Shattered Innocence: Transmigrated Into a Novel as an Extra

Chapter 159: Breakthrough (2)

"Almost there," Lucavion muttered.

After dealing with the mana for a long time, he had finally finished cracking his core and expanding the mana that was stored inside there.


With the sound of the crack, the hard part reached its end.

"It is over."

He felt the immediate shift, the moment when everything clicked into place. His core had expanded, and the stars within him pulsed with renewed brilliance, filling the space with their energy. He remained still for a moment, suspended in that brief weightlessness, letting the feeling sink in.

'It's done. The breakthrough… finally.'

The pressure that had once been overwhelming was gone, replaced by a steady, powerful hum deep within his body. But it wasn't over yet—he still needed to stabilize the influx of energy to anchor his core in this new realm of power. Without stabilization, all of this would be for nothing.

Slowly, he began the process of regulating the mana flow, pulling in the last remnants of energy from the Minor Fundamental Vein. The raw, potent power that had fueled his breakthrough now had to be tempered and integrated into his core. His breathing slowed, each inhale pulling more mana into his body, each exhale releasing the tension from his muscles.

'Steady… there's no need to rush this.'

Lucavion's mind sharpened as he focused on his internal circulation, ensuring that the flow of energy remained smooth and uninterrupted. He could feel the stars within him spinning at a steady pace, their light no longer volatile but controlled, harnessed to his will.

His core, though expanded, needed to adjust to the new level of power, and the mana he was absorbing would serve to strengthen and fortify the borders he had just shattered.

'The final pieces are falling into place.'

His entire being hummed with the resonance of the stars, their energy coiling and flowing through his veins like liquid fire. Each pulse of mana felt like a heartbeat, steady and rhythmic, aligning with the newfound strength in his core. Lucavion could feel his circulation improving, the pathways inside his body widening and becoming more efficient as the mana flowed freely through them.

'The expansion wasn't just about capacity… it's about control.'

The realization struck him with clarity—this breakthrough had not only increased his mana reserves but had also enhanced his control over that mana. The stars he had entangled were now perfectly aligned, their combined energy amplifying his strength while allowing for precise manipulation.

He could feel the subtle difference in how he could now command the mana, directing it with a thought, shaping it as easily as breathing.

Lucavion sat cross-legged, grounding himself, as the remaining energy from the vein continued to pour into him. The glow around him began to fade, signaling that the Minor Fundamental Vein's power was nearly spent. But that was fine—he had taken everything he needed from this place. Now, it was just a matter of absorbing the final bits and stabilizing his core fully.

His breathing deepened, and he focused inward once again. The three stars spun in their orbital system, perfectly balanced, their energy flowing like a steady river through his body. He directed the remaining mana toward them, feeding them slowly, allowing the stars to absorb and refine the last vestiges of energy.

'This is it. The final step.'

His core pulsed once, twice, and then settled. The stars glowed softly, their light no longer flaring but a steady, constant presence. The flow of mana through his body felt natural now, as if this level of power had always been his. The expansion had been successful, and the stabilization was complete.

He opened his eyes slowly, his vision adjusting to the dim light of the chamber. His body felt different—stronger, lighter, more attuned to the world around him. The overwhelming tension from the breakthrough had melted away, leaving behind only clarity and strength.

'It's done. Truly done.'

He stood up, feeling the weight of his new power settle within him. The stars within his core continued their steady orbit, and he could sense the boundless energy now at his disposal. The process had been grueling, but the result was worth every moment of struggle.

Vitaliara, who had been silently watching the entire process, leaped from her perch and landed gracefully beside him. Her eyes gleamed with approval as she looked up at him.

[You've stabilized everything, haven't you?] she asked, her voice soft but filled with pride. Indeed, she was feeling prideful.

Her sharp eyes lingered on Lucavion, observing the subtle changes in him with a quiet intensity. While he had focused solely on breaking through and stabilizing his core, she had noticed something else—something unusual. The mana that had poured into his body hadn't just been absorbed into his core; it had also woven itself into his physical form, integrating with his very being.

'Gerald… you truly found someone peculiar,' she mused silently, her thoughts drifting to the mysterious nature of this young man before her.

The protective layer of starlight mana that had enveloped him during his breakthrough was unlike anything she had seen before. It wasn't just an aura of mana meant to shield him from external forces—it had acted as a buffer, insulating his body from the immense strain his core had undergone.

The starlight mana had coiled around him in a way that suggested more than just a reaction to his cultivation. It had protected him as if it was instinctively tied to him, a phenomenon that raised more questions than answers.

Vitaliara's tail flicked thoughtfully as she considered the implications. Normally, mana integration was a slow, controlled process, one that required focus and discipline to manage. Yet, Lucavion had experienced it naturally, without even realizing it.

The starlight mana that had fused with his core had also bound itself to his body, enhancing his physical form while providing a level of protection that was rare, if not unheard of.

'This… isn't something I've seen before,' she thought, her feline gaze narrowing slightly as she continued to observe Lucavion's calm demeanor. His breakthrough had been successful, but there was more at play here—more than he realized.

The way the starlight mana had enveloped him, almost cradling him in its glow, wasn't something she could explain easily. It felt like the mana had responded to him personally, not just as fuel for his cultivation but as a safeguard. It hadn't dissipated after the breakthrough, either. There was a residual glow, faint but persistent, that lingered around him even now.

'The mana… it's become part of him, not just his core,' her thoughts turning serious. 'But why? And how?'

She wouldn't tell him—not yet, anyway. Lucavion had enough on his plate after the breakthrough, and this new discovery would only distract him.

Also, this physique of his.

She felt like there were many things that needed to be discovered about that, which made it quite hard to reveal things for the time being.

This wasn't something to take lightly, and she couldn't jump to conclusions without fully understanding the scope of the phenomenon.

'Until I know more, I'll keep it to myself,' she decided, her feline instincts guiding her. She would investigate quietly, keeping an eye on Lucavion as his cultivation progressed. Whatever was happening to him, it was tied to the stars themselves, and perhaps it would reveal more in time.

For now, though, she would remain silent, watching and waiting.

Lucavion, oblivious to her inner thoughts, glanced down at her. "What's on your mind?" he asked, his voice calm, as if sensing her scrutiny.

Vitaliara blinked once, her expression unreadable as she leaped onto his shoulder, her usual place. [Just thinking how peculiar you are,] she replied smoothly, her tone light.

Lucavion chuckled softly, shaking his head. "You've said that before."

[What is wrong with saying it again?]

"Heh….Nothing is wrong with that."

Vitaliara shifted slightly, her feline gaze softening for a brief moment as she observed Lucavion. Then, with a subtle movement, she leaped down from his shoulder, landing gracefully on the ground. Without hesitation, she padded closer to him, her sleek form moving with the quiet grace of a predator at ease.

[Nothing wrong at all,] she said, her voice smooth and teasing.

Lucavion raised an eyebrow, watching her approach with mild curiosity. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, she did something unexpected.

Vitaliara nudged her head against his leg, rubbing her head into him like a cat, showing affection. Her soft fur brushed against his body, and she purred slightly, the sound almost imperceptible but unmistakable in its warmth.

Lucavion blinked, momentarily caught off guard by the gesture. He stood still, unsure of what to make of it at first.

"Pfft….Sometimes, I forget that you are also a cat."

[Humph…..If not for things like this, you will never remember.]

Her actions seemed almost playful, a rare display of affection from the ever-watchful Vitaliara.


She circled him once before nudging her head into his side again, this time more insistent, as if reminding him that despite her sharp wit and piercing gaze, she was still very much a cat.

[You've been through a lot,] she murmured, her voice low and softer than usual. [A bit of comfort never hurts.]

Lucavion's smile widened slightly, his hand instinctively reaching down to run through the fur on her head, feeling the softness beneath his fingers. "I suppose not."

[What are you going to do now?]

Vitaliara asked, and Lucavion smiled.

"Well, I broke through the 4-star. But, we can't have the second core falling behind, can we?"

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