside part of Miras clothing,the assistants remembered what happened earlier, when she came out of the room wearing nothing but the Robe of the Celestial Maiden[1]; they then pondered about what to use for undergarments since that one-piece, now under the remodeled robe, didnt serve as a proper underwear.Upon hearing the only word she wanted to avoid at all costs, the girl who was treated as a dress-up doll felt a terrible chill run down her entire spine.

Although the robe Mira was wearing now covered her skin, it was just that; her current state could still be considered as being naked. She also didnt remember ever wearing any kind of underwear since arriving in that world. So, to sum it up, Mira was currently both pantyless and braless.

Incidentally, there was no way that the two assistants would allow the girl in front of them to go out in that state. After considering her options for a bit, Mariana made up her mind about something.

I know exactly what you can use. Please wait a minute, Ill be right back.

Stating that, she opened the bathrooms door and entered the place where just yesterday night Mira had defiantly charged in. A few moments later, the maid came back with something in her hands. Even though the younger girl couldnt identify what it was at glance, it looked like a garment made of white cloth. Still, for some reason, Mira felt she had seen something similar before.

Well, this should be a proper fit. Now, come here, Mira-sama.

In spite of being the one who asked the girl to move, Litalia ended up using her own hands to lift Mira without any effort; followed by that, the little girl was practically forced to wear the item Mariana had brought with her, receiving a simple excuse me, before the act. In the end, it was something Mira had no say at all.

When the girl finally looked at the underwear the maid put on her, she saw something that resembled short pants and remembered what it was. Called bloomers, they were a kind of underclothing often used in the Gothic Lolita fashion.

Why why was something like this inside my ro err, inside my Masters room?

The first thing that came into Miras mind were those questioning words that somehow escaped from her throat. Even though there existed, indeed, underwear equipments in the game, Dunbalf was never the kind of person who had the hobby of collecting womens underclothing. Not only that, but Mira didnt remember ever bringing that kind of thing to her room. Inside there she had, at most, a rainbow-colored loincloth that Dunbalf obtained from the River Climbing Festival.

The bathroom here in Dunbalf-samas room is so big I cant help but enjoy it.

Indeed, it is something splendid, but

Its my spare underwear.

Oh. oh right

At that instant, Mira lost all her will to fight back and majestically hung her head in shame, having finally become a complete dress-up doll.

The robe was now decorated with countless ribbons. Its hem was folded to make it look like a flared skirt and the sleeves, also enveloped in the same kind of ornament, were left in a moderately loose state.

At first glance, Mira could be easily mistaken for the likes of a magical girl; but the ones who accomplished such feat, Litalia and Mariana, simply nodded to each other, satisfied with the result. The young girls expression, however, was the complete inverse of the assistants, displaying over and over again a bitter smile.

Well then, Mira-sama, shall we go?

The envoy outside is waiting.

Not while I am wearing these clothes.

We cannot make him wait any more.

Leave me out of that. You were the ones who decided on your own to do this with the robe.

That was because of the clothes you were wearing before.

Yes, but you did not have to go all the way with

Having found no way to win against those two, Mira gave up and brought her gaze down to the magical girls clothing she was wearing now; only to let out a splendid sigh as it didnt fit her robe at all.

Alright, lets go.

Leading the way, Litalia opened the door and there, outside, was the uniformed man standing in wait,exactly as when Mira first saw him. His cheeks, however, were somewhat red.

When the young girl left the Private Room, Mariana appeared behind her and calmly closed the door. On one hand, the man was surprised by the sudden change that Mira underwent, when her figure clad in a robe full of ribbons completely filled his view; on the other hand, the image of that same girl wearing nothing but a skin-colored one-piece resurfaced in his mind and made him remember what he felt at that time. Finally, being the first one to notice it, Mariana shoot him a glare that could even silence a dragon.

The man, who had been standing upright all the time, appeared to flinch a little from that gaze. Then, after slightly clearing his throat, he placed his right hand on his chest and bowed, in a sort of greeting. It was a style of salute used by the armed forces of the Kingdom of Arkite, but at the same time Miras expression became strangely stiff.

When Arkite was still in its early days and was about to fight its first war, everyone thought it would be a hopeless fight. However, the moment they triumphed, the victorious players mood was in perfect form and, together, they came up with that salute. In other words, it was something created in the heat of that moment.

Of course, as Mira clearly recalled, in the middle of the atmosphere and mood of the war, the scene of all soldiers doing the salute together was a sight to behold. But right now, when it was only one person doing it, Mira couldnt help but give off a forced smile.

Pleased to meet you. I am Garrett Astol, serving as the vice-leader of the Arkite Kingdoms Mobile Infantry Force.

And I am Mira.

Dunbalf-samas apprentice, Mira-sama, right? I am here to bring a message from his Majesty, the King of Arkite.

After Mira gave a short reply, Garrett continued without any change in his attitude.

I have already instructed her on what the message was. Mira-sama has gladly accepted the invite for an audience with the King.

While peering into the mans face, who didnt seem to want to lock eyes with her, Litalia spoke about his main objective.

Oohh, is that so? Thank you very much. Well then, I have a carriage prepared in front of the tower, so let us leave without delay.

Having finished saying that, Garretts expression revealed once again very small traces of seriousness. Then, as if trying to run away from there, he guided Mira to the front of the vehicle.

Please take care on the way to the capital.

Mira-sama, if possible in the future, would you mind telling us about Dunbalf-sama?

Right, of course. I will make sure to do it the next time we meet, then.

Thank you so much. I will be waiting.

Good, see you later.

Mira lightly waved her hand in a farewell to the two assistants and boarded the carriage, her mind now troubled by the need to create and expand a convincing story about Dunbalfs disappearance.

TL: Names and Info

River Climbing Festival. To quote and river climbing, a kind of mountaineering in which you follow a stream all the way to its mouth!

Garrett Astol

Mobile Infantry Force

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