Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 157: EITS is everywhere..

Chapter 157: EITS is everywhere..

He turned towards the maids behind Qin Bao and said,

Tianlong Yun:"As for you two, I have another job. Something that suits you two better. I will give your instructions later. Let's meet at the Chu Mansion tomorrow."

The two maids were startled they didn't expect such a thing, they had never thought leaving Qin Bao's side. They were thinking of just staying by her side, and guard her, from any idiot.

Just when they were about to say anything, Tianlong Yun spoke before them,

Tianlong Yun:"There is no need for you to be here, she will be safer with the shadows and everyone. And if you want to be here to protect her from me, then you are too late, her life is already mine. Furthermore I am certain that will love what I have in mind for you."

The two maids were startled, but there was the truth in his words, they were useless in here. There was no use of them being here now. Truth to be told they had missed the action so much.

Even Qin Bao was startled, after all those two were her closest persons. But seeing their expressions she knew she couldn't keep them always by her side, and that they wanted action again. So she said,

Qin Bao:"Don't worry about me, if he wanted me dead, he would have already killed me. Furthermore I am here because of my deal with him. I belong to him now, just like you do after that stupid bet."

Even though her words seemed like she was reproaching them, the two maids were happy hearing their ladies words, and seeing her expression.

Seeing that everything seemed closed, Tianlong Yun said,

Tianlong Yun:"Well this is all for now. All of you go take care of your business. Gao Ling you will accompany Young master Qin Bao during the night for a tour underground. Careful of extra eyes."

Saying that he went with Gao Lin and the shadows downstairs, while ordering Chu Fan to leave the place towards his caf, and also keep an eye on his manager, and the workers in there.

At the dark corner of the pavilion, there was a moveable shelf which leads towards the underground facility. That was only one of the entrances that he had planned.

According to his thinking there should at least be around 5 entrances to the underground facility, but there was still time to build the other 4.

At the moment the most important thing was for the underground facilities to be functional, and also finding a solution to the spying matter.

In reality the entrance was a 1 m wide tunnel, with stairs that went almost 20m underground. He didn't want his underground facilities to be found by anyone.

Later he would also make it so that the tunnels fell apart, the moment someone opened them by mistake, or tried by force. To him safety and secrecy were first.

Thinking like this he got downstairs followed by the shadows and Gao Ling. After he passed the downstairs door, he entered the underground facility, it was really dark in there.

Sun couldn't enter down there, and they still hadn't been able to secure lightening for all the facility. Only the most important places had lights at the moment.

Like the women's quarters, the women taken into custody during their first operation. Most of them would be used as courtesans in the above ground facility.

All of them were being educated by Gao Ling at the moment, and were forced to choose between that or their lives. But having their previous records, their choice was almost known.

Seeing the facilities Tianlong Yun said,

Tianlong Yun:"So how are they behaving Ling'er, is there any stubborn one? And where are the girls that were taken that night from Chu Fan's caf."

Gao Ling listening to her masters question, immediately started to answer,

Gao Ling:"No master, for the moment all the woman in here have accepted our conditions and signed the contract. Just like you said we asked them 5 years service with option of renewal from their side. They will also get 20% of the money paid for them, and after released to live their lives in freedom."

This was Tianlong Yun's solution to make those women comply with his request and give them hope of getting out of their lives. He was giving them a dream, so they worked hard to fulfill their dream.

But now the most important issue wasn't that, it was to check if there were other agents of EITS in his possession. He hadn't shown them his face, but still better safe than sorry.

That was why he asked again,

Tianlong Yun:"As for my second question?"

Gao Ling was startled, she didn't know what was happening, but she could see the seriousness in her master's face, and immediately answered,

Gao Ling:"All 4 of them are being kept inside one room, the shadows have been trying to socialize with them, but some of them are getting impatient and want to talk to their families."

Hearing that answer, Tianlong Yun could swear, that there were other agents of EITS in their middle. But why, were they so focused on Chu Fan? There seemed to be more to this issue that he knew.

Anyway with those thoughts in mind he said,

Tianlong Yun:"Oh did them? Separate them from now, each one of those needs to be in different rooms, until I say differently."

Gao Ling couldn't understand her master's reason and thoughts, but she didn't care much about that, she just followed his words to the letter.

While they were being separated Tianlong Yun was staying in a dark corner, checking them on by one. And truthfully in their midst were two girls, who had tattoo's on their hands.

Apparently they were helpers to the manager, one of them was identified as a toy of Chu Fan, while the other seemed to be the girl who had fought the most against her fate.

Was she a new recruit? Or was there something else behind her? But he knew he couldn't get the information he wanted at the moment, so he said,

Tianlong Yun:"Ling'er this will be your first duty in here, turn those two into toys. And when you are done, report to me immediately."

Gao Ling was getting even more confused with each order, but she wouldn't doubt her master's words. So she said decisively,

Gao Ling:"Consider it done master, I will report to you as soon as possible."

Feeling satisfied with her words, Tianlong Yun ran a quick tour and then left the place from where he came from. He couldn't make them doubt there was another entrance to this place.

Just for this reason, he had made the other side of the entrance more than 1km away, at a small bar with private rooms. Like this no one would doubt on him. The bar was under one of the shadows name.

Getting out of the pavilion Tianlong Yun, showed himself around for some minutes, and then disappeared from the place, without anyone noticing when and how.

Outside, a duo tracker was waiting for him to come out, but for nothing, they didn't notice him get out. Like this he disappeared from there, and started to walk towards Doctor Song's house.

He reached close to Doctor Song's house in an hour approximately. He decided to make the way here on foot, and also observe the situation in the city.

Everybody seemed to understand that the bad things hadn't ended in this place, and soon more blood would cover the streets. Everyone was trying their best to look their way, and stay away from trouble.

Tianlong Yun could feel their fear and expectance of what was about to happen, but he didn't care much. He was raised with such a mentality, that the strong decides for the weak.

In less than an hour, he was in the surroundings of Doctor Song's house. he didn't enter immediately inside, but made a round around the place, to see if there were any trackers around.

And how could they be missing in here, the news that Doctor Song was selling the cure to the virus, had been made the most known secret to the whole province.

But this had helped them make a lot of money at the moment, selling the cure to the rich old people was truly a profitable business. After all they were the most afraid of death.

From what he learned by eavesdropping on the conversations, of the trackers, they were here only for Doctor Song, no one had any information on the true identity of Hui Xi Yin.

Thinking that at least he didn't had to worry about that, he said mental messages to the four guardians to stay in the surroundings and try to gather some information from the trackers. He send a text to Doctor Song, and entered inside without alerting anyone.

Entering inside he went immediately towards the lab. Opening the door, towards him immediately came an excited Hui Xi Yin, and threw herself into his arms.

She had truly been missing him, and also every time he got close to her she felt her blood boil. She couldn't do anything to control herself.

Tianlong Yun didn't disappoint her, he to embraced her tightly and kissing her ear, he whispered with a grin,

Tianlong Yun:"Did you miss me so much snakey?"

Hui Xi Yin hearing his whisper got ashamed of her conduct, but it was out of her control, so she just sheltered her head in his chest, without saying anything.

From the moment he entered Doctor Song's house he had been checking for bugs and cameras, and even now as he was embracing her, he was checking his surroundings.

He had found many on the way, but fortunately there was only one near the lab, it was on the outside door. Most probably those were just placed, and they still hadn't found the opportunity to enter the lab.

This was a good thing, otherwise they might get compromised. Thinking like this he turned towards Doctor Song and said,


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