Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 145: Party wrecker Tianlong Yun

Chapter 145: Party wrecker Tianlong Yun

Apparently the supposed Young master of the Qin family wasn't the one he pretended to be. In reality it wasn't Young master at all, it was the Young miss of the Qin family.

The one, the whole world thought it was a young man, was in reality a young woman in disguise. This was extra information that only Tianlong Yun possessed.

This made his job easier in a way and more complicated in another. He had to first know how much did the GDP know of this issue, and then decide how to deal with it.

Soon Qin Bao the Young miss of the Qin family got notified of the arrival of her uncle and left her room without her disguise, wearing some tempting dress and lingerie.

Tianlong Yun seeing her leave the bedroom, jumped up and caught the window handrail on the top floor and pulled himself up entering the room from the window, quickly.

You can say it was a good thing that the hotel was pretty high up, and people didn't raise their heads up to look in his direction all this time.

Entering inside Tianlong Yun got close to the door, and spread his spirit sense once again to hear and 'see' what was happening in the saloon, outside the door.

It could be said to be his luck that at the moment that he spread his spirit sense, the door of the elevator opened and the new DGP together with his bodyguards and the girls, entered inside.

They had been left inside the elevator for some time until Qin Bao had confirmed her guests, and it could be seen that the DGP wasn't satisfied from this treatment.

But he forgot everything when he saw the beautiful Qin Bao in front of him, and said with a tone full of lust,

DGP:"Woowww, wooooww, woww. My dear neph.., no no no my dear niece. I feel so lucky that you finally revealed and offered yourself to me. I feel very honored."

He said those words while his lusty gaze hadn't left Qin Bao's curves and body, he didn't even look her in the eye. Qin Bao didn't seem to be fazed by his look and words and just said with a firm and tough voice,

Qin Bao:"You know perfectly well why I did that. I have to take revenge for my mother, from that bastard and his family."

The DGP just pretended to listen to her words because his attention was focused on her thighs and the secret cave hidden behind her lingerie and gown. When she finished he said,

DGP:"I do, of course I do. I feel the same, after all your mother was my little sister. But that's something for later, now I will have to enjoy you three beautiful birdies."

Saying that, he licked his lips, then turned his look and attention to the girls, who were trembling from fear. Like that trembling and shivering they took off their coats and hats, to reveal their bodies and previous dresses.

The perverted DGP was enjoying their looks and actions, it was truly amazing for a person like him. While Qin Bao was looking with pity in their direction, she was doing that with her will because she was getting something, but those girls were being forced to.

The DGP police bodyguards were also looking towards them with eyes full of lust and passion, after all birds of same feather flock together. And the bodyguards had turned just like their superior.

One of them couldn't hold himself back anymore and said with a lustful voice,

Bodyguard:"Boss how about you let us play with those after you tonight."

The DGP looked towards his lackey's, and could see that they all had the same expression's on their faces, and this wasn't the first time he was doing such a thing so he said smiling,

DGP:"Of course after I finish you can do whatever you want with those other two, but my sweet beautiful niece is only mine."

The last part was said with a firm tone, to show his lackey's that they could only eat his left over's, and only those he permitted them to eat. If they get muddle headed, and ask more, there was only one end to them.

The lackey understood this point, and knew that he had talked too much. That was why he didn't dare to speak or look more, towards the DGP or the girls.

Like this there was a death silence for a moment or two, then suddenly everybody heard a clapping sound, coming from the left side window of the room.

Tianlong Yun was clapping his hands while approaching them, and while everyone was in shock he said,

Tianlong Yun:"This is really something, you are a great man DGP sir."

When his words ended, finally everyone in the room could wake up from their reveries and astonishment. Well almost everyone, because the girls were just looking at him with happy looks.

The DGP and Qin Bao were looking towards each other with confused looks. They didn't understand which party brought this redhead guy, in here, and who was he?

Tianlong Yun seeing them looking towards each other started to smile a bit and said,

Tianlong Yun:"Oh I haven't come here with either of you. I am here representing myself. But of course I am not so important as to think that you will know me, so let me introduce myself."

But before he could continue he heard another voice make the presentation for him,

Qin Bao:"Tianlong Yun, the supposed dead waste of the Tianlong family."

Tianlong Yun was a bit startled at the introduction that Qin Bao did for him, but it was all true, well it was true for the previous Tianlong Yun. This didn't bother him much, and he said as a matter of fact,

Tianlong Yun:"Truly as expected of you, Miss Qin Bao, you are too intelligent, and take everything in consideration."

Qin Bao hearing his words was a bit startled at how easily he identified her, and talked to her as if he knew her, but she wouldn't give herself easily and said ironically,

Qin Bao:"Apparently not as much as, I should have."

Tianlong Yun hearing her words didn't mind much and said lightly,

Tianlong Yun:"Don't let it bother you so much, even your perverted uncle here didn't knew, furthermore he didn't even imagine such a thing. And he is a DGP."

The DGP was infuriated with those words, but he couldn't deny those words, they were true. But he was even more startled when he heard Tianlong Yun's next words,

Tianlong Yun:"But don't mind that right now. I think it was a wise decision not believing in the deal you cut with Chu Feng, and trapped you in here. Don't you think so DGP?"

This words shocked not only the DGP and his lackey's but even Qin Bao. What did this guy mean? And why did he talk like Chu Feng was working for him all this time.

After all the reason why the DGP and Qin Bao had to act like this, was to not alert that sly fox Chu Feng and the others of their understanding and deal.

Now suddenly there is a guy who is supposed to be dead, and acts as if he is the owner of the wild beast that scares them.

But at this moment the DGP started to laugh like a madman. Tianlong Yun thought for a second that he had been too surprised and had lost his mind at the moment. And not only Tianlong Yun, even his lackeys were thinking the same.

The GDP seeing their looks, stopped his laughing and said,

DGP:"You and what army little boy? Furthermore do you think you can deal with me a DGP and my men this easily? You must be dreaming."

When he finished his words he took out the gun from his belt and pointing him towards Tianlong Yun he continued,

DGP:"Now continue little swine, and tell me how you are going to deal with us."

Tianlong Yun thought this was funny, using weapons against him. The DGP couldn't be blamed either, after all he didn't know a thing about cultivators, and hadn't been in that warehouse that night.

But Tianlong Yun didn't care for that, he just thought this was funny and decided to continue with his the DGP's game,

Tianlong Yun:" did you manage to get through the security with your gun's. You weren't supposed to be armed tonight."

The DGP and his lackeys were thinking he was an idiot coming into this place without thinking of the consequences, but there was one person, who didn't buy his acting,

Qin Bao:"Stop with this Young master Tianlong Yun I don't think you have come unprepared here tonight. Not after knowing that you have managed to make the entire world think you are dead, and standing here in front of me."

Her words managed to wake up even the DGP and his lackey's, they were underestimating this guy a bit too much. Tianlong Yun seeing that his fun had been spoiled, complained like a spoiled brat,

Tianlong Yun:"Tche! You are no fun Young miss Qin Bao. But yeah it's true that I have come here prepared. But I am wondering for something here, why do you still continue with this plan of yours, when you saw his reaction, and know that he is probably just cheating you."

His words hit their target because Qin Bao knew that her precious perverted uncle was most probably just cheating her, seeing his look but she had a plan ready even for this case, but she couldn't tell that could she?

But before she could say anything, she heard Tianlong Yun's next words and was stunned,

Tianlong Yun:"Well now that I think the poison you have in your mouth could make the work, and make him your servant for some time. But you know that it will bring harm to you as well don't you? You will probably die in the same time as he, in less than a year, if you don't have the cure that is."

His words shocked not only Qin Bao but also the DGP and his lackey's that lost their composure for a moment. The GDP woke up from his reverie full of anger and pointing his gun towards the shocked Qin Bao he


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