Running Away From The Hero!

Chapter 260


Evade the Hero CH 260 TL

#9 Their Situation: The Situation of a Man Once Called the Mercenary King

King? Me?

I nodded, observing the womans evident confusion.

The one who brings the necklace will become the Mercenary King. Thats the rule.

Command? But from whom?

Her momentarily dazed eyes began to focus again.

No way!

Thats right, no way.

Getting the necklace meant being tied to that wicked professor.

Even if that person was an incredibly evil villain who could ruin lives at will, they wouldnt send someone unrelated.


What is your relationship with the person who gave it to you?

With that person

The womans face, as she glanced at the sky for a moment, held various emotions.

I think you know.

While others might not, I could understand.

I would have a similar expression if asked such a question.

Respect for the pure ability, anger when I remembered the tortures I endured to learn this skill.

Sadness at meeting this person again, hope at the chance to distance myself from him.

All these emotions played out on her face.

Youre his student, right?

Yes, Im his student.

After thinking it over, the woman nodded in agreement.

How much have you learned?

About two years of learning different things.

I nodded at the woman, who sighed again as she looked at the sky.

That seems to be expected. Im her student too, about a years worth of learning.

Youre lucky you left quickly.

I am. Incredibly lucky.

How much effort did we put into escaping that hell?

Normally one spends over four years at the crossroads of life and death, undergoing training. We cut it down to one year.

It was an amazing accomplishment credited to talent.

Effort. It was the result of sacrificing everything.

Thats how we escaped from the grasp of our instructor, that devil known as Guardian.

Although I heard later that it didnt last long.

Because we became official members within a year, the professor gained three years to accomplish tasks that the organization couldnt ignore due to lack of manpower.

This led the Professor to infiltrate the royal palace and build up an impressive resume.

However, attempts to return to the organization were thwarted by threats of betrayal and ongoing continental wars.

Thus, the organization was forced to postpone all plans.

As a result, the Professor remained within the Empire to gather vital information and earn even greater recognition.

They pledged never to take on missions as the Professor again after enduring so much in the Empire.

From now on, they would prepare the following students not to graduate early.

Just hearing about it sent shivers down my spine.

They were essentially extending the training by three years.

If it had been me, Id have gone crazy.

And to think we grew up under the tutelage of Bat, who constantly pushed us to our limits.

Youve been through a great deal.


Although she was about a year behind me, this girl was one of the professors last students.

Given the professors nature, they must have done a lot of research with each new generation.

Research, implementation, then more research.

This led to perfecting techniques for torture and lethal methods without causing death, which were then passed down.

However, what truly mattered was,

You will face even greater challenges ahead.

Yes, I will.

It wasnt just about the past; it was ongoing.

Let me clarify, the person once known as the Mercenary King is me.


Due to past circumstances, I left the organization and eventually became a mercenary.

I see.

But after training under that Professor, there is no way I could be ordinary, right? Eventually, the whispers in the neighborhood about the Mercenary King turned from a nickname to a title.

Isnt that expected for the professors students?

True. Not during my time as a mercenary, but a little earlier, even the rookies I met back then ended up that way.

I had met a former rookie who had risen to become the head of a villainous organization from our days in Magic Origins, where survival meant wielding a sword.

How happy we were to meet.

So happy that we couldnt help but clash swords at every opportunity.

But in the end, I emerged victorious.

Thanks to that, I learned a lot from my juniors.

Most of the thoughts I had before, I heard from those juniors.

Yet, its a title I earned through hard-earned efforts. Well, it was a neighborhood nickname, so I had to throw a few punches whenever I gathered mercenaries.

It was a title limited to my kingdom and the neighboring realms, so whenever new mercenaries gathered, there were many who laughed at the nickname Mercenary King.

Usually, I would have disregarded them, but the professor aimed for full control over the mercenaries.

For that, I had to give the new recruits a good beating.

Its not difficult, but its quite annoying.


And its something well have to keep doing in the future.

The one who had been lost in thought for a moment nodded his head.

Shall we fight?

We must.

Even if there is an employer who pays well, mercenaries dont leave their fate in the hands of others, especially in matters where a single judgment can determine life or death.

In a situation where we have to fight against absurdly strong enemies, would any mercenary really listen to the sudden orders of a woman?

Of course, Ill lose in the end, but I still have to show some skill. When Im the professors disciple, I wont be weak.

So I can do it, right?

With that look in his eyes, he actually smiled bitterly.

You dont have to lose on purpose.

No. Its what the professor ordered. DiiScver w storis on no//e()/lbin(.)c/o/m

If I could just distance myself from them, I could market not just the title of Mercenary King but also my reputation.

Sacrificing nicknames and fame is a very cheap price.

So go easy on me.

Yes. Ill be reasonable.

How bold.

Considering, hes likely in his mid-twenties, correct?

He still doesnt know much about the world, though.

Well, it couldnt be helped.

After all, he was the professors student. Thats how strong he was.

I also thought I was the best at a similar age, left the organization to become a hero, only to be rejected.

It was really heartbreaking.

Enduring poverty for years, then turning to mercenary work when funds dwindled, felt like a second chance, no, a fourth chance at life.

I learned a lot during that time.

As a senior, it wouldnt be a bad idea to pass this knowledge on to my juniors.

Gather everyone.

Despite their usual disregard and unkempt appearance, my loyal subordinates promptly carried out their duties, quickly gathering people and starting to serve food and drinks.


Why are you serving food and drinks?

Isnt it like watching a fire in someone elses house, or watching someone elses love affair while watching a fight?

Anyway, its most enjoyable when theres a fight.

These guys

They were laughing, betting on who would win, showing that human nature doesnt change.

I wish these trashy personalities would change a little.

Ugh! I cant help it.

Its unpleasant to be the spectacle, but what can you do?

If I dont do this, I cant make that guy a mercenary king.

In any case, even though I lost, I fought well.

What? Still a beginner, huh?

A woman? The chief is fighting a woman like that for the position of king?

Perhaps its a ritual. She does seem attractive, doesnt she?

Anyway, those bastards

The typical mercenary banter began to echo around.

Some were hurling crude remarks.

There were also some female colleagues nearby, but they didnt seem to care much.

Is she the kings mistress?

She didnt come when I called her, but young people are always preferred!

Did you charm the leader into this position?

Appearances can be misleading!

No, there were even female mercenaries who caused more trouble.

Sorry, but this is a world where such things are commonplace.

I understand.

Looking at my calm junior, I didnt let my guard down.

Despite her appearance, who was I? I was none other than the professors student.

Among the things the professor used to say were things like this.

Be careful of those who look like beggars. If you look closely, youll find some who dont look like beggars at all, or some who are subtly well-groomed. They usually have stories. Most of them are strong.

What nonsense is that? I sometimes thought.

But since I had lived as a beggar and understood what it meant to be one, I could understand the professors words.

Because I had a story that made me live like that.

I had defeated all the newcomers who looked down on me and put them under the gallows, presenting them as if they were carpets.

Despite their filthy appearance and cunning demeanor, there was dignity in them.

They would be strong. Apart from me, I dont think there was anyone among the mercenaries who could defeat this person.

Well then, shall we begin?

After a brief nod to my junior, I raised my sword.

Crazy! A sword strike right from the start!

Wow Chief, isnt it too strong to come out like that against a young opponent?

Wow, are you going for the leg shake effect?

Thats Chief for you. Knowing how to use your own weaknesses for effect.

The surroundings were noisy as usual, but I paid it no mind.

Alright, are you ready?

Even though hes called Professor Student, I wasnt sure about his swordmaster skills.

If he wasnt a swordmaster, should I opt for a scenario where I deplete my magic power and accept defeat?

Being a Sorcerer wouldnt be bad either.

I should have checked first, but I got too excited at the thought of distancing myself from the professor and ended up making a mistake.

Nevertheless, I possessed sufficient skill to manage the uncertainties.

Find a balance


Was it my mood? I sensed a sudden darkness.

No, before that, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.


The sound of swallowing saliva could be heard. What was going on?

Ive been ready for ages.

As I observed my junior smirk, a cold sweat trickled down my back.

Ill take the name of Mercenary King from you, Senior.

The moment he finished speaking, I lunged forward.


Crazy! What was that?

A massive fist struck the ground where I had stood.

Gazing up at the creature responsible for the blow, I let out a scream.

Let go, Surtr.


A giant with a crimson body began to roar. Immediately, that huge body was enveloped in a crimson flame.

Madness! Watch out!


Sorry! Sorry for being arrogant!

Some mercenaries were blown backward by the massive magic storm.

Amidst the chaos as the onlookers screamed and fled, my Junior was still looking at me.


Yes, Senior.

I had a feeling something was amiss.

What is it?

Oh, just

My junior paused briefly, then offered a sweet smile and said,

The professor has a contract with this big demon.

Although she said with a cute smile after blinking a few times,


The massive fist of the great demon descending upon me was anything but cute.

Why on earth are you making a deal with a big demon?

Because its Professor.

Now something makes sense!

I shouted as I blocked the subsequent attacks with my sword.

But the opponent wasnt the Great Demon.

Im here too, Senior?


Upon diverting my attention from the great demon, I noticed almost a hundred magic orbs hovering in the air.


Using magic on a great demon and being able to cast such spells.

Enough! Surtr, take up your sword as well.

-Rise, Ragnarok!

With ominous words, the great demon summoned a gigantic sword out of thin air.

Uh Junior, cant we stop this?

We cant win against that. My instincts were screaming.


No, we cant.

My adversary was the professors pupil.

They were unrivaled in wickedness among all living beings on Earth.

Ultimately, I found myself the target of my juniors onslaught and spent the following day fleeing desperately. The mercenaries knelt in reverence as a new king was born.

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