Saving 80,000 Gold in an Another World for Retirement

Chapter 337

Adelaide-chan has followers.

Its a bit unusual for a daughter of a newly emerging viscount to have followers.

Such people would normally be daughters of a duke or a marquis, or at least a daughter of a powerful count or higher.

But for that to be the daughter of a small and weak new viscount family

Well, maybe it was because of her debutante ball

Did the heads of the noble families like it, did the children themselves like it, or did they just want connections with me, the Hime Miko?

Anyway, Adelaide-chan has pawns now.

Of course, a daughter from a Counts household and above would not become an entourage of a daughter from a Viscount household, so Adelaide-chans pawns are daughters from either a Viscount household or a Baron household.

Im sure the daughters of senior aristocrats would want to make Adelaide-chan their entourage, but after that debutante ball, Adelaide-chan was able to have her own entourage in an instant, and by the time the senior noble ladies tried to talk to her, it was already too late.

Yeah, Adelaide-chan is a cute, smart, energetic, sincere, and caring child, so its only natural that she would be admired by the other young ladies.

Indeed, the fact that I organized the debutante ball and that she is good friends with me, the Hime Miko, probably had a little to do with it, but even without those things, Adelaide-chan has become popular.

And when I checked with Adelaide-chan herself, it seems theres nothing strange among her entourage.

Well, if the parents and the person themselves are burning with ambition, no matter how much Adelaide-chan is a friend of Hime Miko, she wont be an entourage of the emerging Viscount family

Rather than becoming an entourage of Adelaide-chan, they would try to have a deeper relationship with me, the adopted daughter of the Marquis, the head of a merchant association, and the tutor of Sabine, the Third Princess Although, I heard that Sabine-chan was discovered to be a genius, so I was immediately dismissed from that role She thinks of me as an older sister who was one of the heroes of the Royal Capital Absolute Defense Battle, and is currently the most charming girl in this country, with outstanding proportions

Oh, and uh, there was also a saint-sama recognition from the fireworks at a debutante ball

Yeah, Beatrice-chan, good luck!

So, although there are some who have become followers at the behest of their parents, they are only protecting themselves, by clinging to the slightly stronger ones among the weak, and they are only telling their daughters to befriend the daughter of Viscount Reiner. They dont seem to have any strange ambitions or goals, theyre all good girls, probably.

And at parties, it is said that the children of higher-ranking aristocrats will come and act together, but usually, it seems that only the daughters are the ones acting on their own.

Good, easy to use!

The only problem is that


Eh? Its not much of a problem, you know? (Adelaide)

Eeh~! (Mitsuha)

Regarding the selection of the initial members when the Sorority was launched, I explained that I was thinking about how the Society in the new continent was

In the new continent, the presiding officer was the daughter of A Marquis, Micchan No. 2, which made it possible to coordinate various behind-the-scenes activities and automatically eliminate those who didnt want to work under Micchan No. 2.

But with Adelaide-chan presiding, a daughter of a Viscount family, and me, Hime Miko, as her backer, there wont be anyone wholl object, right?

This is also the reason why Sabine-chan cant preside over the event.

Its not that they wont participate in a gathering hosted by Her Royal Highness They cant The position of the noble daughters will be a big hurdle.

However, its impossible to accept all noble daughters due to the number of people, and some of them have difficult personalities.

Even if they treat me and Adelaide-chan properly, if they are arrogant to other daughters, especially to those who are lower in rank than themselves, the atmosphere will not be as congenial as that of the Society of the new continent.

On the other hand, it is also against our philosophy of regardless of parent faction to be overtly selective when sending out recruitment invitations for the initial members

When I explained the situation to her and discussed it with her, Adelaide-chan replied, Its not much of a problem, you know? I was very surprised.

Why not just say from the beginning that its a gathering of the daughters of lower-class nobles and upper-class commoners? I am a member of a Viscount family and Ill be presiding over this gathering, so theres nothing strange about it.

And then, I will hide the fact that Mitsuha is involved and that Princess Sabine will be joining us when issuing the invitations.

I may be able to sneak in some information to those who absolutely need to join

And the initial members should be only the daughters of noble families below the rank of Viscount and the daughters of some upper-class commoners.

Later, when word spread and the daughters of Counts and Marquises began to apply for membership, the restriction of Viscounts and below would be removed. But at that point, the rule was already in place that new members must be unanimously approved by a secret voting of the members, so (Adelaide)

And those who we dont want can never join

If its a Viscount family or below, theres no problem if we choose the invitees arbitrarily, right? (Mitsuha)

Of course! (Adelaide)

Its impossible to have everyone, so its unavoidable to narrow down the number of people.

And then

Since Sabine-chan is an honorary member, a mascot, theres no problem. No one will complain about Sabine-chan being here.

Ah, it would be bad if I didnt invite the second daughter of the Count Pasteur family as soon as possible.

The child whom I made cry because I couldnt go to the debutante ball since I didnt know about the presence notification in the royal capital I told her to be my friend, so Im not going to leave her alone. I have to take this opportunity to collect flags (Mitsuha)

Collect the flags? (Adelaide)

Ah, no, its nothing! (Mitsuha)

Right, how can such a phrase exist in this world?

Also, Beatrice-chan

Once it became known that Im heavily involved in the Sorority, it would be natural for Beatrice-chan to join, although I have no choice but to wait until the rule of Viscount or lower is abolished As expected, its unreasonable to treat her the same as Sabine-chan

Yeah, until then, lets have Beatrice-chan focus on her Beatrice Trading Company

Adelaide-chan, is there anyone above a Counts family that you want to add sooner? (Mitsuha)

No. I know some good people, but I believe there will be no problems even after the restrictions are lifted. (Adelaide)

Alright then, lets move in that direction! (Mitsuha)


Its been less than a month since then.

Me, Adelaide-chan, and Sabine-chan secretly made a list of daughters to invite as initial members, and asked Marquis Bozes, Are there any noble families among those who are not desirable to be approached?.

Then the Marquis said, Mitsuha is finally starting to feel like a noble! I was happy to hear that, I do but, well, yeah, right

Everything else is almost ready.

After all, its easy to feel comfortable with a combat-proof strategy.

Along with the deterrent effect of me as Hime Miko, and Sabine-chan, the possibility of an enemy appearing is extremely low

On the other hand, I have to be careful not to let the daughters who cant join become too strong or take too much of a share

Okay, lets stick the attractive daughters in good condition around me as explosive reactive armor and start the operation so that the enemys attack cannot reach me!


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