Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 137: Sex-slave and hopes

Chapter 137: Sex-slave and hopes

Mu Xiya:"What have you done to me? What were those signs, symbols and shiny light on me."

Tianlong Yun and Gao Ling were really angry at her for spoiling their moment, but they couldn't fault her too, she didn't have any knowledge for cultivators, or supernatural beings and events.

Thinking like this Tianlong Yun put Gao Ling down and started to explain to her,

Tianlong Yun:"That's the seal for you being my sex-slave, which.." But he couldn't finish because Gao Ling had kneeled in front of him and was sucking his left milk in the transport ducts.

Recollecting himself and letting Gao Ling continue because he liked the feeling he continued,

Tianlong Yun:"There are many things in this world that you don't know, or are blind to. The supernatural beings and events exist. And together with them even the cultivators like those in the Wuxia novels."

He stopped for a moment to see her reaction, and he wasn't bothered from the fact, that she was looking at him as if he was a mental person. He was expecting this actually.

Feeling that this would be a bother to explain while talking he said to her,

Tianlong Yun:"This will be a bother to explain, better come here and stand in front of me."

Mu Xiya still couldn't believe her ears, but she still was curious to know if he was lying to her, because he seemed so confident. He couldn't be a smart psycho, could he?

Anyway standing in front of him she looked him in the eyes only to see him come close to her and give her a kiss. At first she enjoyed the kiss, but then she felt that something was wrong.

A terrifying amount of information entered her head and she fell unconscious, not being able to bear the headache.

Tianlong Yun just grabbed her in his arms, while finally Gao Ling let him free for a moment to place Mu Xiya on the armchair.

After placing Mu Xiya on the armchair, Gao Ling once again started her previous action while Tianlong Yun enjoyed the moment.

But while Tianlonng Yun and Gao Ling were enjoying themselves, Mu Xiya was inside a weird dream. She was looking at beautiful colorful skies, seas, and views. They were truly beautiful, as if being views and places of another world.

She had never thought that these views could exist. But then her view changed and she was terrified being in the middle of the clash of two people. One of them seemed similar to Tianlong Yun and the other looked like his brother.

They seemed so similar but so different at the same time. Their looks were almost identical, and they truly looked like brothers, but their mentalities and characters were totally different.

At this moment she was truly shocked, not by their looks and handsomeness, but from their fight and, the fact that they were flying in the clouds.

Every normal person would, everybody knows that humans can't fly in the sky. But she was even more shocked because with a move of their hands, waves, tsunamis and hurricanes started to take shape.

What the hell was this, with a move of their hand, they could create natural phenomena. And they were using this phenomena to fight and attack each other. This was crazy. Utterly crazy. How can something like this even come to be?

This was never heard and seen before. And it seemed that today she would die from shock, because after some time, they both started to get bigger and wider, and changed shape, becoming mighty dragons.

Tianlong Yun's brother had green grey gloomy scales like a chain mail, while Tianlong Yun had red golden scales that could blind anyone with their beauty and light.

But before the fight could start again, the view around her changed once again, and she was now in the middle of a big room, like those of princes or kings in the movies.

She was really stunned, because in front of her were some women, who were kneeling in front of a man that seemed similar to Tianlong Yun, and they were all seeing him reverently and serving.

Soon she understood that she was the same as them, a sex-slave, now she finally understood what a real sex-slave was and what she had gotten herself into.

Into this story dream she finally understood the value and importance of that seal. But she also discovered and understood that there was a bigger and wider world, full of wonders that she had never even imagined before.

Soon her dream finished, with one last look at the supernatural abilities of the people of this world, and their cultivation.

When she finally opened her eyes the first thing she could see, was a Tianlong Yun smiling at her with a bad smile. And then the hostile look of Gao Ling by his side while she massaged his back.

Tianlong Yun as if reading her mind, said before she could open her mouth and ask,

Tianlong Yun:"Yes everything that you saw is true. The same is for the seal in your body now. Yes that can be taken out in the future but you won't be able to have kids later. And even now I am the only person with whom you could have kids."

Mu Xiya was stunned at those words, those were the answers to the most important questions for her. But she didn't know what to think of that, unintentionally she turned her look towards Gao Ling, who was in the same position with her.

Gao Ling noticing her look towards her, looked back at her with a proud look, as if wanting to say that she couldn't be happier.

Mu Xiya was startled, how could someone be happy being someone else's slave? But it wasn't like she had much of a choice at the moment, she could only face the consequences of her own stupidity.

Thinking like this she was feeling hopeless, but then as if to mock herself she remembered all what she had seen in her dream again.

People flying on the clouds. People creating nature phenomena with a move of their hands. The scenery of that world. She finally remembered the good side of being Tianlong Yun's sex-slave, besides the great intimate relationships.

Seeing her face suddenly light up like a Christmas tree, Tianlong Yun again answered her before she could even ask her questions,

Tianlong Yun:"Yes I can take you with me, and I can also give the opportunity, to make everything you saw in there a reality. But that depends on your behavior and my satisfaction. You know I am not a good guy so you will have to do a lot of bad things for me if you want to follow me there."

Mu Xiya was startled, of course there would be conditions to be fulfilled if she wanted to go and see that world with her new master. But seeing the beauty, and the opportunities of that world, beside her new master she had already made her resolve, to do whatever it took to go there.

That was why she said with a determined voice,

Mu Xiya:"It doesn't matter I will do anything to go there and see that world." She didn't know why but after that dream she didn't doubt on Tianlong Yun's words anymore. It was like that dream had become her memories to her.

But suddenly Tianlong Yun poured a bucket of cold water on her with his next words and his bad smile,

Tianlong Yun:"And what about your mother and your little sister when we leave. I got to say that if you want to come with me, you will have to cultivate. Cultivators live long, and those might already be dead when we leave or you will have to leave knowing you left them behind."

What Tianlong Yun said was true, those were the only possible options. But suddenly she lighted up again, and smiling happily that she had found a way she said,

Mu Xiya:"None of that will happen if master takes them with us."

Tianlong Yun continued with his bad smile and said teasingly,

Tianlong Yun:"Are you saying that, your mother and little sister will stay by my side in your position or lower?"

Once again Mu Xiya was left speechless, she didn't know what the right choice was but she knew that she would regret if she lost this discussion. But then again what was wrong with those being like her, she was sure that they would never leave her alone.

Furthermore Tianlong Yun was a real man, in all the meanings of word, and would always protect them and treat them good. She didn't know why, but she believed this with her whole being, so she said firmly,

Mu Xiya:"Yes, I will be so shameless and ask for master to take them. But please don't force them do bad things and leave their work to me." Even though she was handing them over to Tianlong Yun she didn't want her mother and little sister to suffer.

But she was bound to get disappointed when she heard Tianlong Yun's voice,

Tianlong Yun:"That's impossible, they will have to do that if they want to leave in that world. Furthermore I don't think they would let you do something like that, isn't that right little slaves?"


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