Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 147: Body and life for a promise (1/?)

Chapter 147: Body and life for a promise (1/?)

Suddenly Qin Bao had a knife in her hand and pointed the knife towards his gut she stabbed him. In that craziness that she was she pulled the knife back and was about to stab him for a second time, but this time she was stopped by Tianlong Yun's hand.

Tianlong Yun wanted to stop her at her first try, but then at a second thought this would make the DGP angrier and also make his job easier.

So he let Qin Bao stab him the first time and when she was about to continue with her stabbing and kill him, he stopped her. Tianlong Yun needed to make him angrier and wrathful, so that his refinement would be a certain success.

Taking the knife from her hands he said to her,

Tianlong Yun:"Careful there miss Qin Bao, I still need him to be angrier and more wrathful before he dies. So I can't allow you to kill him, yet."

Qin Bao was like a crazy woman a moment ago, but then hearing Tianlong Yun's words she calmed down and recollected herself, even though she didn't know why Tianlong Yun wanted to kill him slowly.

She just let the knife in Tianlong Yun's hands and moved back two steps and said,

Qin Bao:"Why? Why do you want him to die slowly?"

She was truly curious about the reason, had this scum done something to Tianlong Yun? Did he had any grudge against this scum? That she could use and make him work together with her and ruin the Qin family.

Tianlong Yun seeing her look full of expectations and curiosity just smiled lightly and answered,

Tianlong Yun:"That's personal miss Qin Bao, but now I wonder how much does your promise worth. After all you promised me your body and life, if I help you ruin the Qin family, and then you promised the same to your uncle. Which one are you going to fulfill I wonder?"

Qin Bao was startled at his words, she didn't expect such a counter attack from him. Were all the people in this city blind and stupid? How could they all think that this guy was a waste?

But this just meant that he was even more intelligent and sharp that she thought at first. Now she had a clear head and could analyze the situation and what was happening around her.

But how could Tianlong Yun allow her to escape from his clutches this easily so he said,

Tianlong Yun:"Well I guess your promises have no worth at all miss Qin Bao. Now the only question is what to do with you?"

His words hit her weakest spot as a intelligent and sharp woman, her pride and her word. Even though Qin Bao could understand, that Tianlong Yun was just pushing her to abide by her previous promise, that she said in the heat of the moment, she couldn't escape from it.

Her road was just one way from now forth, the only thing she could do right now was to make sure of her primary goal, so she said with a firm voice,

Qin Bao:"Can you promise me that you will ruin the Qin family?"

Tianlong Yun seeing her serious and firm tone, changed his face to the same seriousness and firmness as her and said,

Tianlong Yun:"As long as you keep your promise, I can promise to you that I can make you strong enough so you could destroy them yourself. But of course this will take some time, and you will have to abide by my words until then."

Qin Bao didn't expect an answer like that, she had always been smart and intelligent, but she knew that in front of those old fogies she was nothing.

No matter her intelligence and sharp brain, she couldn't kill them. And if those old fogies weren't dead no one could ruin the Qin family of Shanghai.

But now she was getting even more that she wished, Tianlong Yun was promising her a chance to gain power, sufficient to take revenge with her own hands.

And perhaps someday she would be powerful enough to grab her fate strings again from his hands. After all why couldn't she? She was a super intelligent woman, she could do whatever others did, ten times better.

So she said with determination,

Qin Bao:"Then my life and body is yours."

Tianlong Yun could understand her thoughts at the moment. He would probably be thinking the same in her place, the arrogance coming from the fact of thinking of being over the rest.

But that was better to him, as long as she had that confidence, her face after the seal would activate would be better.

Thinking like this, he turned to his two beautiful shadows accompanying him and said gently,

Tianlong Yun:"Tie him up in here and wait at the entrance of the elevator."

Tianlong Shui and Tianlong Huo were disappointed at the fact that there was now another woman before them, and they could do nothing about it.

Noticing their disappointed looks, Tianlong Yun continued with his gentle voice,

Tianlong Yun:"It's still early for you too, furthermore your first time needs to be special."

These were all the words, it took the two girls sadness and disappointment to leave them, and tying up the DGP, they left happy towards the elevator to stay there and guard the place.

Seeing how easily their mood changed, Tianlong Yun looked towards them smilingly and shaking his head, he turned towards Qin Bao and said firmly,

Tianlong Yun:"Now let's see how you complete your promises miss Qin Bao. Take off your night gown and come here."

Qin Bao was startled, this guy's face and tone changed so quickly that she was thinking he had some mental issues. But she wouldn't be frightened by this. Taking off her nightgown seductively she said,

Qin Bao:"Aren't you going to make this special for me too? It's my first time you know?"

Tianlong Yun had known this from the beginning, so it wasn't much of a surprise to him. Furthermore he didn't have to be polite with her, he didn't had any feelings for her, so he said plainly,

Tianlong Yun:"That is for those I care about. This between you and me is just a deal, nothing special, there are no feelings involved in this."

Hearing those words Qin Bao finally was hit by the realization, that what she was doing right now, was just like a street worker. The only difference was that those women took money for their services, while she was taking a promise.

But she didn't care, her revenge was more important to her, than her body or her life, that family had taken from her everything she deemed important.

They had taken the most important person on her life, her mother. And had made her life a living hell, also had treated her worst that garbage. So what if she had to sell her body and life, as long as they were ruined, she would at least be in peace.

So taking courage from her hatred and anger, she approached Tianlong Yun, and started showing her body proudly in his face. She knew, she was beautiful and hot, and was proud of the fact. That was the only thing her mother had gifted her, her body.

Tianlong Yun had to accept that she had an amazing body, and that she was really hot. But he had seen a lot of women even more beautiful and hotter than her, and wasn't too fazed from her body. He just bit his finger for blood to come out.

Meanwhile Qin Bao was a bit disappointed seeing him still composed and calm, not like she had expected at the begin of this. Was he a stone man or something, that he wasn't jumping over her body to ravage her.

But she was even more startled, when she saw him bite his finger and blood coming out of it. She didn't understand at all, what this guy was thinking or doing.

Tianlong Yun seeing the blood on his finger coming out, grabbed her by the left hand, and started to draw the symbols of the seal in her forehead.

Qin Bao was getting more confused by the moment, but then remembering that Tianlong Yun was a cultivator she got scared and said with a trembling voice,

Qin Bao:"Wh..what are you tr..trying to do to me??"

Tianlong Yun could see that she was truly intelligent, even at this moment she could think clearly, and had the courage to ask for what he was doing to her.

But this didn't change anything for him, he had decided that she was going to be his sex-slave and she had already promised that herself. So he said lightly,

Tianlong Yun:"Taking your body and life of course. I need to be assured that you won't break your promise, and work behind my back. Don't you think?"

Qin Bao could understand his words, and claim but this didn't make her feel relaxed. At this moment there was an identity crisis she was going through. She had thought of her promise as empty words until now, but now everything was getting real.

How could she allow this to happen, she had no idea how this thing worked, and what was going to happen to her in the future. What if there was no escape to this in the future.

She felt like she was selling her soul to the devil. Tianlong Yun finishing the symbols drawing, and noticing her state of thoughts, and expression, told her as a matter of fact,

Tianlong Yun:"Now we are done, with this you will be my sex-slave from this moment forth. You can't hide any thoughts from me, and will do everything I ask. But don't worry, beside that nothing will change, and you will be able to take your revenge."

Right now Qin Bao was truly feeling like she was selling her soul to the devil. After all what was the difference between that, and this deal with Tianlong Yun.

She was shocked and didn't know what to think of all this. Her brain was finally hit by the realization of what had happened until now. She now understood that she was just intelligent and not smart, because she just analyzed but never made the right choice.

While she was thinking like that she felt


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