Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 139: Problems and solutions

Chapter 139: Problems and solutions

Outside the room, Jiang Bo was waiting for him. After visiting the new General Director of the Police and then the Long Triad with the puppet Chu Feng he had turned to report to his master.

He was startled to see that Tianlong Yun suddenly appeared in front of him, but this was nothing coming from his master, so recollecting himself quickly he said,

Jiang Bo:"I have come to report master."

Tianlong Yun had already sensed him with his spirit sense and wasn't surprised seeing him, so he just said,

Tianlong Yun:"I need to deal with Chu Fan, as I am still in time. Talk as we walk."

Jiang Bo didn't mind much, he had decided to live his life as Tianlong Yun's servant, and be by his side always. Thinking like this he started to talk while walking beside Tianlong Yun,

Jiang Bo:"We finished both visits master, but we don't have good news. Both of them have lost their trust in Chu Feng, after the strange happenings. Even the new General Director of the Police who is supposed to be a lust beast, accepted our deal only on surface."

Tianlong Yun wasn't too surprised by this, knowing that outsiders were putting their nose in his city it was to be expected. Their targets must have gotten better offers from them.

It seemed that he had been too hasty with his plans and he needed to pay the bill for his hasty actions. He needed to learn to be more mature with his plans, and think more about the consequences of his actions.

Now there were two more problems cropping up for him, it wasn't like they were big problems, just that they were avoidable problems. He made the resolve to always have other plans ready for any situations.

But he had to deal with both of these problems as soon as possible so that he could continue with his next plans. The General Director of Police or the GDP was the bigger problem of the two.

He couldn't change him as a director, and neither had he any better choice at the moment. Since he had already accepted the deal in surface, then he could trap him with Chu Feng's daughters.

As for the Long Triad he didn't need them much, and they were too big for his tastes, they needed to get cleaned a little. They had been around for too long, and people were starting to think they were untouchables.

But he had to do this without being known, he was the one behind the attacks, and also smoke out all the foreigners in his city. Thinking like this he got a great idea and immediately said to Jiang Bo,

Tianlong Yun:"Jiang Bo is our warehouse outside the city ready in details?"

Jiang Bo was a bit startled that his master had asked him such a question, but he still answered as soon as possible,

Jiang Bo:"Yes master the warehouse is ready, we also added the wired fence as per your orders."

Tianlong Yun hearing his answer was satisfied with his fast work and then said,

Tianlong Yun:"Well done, now transport all the trashes we have caught to that warehouse. Be careful to place the Mu brothers to a special cell, together. The other trashes, divide them according to their importance."

Jiang Bo could understand his master's orders on the Mu brothers and the other scum, but he seemed to have forgotten a big fish, Long Tou. So he immediately asked,

Jiang Bo:"Master what about Long Tou?"

Tianlong Yun wasn't surprised at his question, he had purposely left him out because Long Tou, had another job, before he could have the final meeting with him. So he said,

Tianlong Yun:"Long Tou needs to do a job for us before being transported there. During transport give him opportunities to escape. But make him think that his number 2 in command betrayed him, and he has his gang against him."

Jiang Bo could finally connect the dots after these words, they were going to use Long Tou to deal with his own triad, and clean one problem. Then he heard his master continue,

Tianlong Yun:"To make this issue bigger tell the guardian beasts and Hu Die to capture Long Tou's family and toys. Make it look like it was done by others."

Jiang Bo understood his masters intentions, and was about to go and put his words into action. And weirdly they were standing in front of the bathroom where Chu Fan was being held.

Originally Tianlong Yun had wanted to place him in a room, on his own. But then seeing that the captives were too many he had to improvise. He also thought that this would make Chu Fan angrier, and not spoil his expectation of creating a good puppet.

Could be seen that he was right in his assumptions, when he saw Chu Fan with his spirit sense. Chu Fan was like a hurt animal, crazy and in pain, nobody could predict who he would attack.

To Tianlong Yun this was a great condition for him and he was practically sure that his refinement of Chu Fan into a puppet would be successful.

Before going inside the bathroom, Tianlong Yun turned once again towards Jiang Bo and said,

Tianlong Yun:"Go and start as soon as possible with the plan. Tell Feng Tao to stay away from the Long Triad at the moment, and find some outside connections to work with. Be careful and observe both Long Tou and Feng Tao, don't let them die. But kill them if they get compromised."

It wasn't hard to understand those orders, after all both of them were good toys as long as they played for them. If they deviated from the needed way then they were just unnecessary risks.

Then as if remembering something when he touched the handle of the door, Tianlong Yun said,

Tianlong Yun:"Also tell Shui and Huo to come here, I have a mission for them."

Jiang Bo receiving his orders, and seeing his master's back disappear behind the door, left the place. Firstly, to notify Tianlong Shui and Tianlong Huo, and secondly, to put his master's plan into action."

This was what he was best at, follow the instructions of his master. In the mean time Tianlong Yun entered inside, and was met with the red eyes of a hurt animal.

Those eyes full of hatred that Chu Fan was looking at him, seemed so beautiful in his eyes, this made him think, that his hopes of successfully refining a puppet, increased.

Thinking like this he took out the knife he had smelted for himself, it was a beautiful dagger actually. The handle seemed like the body and head of a long snake, or if you looked carefully a true dragon.

It was truly beautiful, but the most important thing, was that it could cut bones, as if it was a hot knife through butter. It was a good experiment to start to his weapon crafting.

Taking the dagger in his hand, he placed it on Chu Fan's throat, and then said with a bad smile,

Tianlong Yun:"Just so you know before you die. Your mother and sisters were good sl*ts, even after knowing you will die they asked for my spear to pierce them. But don't worry I will make them work in that line just like they wish."

Chu Fan hearing that was going through millions of thoughts and feelings, this couldn't be true. Which mother could do this to her son?

Just as he was about to shout, 'you are lying' , Tianlong Yun slide his knife and cut his throat easily. Chu Fan died with bloodied eyes, and resentment to this redhead that had destroyed his life.

Just as Tianlong Yun had predicted, at the moment that Chu Fan took his last breath, and his eyes lost all color, a dark shadow started to rise from his body.

Tianlong Yun wasn't in the mood to fight with a wrathful soul, at the moment, he had too much to deal with, and he didn't have much time.

That was why before the wrathful soul could be formed completely, he stopped the blood coming out of Chu Fan's throat, and then started to refine the wrathful soul.

It need to be said that Chu Fan truly hated Tianlong Yun to the core already, because Tianlong Yun needed a full half an hour, to cleanse and refine that wrathful soul.

Finally finishing with this work Tianlong Yun opened his eyes, only to see that a moment after him, Chu Fan's eyes opened. Chu Fan immediately got up, and kneeled on his right knee towards Tianlong Yun, and stayed there like that reverently.

Finally getting his third puppet Tianlong Yun felt a bit satisfied with himself, normally he could manage only three puppets with his cultivation, but after what happened the previous night, he could manage 5 of them.

Thinking like this he still could have two more puppets on his collection at the moment, well only one, because the fourth one was already decided.

Getting up he walked towards the door while saying,

Tianlong Yun:"Follow me." The puppets lived like normal humans and abided to that memories and habits of the people they were created from. The only difference was that their brain was clean like glass and their reason of existence was to serve their master.

So immediately after hearing Tianlong Yun's order, Chu Fan started to follow behind him. Outside the door Tianlong Shui and Tianlong Huo were waiting for him.

Getting out of the bathroom and seeing them in the eyes he said,

Tianlong Yun:"I have a really important mission for both of you."


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