Rome Must Fall

Chapter 76: New Appointment

Chapter 76: New Appointment

If Maximus hadn’t just realized, while instructing Vorenus to select the newly recruited slaves of the logistics camp and form a new century, that Vorenus, already holding considerable power in administrative matters, would become the most powerful person in the logistics camp after Maximus if he were also given military responsibilities… With Melfina as an example, the marriageable age in this world was quite early.

As the Roman soldiers marched out of the camp, the rebel army also began to move.Maximus, having been reborn in this era, placed great importance on power, as it was directly tied to his survival. While Mei Fang and Lin Youxi were conversing, Yue Xinyi suddenly stood up, covering her mouth, and made a face as if she was about to vomit.

Drawn to the unexpected sight, Yukino entered further into the room.This realization prompted him to quickly establish the position of Military Affairs Officer, assigning Frontinus to handle military affairs specifically. However, not everyone was in that situation.

Although Lin Youxi’s dad is busy, whenever he has time, he always invites Mei Fang to their house and cooks for him.Maximus glanced at Vorenus. Although this diligent clerk wasn’t an ambitious person, too much power concentrated in his hands might change him. His thick beard made him look old, but from the tone of his voice, he seemed to be still in his prime.

In fact, they had already reached a unanimous agreement earlier, so the vote now was just a formality.So, it won’t work to take the easy route and rely on one person for everything; power still needs to be distributed!

While Maximus reflected on this, he said aloud, “Vorenus, assign one of your experienced men to Frontinus to serve as the Military Affairs Officer’s scribe.” I never liked shouting out of emotion.

Marie turned her large eyes towards me and smiled slightly.”Let Latimus do it,” Vorenus suggested. Now, back to Aisha’s expression. The reason for this change was undoubtedly Yukiho’s presence.

Xia Yuan enjoyed breathing in the fresh air on the road. When passing by Lin Youxi’s house, she looked around.”Latimus?” Maximus thought for a moment and then remembered, “Oh, the freedman from the port of Naples. Yes, him. Frontinus, bring him to compile the casualties and performance records of each century. After that, organize the young and strong male slaves who are willing to join our logistics camp into a new century, and quickly distribute the weapons and equipment we’ve seized—oh, and have the soldiers had breakfast yet?” In this world, paper books were extremely valuable and considered treasures.

The names Crixus mentioned were all Gaulish gladiators and close friends of his.Caught off guard by this sudden question, Frontinus wasn’t sure how to respond. Vorenus stepped in, “Phaselus followed your orders and organized the slaves from the wealthy district to cook. The soldiers should have eaten by now.” After a while, the Roman legion completed its formation but remained stationary.

With all the preparations in place, they chose a weekend to shoot the promotional video at school.”Good. Frontinus, go check on that. Since Agnes, the kitchen supervisor, won’t be coming with his team today, and we’ll likely be here for a Since the master bedroom was also closed off, I opened the windows.few more days, it’ll be your responsibility as Military Affairs Officer to ensure the soldiers are fed!” After seeing Liang Meijuan and Lin Youxi off, Xia Yuan finally relaxed her previously tense mood.

His thick beard made him look old, but from the tone of his voice, he seemed to be still in his prime.”Leader, don’t worry. I’ll handle it,” Frontinus promised without hesitation. Support the translator by reading @ gemnovels {dot} com

When I sat down at the table, everyone had uncomfortable looks and didn’t move to sit.”I’ve already put Phaselus in charge of guarding Pompeii’s three gates. Check in on that too to make sure everything’s in order. I also overlooked the port earlier; have Carminus send some men to seal it off to prevent any merchant ships from escaping…” Maximus’ mind was racing with problems that needed urgent attention, and he was speaking whatever came to mind: “Also, the soldiers fought all night and must be exhausted. It would be best if you found a way to let them rest in shifts to recover their strength… Hmm, what else… I can’t think of anything else right now. Do you have anything to add?” With all the preparations in place, they chose a weekend to shoot the promotional video at school.

“Leader, Phaselus, Torelugo, and Carminus aren’t aware of your appointment of me. If I go alone, they might not follow my orders,” Frontinus directly reminded him. Hearing that the farm had a considerable number of guards, Maximus was not surprised.

“Oh, you’re right!” Maximus slapped his forehead. “That is indeed a problem. It would be ideal if I had someone who could represent my authority to convey these orders… Looks like I need a few attendants and even get everyone used to my written orders.” Although I had no intention of getting deeply involved and was about to leave her behind, I couldn’t say that.

Thinking of attendants, Maximus recalled Acco and the other children, but unfortunately, he hadn’t brought them along on this dangerous raid. So, he told Frontinus, “Go summon those three senior centurions. I’ll announce your appointment in front of them.” His mindset changed after watching a certain performance in his second year of high school.

“Understood.” As the Roman soldiers marched out of the camp, the rebel army also began to move.

“Any other suggestions?” Support the translator by reading @ gemnovels , com

“Leader, our forces are already limited, and we still have to assign some soldiers to guard those hundreds of prisoners, even providing them with food. I suggest we release the Pompeians among the captives and let them return home. They’re naturally timid, and after this defeat, they likely won’t dare to oppose us. As for the guards and wealthy captives…” Aisha, Natsumi, and Roy should be somewhere in this line.

Frontinus knew that both these groups were particularly hated by the rebel soldiers and slaves, so he suggested a method the logistics camp had used in the past after capturing farming estates: “We could gather the Pompeian slaves and conduct public trials and executions in front of them.” Xia Yuan enjoyed breathing in the fresh air on the road. When passing by Lin Youxi’s house, she looked around.

“Quintus and his men have probably already executed most of Pompeii’s elites,” Maximus replied with a nonchalant smile, pleased with Frontinus’ proactive stance. “Alright, I’ll leave this task to you.” It seemed that Yukino had grown closer to Aisha.

“Leader, after I leave the military advisory group, who will take over as its leader?” Frontinus asked next. Mei Fang, who has the mindset of an adult, can understand Lin Youxi’s father’s intention to remarry at this time.

“You don’t need to worry about that. I have my own arrangements,” Maximus replied with a slightly cold tone, then shifted the conversation, “Horatius has set up the medical team at Areius’ residence. Go check on how they’re treating the wounded, and see if there’s anything you can assist with. That’s what you should be focusing on as the Military Affairs Officer.” It seemed that Yukino had grown closer to Aisha.

Hearing the warning in Maximus’ words, Frontinus felt a chill in his heart. In fact, they had already reached a unanimous agreement earlier, so the vote now was just a formality.

“Also, once you’ve finished all your tasks, find out if there are any blacksmiths in Pompeii. If there are, use any means necessary to recruit them into our ranks.” Next came the more complicated task of contacting everyone. Mei Fang asked about everyone’s availability in the Ximilu Studio group chat.

Being a blacksmith was a fairly lucrative profession among the common people in various city-states. It’s unlikely that someone in such a position would willingly join a group of slaves. Frontinus understood exactly what Maximus meant by “any means necessary.” After all, the two physicians from the Capua gladiator school currently in the medical team were coerced into serving the rebel army under the threat of the sword, along with their families. Frontinus felt no qualms about this; he had seen far worse during his youth while campaigning with Marius. While Mei Fang and Lin Youxi were conversing, Yue Xinyi suddenly stood up, covering her mouth, and made a face as if she was about to vomit.

“I understand. I’ll take care of it as soon as I complete the other tasks.” While Mei Fang and Lin Youxi were conversing, Yue Xinyi suddenly stood up, covering her mouth, and made a face as if she was about to vomit.

“And don’t forget to bring Capito along. Once the blacksmith joins us, he should be placed under Capito’s management.” As if indicating that she had finished speaking, Marie fell silent again.

“Yessir.” We didn’t have many opportunities to talk during the five-day journey, so today was the first half-day I really got to interact with them.

Maximus remembered something else and added, “Oh, and Frontinus, once the soldiers have secured the port, you can detain the merchants, but don’t harm them. Vorenus, when you send people to inventory the goods at the port, make sure they only confiscate the possessions of Pompeii’s wealthy and Roman merchants. Leave the other merchants’ goods untouched for now.” It wasn’t not me who died, but the character I was controlling on the game screen.

However, it was impossible to keep a rebellion involving over two hundred gladiators completely secret.”Understood,” they both replied in unison. The names Crixus mentioned were all Gaulish gladiators and close friends of his.

“You mentioned that someone in our logistics camp used to be a merchant, didn’t you?” Maximus looked at Vorenus, racking his brain but unable to recall the person’s name. Baimei County was a small county, and the senior officer immediately recognized some of the people as local officials.

“Yes, the transport team supervisor, Pigres. He used to make a living by trading horses in Asia Minor,” Vorenus reminded him. In the game, Cedric was the Knight Commander of the Royal Knights as well as the head of the Count house.

“That’s right, Pigres! How could I forget?” Maximus slapped his forehead again. He remembered being surprised when Vorenus first mentioned it, saying, “I never would have guessed that Pigres, with his burly appearance, was once a merchant.” In this world, paper books were extremely valuable and considered treasures.

In fact, Pigres’ outgoing personality, active mind, and willingness to take risks fit the profile of a merchant. Though he was doing a fine job as the transport team supervisor, the position didn’t require much skill. He just needed to manage his subordinates, care for the horses, and didn’t even have to maintain the wagons (as the carpenters in the logistics camp’s construction team were responsible for inspections and repairs). His daily tasks mainly involved waiting for orders in the camp, then leading the transport team to the plundered sites and bringing the loot back to camp. Since there were no enemies in the surrounding areas, the job was both safe and stress-free. Bathed in the white moonlight, she looked at me with a faint glow.

But might Pigres find this work too dull? Should I reassign him to oversee the trading of goods?

Maximus pondered this, then noticed the two men still standing there. He quickly waved them off, saying, “Vorenus, go and start gathering the Pompeii slaves who want to join us. Frontinus, go fetch Phaselus and the other two senior centurions so I can announce your appointment!” Support the translator by reading @ gemnovels ,com

After the two men left, Maximus looked around the empty office of Pompeii’s administrative governor and suddenly let out a self-mocking laugh. In his previous life, he had been nothing more than a freelancer, but now he found himself as one of the leaders of the slave rebels, with more than 2,000 people (including personnel in the support departments) under his command. How to manage so many people and make the entire operation more efficient was something he had been constantly learning and exploring. Fortunately, the environment he was in was lenient enough—if he made mistakes, no one mocked or undermined him (the leaders of the rebel army each managed their own affairs and rarely interfered with others’ affairs. Moreover, they were not particularly knowledgeable and did not fully grasp the significance of the changes Maximus was implementing in the logistics camp). Through continuous trial and error, Maximus felt that he had managed the logistics camp quite well, but after capturing Pompeii, he realized that the system he had set up had many flaws. Support the translator by reading @ gemnovels {dot} com

He didn’t feel discouraged by this. Although he still considered himself a novice in this area, he was confident he could correct these errors by drawing on the lessons from China’s thousands of years of political history. Mei Fang, who has the mindset of an adult, can understand Lin Youxi’s father’s intention to remarry at this time.

Perhaps occupying Pompeii for a while and attempting to manage it—using it as a training ground for my team—might be a good idea…

Exhausted from a night of hard work, Maximus leaned back in a wooden chair and unknowingly fell asleep. After a while, the Roman legion completed its formation but remained stationary.

━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━

“What did you say? Maximus led the logistics camp’s guard unit to capture Pompeii?!” Spartacus was shocked after hearing the news brought back by Hagueux, the head of the logistics camp’s cavalry unit. Since the master bedroom was also closed off, I opened the windows.

“Yes, Leader Maximus had some of the soldiers take the risk of rowing into Pompeii’s harbor last night. After sneaking into the city, they quickly took control of one of the city gates. He then led the main force to enter Pompeii through this gate. After fierce fighting, they defeated the city guards and ultimately occupied the entire city…” Hagueux recounted, following a script he had prepared in advance to meet Maximus’ requirements—neither overly boasting about their achievements nor downplaying the cunning and bravery of the logistics camp’s guard unit. The results of today’s written exam will be announced one week later.

Hagueux paused, giving Spartacus and Hamilcar a moment to digest the news before continuing, “Leader Maximus is now working hard to secure control of Pompeii and is unable to leave at the moment. He requests that Leader Spartacus, Leader Hamilcar, and the other leaders come to Pompeii to discuss how to handle the city together.” Next came the more complicated task of contacting everyone. Mei Fang asked about everyone’s availability in the Ximilu Studio group chat.

After a moment, Spartacus, who had regained his composure, looked at Hamilcar and asked, “How many soldiers does the logistics camp’s guard unit have?” As Mei Fang searched for the photos on his phone, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi quickly grabbed it to look.

In this world, paper books were extremely valuable and considered treasures.”About 800,” Hamilcar replied. When I sat down at the table, everyone had uncomfortable looks and didn’t move to sit.

“We’ve both seen Pompeii. With our current forces, a direct assault would be extremely difficult! For Maximus to capture it, even by surprise attack, with just 800 men is truly remarkable!” The meat they bought was chicken, with a clean, fresh pink color.

Hamilcar nodded, although he was slightly more prepared than Spartacus for this news. This was because Maximus had previously met with the Nucerians through him privately, indicating that Maximus had thoughts of capturing Pompeii. However, there had been no news since then, and Hamilcar had assumed his impromptu student had given up on the idea. He never imagined that Maximus had quietly accomplished this impressive feat on his own. Thus, the surprise on Hamilcar’s face was no less than Spartacus’: “I noticed that their camp was unusually quiet this morning, and there was no one training in their practice field. So that’s where everyone went—to Pompeii!” While Mei Fang and Lin Youxi were conversing, Yue Xinyi suddenly stood up, covering her mouth, and made a face as if she was about to vomit.

“I never expected it! Not only can Maximus manage the logistics effectively, but he’s also so skilled in battle!” Spartacus said with genuine admiration, a smile of satisfaction spreading across his face. When I sat down at the table, everyone had uncomfortable looks and didn’t move to sit.

“So, you’re planning to go to Pompeii?” Hamilcar asked. As if indicating that she had finished speaking, Marie fell silent again.

“Of course!” Spartacus responded excitedly. “The logistics camp capturing Pompeii is a major event, not just for our army but even for the Romans! We must take this seriously and have a thorough discussion about it. It will be crucial for our future development!” Support the translator by reading @ gemnovels {dot} com

We shook hands, lightly shaking them once.Spartacus then sent the cavalry unit under Ogmar to notify the other leaders. Drawn to the unexpected sight, Yukino entered further into the room.

When the messenger found Crixus, he was leading his forces in raiding the farms around Suessula. Aisha then lowered her gaze, looking somewhat worried.

When the various battalions split up, the Second Battalion chose to camp on the northeastern edge of the Vesuvius region, the furthest from the main camp, and now his raids had extended far beyond the Vesuvius area. Support the translator by reading @ gemnovels .com

“That kid Maximus actually captured Pompeii?! That’s impossible!” Crixus was even more shocked than Spartacus when he heard the messenger’s news. He had always underestimated Maximus, so the news hit him hard. Now, back to Aisha’s expression. The reason for this change was undoubtedly Yukiho’s presence.

After listening to the messenger’s brief account of how the logistics camp had captured the city, he dismissively remarked, “So it was a sneak attack. I thought so. There’s no way he could have taken Pompeii by force with just that many men!” Thinking of Xia Yuan’s father crying in front of him years ago, Mei Fang just smiled and said nothing.

Despite his words, Crixus had already lost interest in pillaging farms. He quickly ordered his men to gather the troops and return to their camp, while he himself mounted a horse and followed the messenger to the main camp. The meat they bought was chicken, with a clean, fresh pink color.

As he passed through the town of Suessula, built by the Samnites on the plain, he couldn’t help but observe it closely, with one thought in his mind: Perhaps I should try leading my army to capture a town myself.After seeing Liang Meijuan and Lin Youxi off, Xia Yuan finally relaxed her previously tense mood.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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