Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 116: Trouble and 4th target secured

Chapter 116: Trouble and 4th target secured

Meanwhile Tianlong Yun just reached the warehouse that Jiang Bo and his team were supposed to attack and destroy.

Their target was supposed to be a warehouse of the Dragon Triad that contained drugs and cocaine. To Tianlong Yun the drugs and things like cocaine were harmful herbs that caused illusions and damaged the brain of humans.

Also there was the possibility of death when the herb was overused and used in a wrong way. He didn't like this kind of herbs that humans didn't know how to use and harmed themselves.

That was why he was planning to destroy this warehouse and the market of these herbs in his city, but that didn't mean he wouldn't use them against his enemies, after all it was a good way to destroy someone like that.

Or it would make a good experiment at least. But there was something that they hadn't planned in this operation. They never thought that their look would be so good as to catch them in the middle of a shipment.

Jiang Bo seeing the situation didn't want to make a blunder so he informed his master at the first moment and was waiting for him to start with the operation.

This was meant to be really difficult because the people inside guarding the shipment and the warehouse were armed and the smallest wrong move would make the situation the worse possible.

At the moment they had entered inside on the second floor and were waiting for Tianlong Yun to come and start with their operation.

But before Tianlong Yun could reach them, one of the guards fell on their tracks and was approaching them. In less than a moment he was neutralized from Tianlong Shui who was closest to him but soon the guards absence would be noticed from the others.

So they had to start acting as soon as possible, so that they had the element of surprise in their fight with the guards. They decided to wait for 5 minutes and then start acting and continuing with their plan.

5 minutes passed very quick and Tianlong Yun was still not seen or heard around so they decided to continue with their plan.

The first to act was Tianlong Shui and Tianlong Huo, where the first one just like her name implied was like a fire that always started quickly and burned, while Tianlong Huo just like water followed behind her sister gently.

Tianlong Shui and Tianlong Huo started to knock out the guards towards the door of the warehouse, while Jiang Bo and Tianlong Mei Gui were making their way towards the center room of the warehouse.

Tianlong Mei Gui as one of the youngest kids of the group didn't have much power and her cultivation was still lacking compared to the others.

But even though she was an introvert her resolve and determination to help her big brother and hopefully her man in the future was same as the other girls and she would do anything to demonstrate that.

That was why even though her strength and cultivation were lacking in a way she was trying harder than others so she wasn't left behind from her sisters and brothers, just like right now where she was trying to be the same as her two big sisters.

Both duo's were knocking the guards out without making noise but soon the absence of the guards was noticed and the other guards started to notify the others and start grouping together to deal with the enemies that were hitting them from the shadows.

And soon Tianlong Huo and Tianlong Shui were cornered from the guards behind two big water cans while Jiang Bo and Tianlong Mei Gui were trying to lose their trackers and help them.

Just as one of the guards directed his gun towards and was going to fire Tianlong Huo the group heard a crack of bones and his hand was broken releasing the gun to the ground.

Then in the next moment all of them were down to the ground with a Tianlong Yun standing at the place where they stood a moment ago.

Seeing their lover knight in shining armor save them again the girls were really happy, he would always be there to save them from any harm.

Tianlong Yun had been here since the beginning but he wanted to know how they would act without him and their decisions.

He was really happy that they first thought was about their assignment and job. Also the way they acted was really good but it could still be improved.

After all Tianlong Huo and Tianlong Shui had been caught and that was a blunder on their part, and Jiang Bo and Tianlong Mei Gui were close to being caught also.

His grading for their actions and conduct would be best 6/10 they still had a lot to work on, but he couldn't blame them after all they had been training only for a week or so.

Very soon they would be able to do everything perfectly and without being noticed at all. But he was proud at the first products of his training, his family the 16 shadows.

When Tianlong Yun was thinking about this things the door of the center room opened and a guard with an AK-47 got out to see what was happening after all they had heard some gun firing and then extreme quiet outside.

At first they had thought that some people might be comparing their mark, after all that happened almost every night. It was a way to relax and lose their tension and bore.

But what was unusual was that extreme quietness after the shootings, so opening the door and seeing Tianlong Yun staying over the bodies of more than 5 of his friends he was startled at first and then immediately taking his gun and pointed towards him to start firing.

Even before he could put the finger on the trigger and start firing towards the intruders, Tianlong Yun had already connected a powerful kick towards the guy and sent him flying inside the center room where his friends were waiting to learn what was happening.

Everyone inside the room where shocked because nobody expected their friend to come inside the room flying and denting the wall inside the room.

Who was so powerful as to reach something like this that happened only in movies and fantastic stories? It was something out of this world to them, but they were all killers and criminals, scum of society so they quickly gathered themselves and took their guns.

Taking the guns in their hands they started to fire without stopping towards the door, maybe due to anxiousness and maybe due to panic they fired all the bullets they had towards the door from where their friend had come.

The firing didn't last long, but during this time the bullets flied like a colony of ants towards the door. When the firing stopped finally because they were all out of bullets, they suddenly heard a voice behind them,

Tianlong Yun:"Now that you guys finished with your welcome, it's time for me as a guest to thank you all."

All the guys with guns were stunned when they heard an unknown voice behind them and all of them turned panicked towards the back. They didn't pay much attention to the words, after all they were panicking at the moment.

But when they turned around and saw just a badly smiling Tianlong Yun they were even more startled after all Tianlong Yun was just a young boy what could he do against all of them who were trained and experienced in fighting.

But before they could gather themselves and start laughing on his face, Tianlong Yun disappeared from the place he was standing and the next moment one of their friends was sent flying towards the wall and denting it.

Seeing this happen not only the low members even the leader of the guards was stunned and scared shitless of the power and strength that Tianlong Yun was showing. It was truly a wonderful sight to watch.

But Tianlong Yun didn't give them a chance to kneel and start begging because in the next breath all of the scum in place were knocked out.

Taking them out Tianlong Yun got outside the room to see how Jiang Bo and the girls had cleaned all the guards around the warehouse.

Seeing that everything was cleaned Tianlong Yun was about to start piling these guys on one of the vans he suddenly felt some faint presence under him.

He firstly thought that was a guard who was still not knocked out but focusing more on the presence he found out that it wasn't just one but there were a lot of them, more than 20 of them were there.

It was truly startling for him, focusing on the faint presence Tianlong Yun found an underground passage near the door inside the center room, where the guys with guns were staying.

Entering the passage Tianlong Yun followed it towards the end and was now standing in front of the door. It was a big steel door that was blocking his path right now.

Thinking it was too much of a bother to go up and search for the keys of the door, he used his internal energy on the keyhole and opened the door like that.

As soon as the door opened, a terrifying bad smell attacked his nose. It was a smell of human excretes and blood. At first it was too dark to see anything inside the room but soon his eyes saw what his spirit sense had warned him


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