Saving 80,000 Gold in an Another World for Retirement

Chapter 21 When Hunting We Don’T Spit Up And Everyone Stays Together

When hunting we dont spit up and everyone stays together .

Each has their own preferred fighting methods and combat ranges, and there is also compatibility with the found prey . Besides, there are many situations that cannot be addressed alone . Sometimes theres a need to chase and surround them, other times a powerful attack is needed against a big one . If such a big one is caught, itll be worth 1 ~ 2 gold coins if youre lucky . With that alone, this expedition would be a great success though

The 5 move quietly but quickly to search for prey . We once found a slightly big bird that stopped on a tree, but Ilses arrow missed .


Grit lightly pat the apologizing Ilses head with a plop .

The 5 continue the search again .

Huh, is that a bird?

Amazingly, an amateur like Mitsuha saw something like a bird by accident . She tells Svens in a whisper .

So, that, can you let me do it?

Mitsuha asks while patting that funny weapon .

The hit rate of the bow is not high in the first place . Moreover, the high shot angle and unfavorable condition of having branches and leaves in the way . Itll probably even be hard for Ilse .

Well, it might be fine to waste a oppotunty if the employer becomes satisfied . Its a prey she found after all . Thinking so, Sven approves . Mitsuha that draws the weapons string on its face to the very back .

Mitsuha that holds the weapons front instead of the side like the bow, the bow user Ilse stares curiously .


A metal arrow flew out vigorously with a sharp sound .

And the bird falls from the tree making a thump sound .

The ones who saw the prey fell have an expression like they cant believe it . Ilses mouth opens with no sign of closing .

Mitsuha had intensely trained with the crossbow at the captains side .

Thats for selling . We wont be eating it

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As expected of the leader, he got it together .

Few hours after hunting started . Zepp-san is carrying the bird . It seems, Grit-san was talking about responsibility and so on last night, something about

Well, since its decided that gains during this trip are all the 4s, I shouldnt be responsible for carrying it right?

So, a short break

I left alone saying I have to pick some flowers .

Are you collecting ornamental plants? Well follow

Grit-san knocked down and disposed of the man who made that joke .

A distance that definitely cant be seen, cant be heard, and where the scent wont reach Stable foothold, a little slope so that the direction it flows is stable . () Un, around here No, not where to poop, the smaller one!



It came out, something!

From a bush a few meters away, some kind of beast appeared . Ah, un, something like a boar? Perhaps, even if it is somewhat different, it will be translated to boar, in my head .

Un, so, its staring this way . Did I violate its territory? Or, is its prey, me?No no, arent we the ones doing the hunting?

Isnt it a little large, compared to the average in the boar industry?() Still a child? The ones called boarlets? But its not that small . Well, enough to leap on me?

While thinking, Mitsuhas right hand pulled out the gun from her waist holster . Beretta 93 R . Its a machine pistol . She sets the selector from semi-auto to single with her left hand . The wild boar takes the posture of thrusting while kicking the beating soil repeatedly to intimidate .


A loud, dry sound echoes .

No dokyuuun!, thats only when the sound echoes at indoor shooting ranges . It wont resound that much if its outdoors . Besides, I wouldnt purposely wait for it to finish preparing to charge . I have no such obligation . Its not pro-wrestling, so I wont draw out the opponents power to their maximum to create a climax .

And the wild boar collapses with a thud . Un, 2 hits . 1 shot would be enough for it if it was 3 shot burst .

I hurriedly take 2 bolts for the crossbow from the quiver, rushed over to the wild boar and inserted them into the bullet holes .

Whats wrong! What happened!

The 4 ran over in a panic . The collapsed wild boar stabbed with 2 bolts are reflected in their eyes .

Ah, suddenly it came out, and after shooting in a hurry somehow

I say no more, the 4 look at me with suspicious eyes .

Oh, there wasnt a sound when I used the crossbow a while ago, is that so .

After that, we brought the boar to the base camp . Grit-san remains to protect the prey from other beasts and small animals and also to remove the internal organs, the other 4 including Mitsuha continues hunting . The bow-using Ilse cant be removed after all and seems that Mitsuha is also seen as part of the forces .

After that Ilse caught 1 rabbit and bird each and Mitsuha caught 1 rabbit . 1 rabbit was able to escape because Mitsuha missed . Too bad . Rabbits cant be eaten because they sell well .

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Thats it for today . Withdrawal to the base .

When we returned, Grit-san was making stew from the internal organs . Un, we cant bring the organs back since they quickly go bad, but I guess we can eat it, indeed . Seems itll be a treat for everyone . Of course, Ill also eat it . I like offal dishes . Its nutritious .

Everyone was in a good mood . We couldnt catch a fox for their fur but we did get 2 reasonably profitable rabbits and birds . Besides, the boar is big . That alone is enough to say it was plenty successful this time .

In addition to that, medicinal herbs and wild vegetables we picked up on the first day and this morning . Furthermore, theres more hunting to do tomorrow morning . Including the request fee from Mitsuha, it is a considerable income . Even if its not enough to replace our weapons, itll give some breathing room . () To have plenty of edible meat after such a long time even if its internal organs, delightful laughter resounds .

Next morning .

Eh, food? What are you talking about, werent we supposed to go hunting, eat at noon and go back to the city? Why dont you start already?

The 4 went away disappointed .

Eh, me? Im camp-watching . Im tired, cough cough, its to preservative physical strength in preparing for our return . Well, maybe Ill prepare lunch?

The sun doesnt come through the middle of the forest in the first place so as soon as the tent was folded, luggage gets organized . The stove and other things no longer used are teleported home, the backpack is kept expanded with padding . Now its considerably lighter . I bought some seasoning from home in return . Like salt, peppers, and herbs .

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Un, the organs roasted over the fire last night, should I simmer them? I already took the stove back because there will be no time to after everyone comes back, the simple stone stove normally made by Grit-san is fine .

Everyone returns . Wow! Incredibly they caught a deer . Its a deer, a deer! They say that if you tell an American who is tired of eating beef youll treat them to some deer meat, theyll leave work early and fly over .

(tl note: I have no idea what this is referring to)

Naturally, it sells for a good price . Everyone is upset and excited already . No, I know, its a melting pot . () But imagine a number of melting pots getting excited while in the pot, imagine them being stirred around, thats probably plausible . () In the first place, do you know what a crucible crucible is?

(tl note: My best guess is that shes talking about how America is a melting pot of melting pots, and some of them like deer even if not everyone?)

No, leaving that aside .

The offals, such a waste

No, I already made the stew! Even though the deers would be absolutely more delicious!

Well, starting now will take too long and well return late, though originally the internal organs of a deer had to be thrown away .

Everyone splits into groups and dismantle the deer . Because it is heavy, it cant be carried as it is, so well take only the expensive parts . Discard the internal organs, cut off the neck . Remove horns and take home . The fur is wanted so its isnt skinned . The legs are used to carry so they arent removed . We tied the legs using ivy to sturdy but not too heavy trees branches so that a pair can carry it . Its Sven-san and Zepp-san job . The other two? They have a boar, dont they?

The birds and rabbits? Ah~ Its good I lighten my luggage


Un, rightright!

After all, I did not spare any spices . The tightness of the taste is different . Well, eat a lot .

And so on the way back .


Still, its tough for the 4 of them too, but they persevere with a smile as if they were carrying gold coins .

In the end, when we reached the town it was already dark . Because there were a lot of breaks .

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Next day . I met with Sven-san and others in the mercenary guild at a reasonable time .

When Mitsuha arrived, it was after the prey was already sold through the guild .

Mitsuha signed the request completion and rated A . The 4 were pleased .

One gold coin from the request fee was handed over by the guild, and Sven-san carefully stows it in his pocket . For the 4 who live renting a cheap room, this alone is enough riches for them to live off for about half a month if they save . No, it would be a minimal life with only simple meals though .

Well, their purses are fat now with the income from the catches and medicinal herbs . Considering the future, this little expenditure for gaining a friendly relationship with Mitsuha will not be in vain . Last night the 4 were exhausted and immediately went to sleep like they collapse while hungy, they ate nothing to prepare for the closing party next morning . Their hunger is already at their limit . Everyone gathers and goes to their regular restaurant . Of course, alcohol is also served even in the daytime .

Thank you for your hard work~()


After a toast with ale, we keep asking for more food and the conversion gets lively . About hunting, about cooking However, the crossbow didnt come up as a topic . They seem to have presumed its something Mitsuha wouldnt talk about . They dont violate the clients privacy . Theyll keep it a secret .

There are also garbage mercenaries who without any doubt would for money, Sven and others were sincere mercenaries . They wont break the mercenary code . If we break the rules, we cannot complain even if others break the rules .

So, ramen and Calorie Mate were pretty good

Un un(yepyep)

The stove though Its very convenient, but it would become a burden . Even if it takes some labor, if you build a stove out of stone you wouldnt need that burden . Its expensive, isnt it? Like the fuel, or if it breaks

Oh, indeed

Un, this time has ready been a learning experience . I enjoyed it a lot . It was heavy on the way home, ah

Hey, have you ever thought, if only it could be much easier to carry lots of luggage?

Eh, well of course If you can carry a lot, you can carry more catches at once, so its efficient .

But we cant buy a carriage . Servicing the carriage itself, controlling the horses, and various other things . To begin with, how much do you think one costs?

In Mitsuhas head, the pic of a certain thing comes to mind the time she looked it up long ago .

Aluminum folding wagon, no flats specification 37,900 yen( )

If it folds into luggage on the way there then the weight of a cart

Un, the dream is widen ring! ()

Also, is that fire rod expensive?()

Ah, that doesnt cost much . If not that type, theres a little one that you can use hundreds of times thats not even a silver coin


Un, since a few of them are sold at a 100-yen store, the cost is just 1 small silver coin, maybe . 1 silver coin is a rip-off .

Wait, only the 2 women were surprised to hear that, so that means, ah, do only these 2 make the fire for times like cooking? It doesnt matter to the men, is that so .

While they were having a lot of fun while engaged in Mitsuhas topic of what could be useful, She remembered . ()

That reminds me, please look at this!

Mitsuha took out a book from the bag shes carrying and put it on top of the table .

You talk completely like I was crazy on the first night . Look, where Im from bathing in that outfit is pretty normal

Opening the book placed on the table, the four becomes rigid . Like they were looking at something unbelievable .

There were a number pictures of men and women from all ages with swimsuits playing in pools and beaches . A swimsuit girls gravure book . 3 of them stiffen . Zepp turns the pages with trembling hands .

Cant be


No, its just a fictional artwork . It is frighteningly precise, but theyre not a sight from reality!

Yesterday, I force my tired body to changed my clothes and teleport . Then I went to a large second-hand bookstore that was opened late and looked for a suitable gravure magazine . It was cheap and seems to have an impact . Its for my honor so I worked hard .

(tl note: I dont think she notice she just bought what could qualify as pornography to a public setting)

However, although my clothes were changed, maybe the smell of blood and wild animals didnt come off, I attracted a lot of attention . I was startled when a sharp-eyed old man looked at me with frightened eyes . Did you notice the smell of blood? What are you old man? Oh, the boss of a butchers shop, is that so? Really, I should have gone after going to a bath .

I hope if there is another opportunity, no thats our line, ask for us again, etc . etc . , um that bow klunk, we said our goodbye and depart . I returned to the shop serving as my base . Really, theres only been closed days . Ill open tomorrow .

On my way home I heard Zepp-sans, um, this book, but I said It has served its purpose so I dont need it, its yours, and went home .

A few days later, I went to the restaurant we had lunch at to have dinner . It was pretty good . No, I sometimes eat out . My home cooking tends to be lacking in vegetables .

And then, the 4 of them were there . For some reason, they seem startled to see me and has an anxious expression, hey whats with that behavior .

Long time no see . Huh, whats wrong?

Ah, no, that

Huh, havent their equipment change somewhat?

Oh, you change your weapons? Congrats!

At my words, the 4 lowered their heads and shouted .


Eh, what?

That gravure magazine sold for 7 gold coins to a nobles 4th son?

No, its something I said I dont need, so its fine whether you throw it away or sell it .

However, todays dinner is on you!

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