Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 132: Bloodline, Clan and Report

Chapter 132: Bloodline, Clan and Report

At this moment everyone was thinking the same thing, finally they had become a true blood family. No matter the reasons, or the way this happened, they were a real blood family.

Tianlong Yun was their family's head and the primogenitor of their bloodline. This was a dream come true to most of the people inside the room.

As for the girls, they didn't care, this just made their bond to Tianlong Yun stronger and better. Having his blood in their veins just made them feel more special and close to him.

It was at this time that Tianlong Xia decided to ask a question to her darling,

Tianlong Xia:"Darling this bloodline you gave us is a new one, never seen before and this marks the start of a new clan, have you thought what name should we put to our bloodline and clan?"

Tianlong Yun was startled he hadn't really thought about it, he had been too occupied with the training and the operation lately and didn't pay much attention to these things.

But now that he was thinking about it something came across his mind, there was a word used in the religious books of this world to describe the archangels, and meaning 'the burning ones'.

This words was used even to describe a being that was half angel and half demon according to some books, it was the word SERAPH.

It was a perfect word in his opinion to express the new bloodline, after all both the phoenix and the dragons were known as fire attribute legendary beasts, and his bloodline was a mix of three different bloodlines.

And the thing he liked most was that this word was used to describe a mix between an angel and demon, and in his opinion both were different sides of the same coin. There was no human or being belonging only to one side, they always were a mix of the two.

This was why he decided on this name and then said solemnly,

Tianlong Yun:"There is a beautiful word that describes our bloodline at the moment, Seraph, it means 'the burning ones' a mix between the angels and demons in their beliefs. From today our bloodline will be called the Seraph's bloodline."

Everyone on the room was startled at first, but after that everyone became happy because they finally had a definition to their being, they finally could say that they belonged somewhere.

Seeing their happy reaction Tianlong Yun felt happy inside but didn't show it to the people inside the room, then he continued,

Tianlong Yun:"As for our clans name, from today onwards we will be the Shadow Clan. We will be neither in total light nor in total darkness, but always in between. We will always exist as long as there is light and darkness."

Hearing Tianlong Yun's words, all the people inside were imaging that future in their heads, and it was truly a beautiful view to them. Being all together, and able to turn upside down the whole universe, who wouldn't like such a thing?

After Tianlong Yun finished his words as if being a choreography all the people inside the room, kneeled and yelled,

Crowd:"Long Live Patriarch and Emperor Tianlong Yun, Long Live the Seraph bloodline, Long Live The Shadow clan, Long Live their majesties!"

The only people that weren't kneeling in the big room where Tianlong Yun and Tianlong Xia, as the Imperial Couple. But even Tianlong Xia was bowing her head, to show her obedience and reverence to her lover and Emperor.

Tianlong Yun was taken by surprise from their reaction, but he knew that this might be Tianlong Xia's doing, so he just stayed there and behaved like a Patriarch and Emperor should.

After the cheering and wishing finished Tianlong Yun continued,

Tianlong Yun:"Now all the shadows need to go, and continue with your training. I will call you later when I need you."

Hearing this order all the shadows disappeared from the place. It was a bit weird to a normal person that, they never talked during their meetings with Tianlong Yun, but they took him as a God or more, and all his words were orders to them.

Like this the only people left inside the room of Tianlong Xia were the grownups, well if you could call Tianlong Yue a grownup, since she was already about to get married. Looking in all of their faces Tianlong Yun started to say,

Tianlong Yun:"You are the grownups of the group and I expect you to be able to lead and advice the young shadows. You also need to build your reputation and respect from the shadows if you want to be able to lead them in the future."

His words stunned them, after all they thought that the shadows would become the leaders and the base to everything, but soon their doubts were cleared when Tianlong Yun said,

Tianlong Yun:"They are still young and don't have the needed experience to lead, except Tianlong Hu Die she is a different person all together. That's why you will become their support, leader and guider. I have high expectations on you, don't disappoint me."

To his future wives this was a bigger goal to work towards, while to Jiang Bo and Gao Ling it was a big opportunity and honor. They were being acknowledged by their master, it was something essential to them.

It was at this time that Gao Ling bowed towards him and said,

Gao Ling:"Thank you master, it is an honor and privilege to work for you. I am sure that brother Jiang Bo just like me will do his best to serve you."

Jiang Bo on his side just bowed and then nodded his head to show his confirmation of Gao Ling's words. He was very emotional at the moment, after all Tianlong Yun had taken him from the clutches of Chu Fan and made him the man he is today.

He was helping innocent kids find a place to belong and also was becoming part of such a big undertaking that his master was planning. To someone who had never even thought outside of his city this was something huge.

Without mentioning travelling through the heavens, and having cultivation and a long life span, he couldn't think of something that, would be enough to thank him for this, besides his worthless life.

Tianlong Yun was happy seeing the looks of reverence and loyalty on their faces and continued,

Tianlong Yun:"I know you will, because I will never forgive a betrayer."

Gao Ling and Jiang Bo were startled but after knowing their masters past, they could understand him. And if he would still forgive someone who betrayed his trust, well then he would be a big idiot.

Tianlong Yun was happy that those two didn't say anything, and accepted his words. He was giving them the carrot and the stick treatment. And reminded them that no matter what, they shouldn't forget he was their master.

Then remembering the still pending important issues he said solemnly,

Tianlong Yun:"Jiang Bo give me a report on Chu Fan and the other captives."

Jiang Bo seeing his solemn look and firm voice knew this was important and started to say,

Jiang Bo:"Chu Fan is still angry and wrathful towards you and Mu Xiya, he didn't sleep at all during the night, and has been trying to make the other cooperate, so they can escape from here."

Giving his report on Chu Fan he continued with the others,

Jiang Bo:"In yesterday's operation we also caught the leader of the third triad in Chu Fan's caf and the cop outside in the operational van, who had tried to r*pe Miss Ren Chang Xia."

Tianlong Yun hearing the last part, unintentionally released a bit of his killing intent and it was truly terrifying but quickly collected himself and said,

Tianlong Yun:"I will deal with him personally. As for the leader of the third triad, just kill him and make his body disappear. We don't need many triads in this city."

He wanted to have a look at the person, who tried to r*pe a woman that belonged to him, even without him knowing. As for the triads he already planned to leave only Feng Tao and his triad as his underlings.

Jiang Bo knew that his master had a special relationship with Ren Chang Xia that was why he showed respect to her and reported the matter right after the report on Chu Fan. Then seeing Tianlong Yun make a sign for him to continue he said,

Jiang Bo:"As for the last target of yesterdays operation we got a big surprise, because the kids were able to catch Long Tou together with our targets. They also brought some additions with them like the Mu brothers wives and their left daughters."

Tianlong Yun was a bit startled and satisfied with that ending, but soon his killing intent surfaced again when he heard Jiang Bo's next words,

Jiang Bo:"According to the shadows eavesdropping on them, apparently the partners of Long Tou in the inner organ trafficking business was the Mu family. And our shadows were supposed to be part of that deal too."

Tianlong Yun was incensed at the moment, remembering that view at the underground room in the warehouse, and the orphans' bodies. But what burned more was that his shadows, were supposed to be part of that deal, and end up like that.

Thinking for a bit and making his decision he said,

Tianlong Yun:"I will deal personally with the Mu brothers and Long Tou, but you need to work with Feng Tao and try to rent some warehouses outside the city in the uninhabited areas. And secure their perimeters up to 200 meters around those."

Jiang Bo could understand his masters intentions and then said,

Jiang Bo:"Ok master, consider it done." Then taking his leave he left the room and went outside to deal with his masters instructions.

After Jiang Bo left, Tianlong Yun turned towards Gao Ling and then said,

Tianlong Yun:"Now it's your turn"


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