Chapter 36: CHAPTER 35

The fact that, Alfi left such a substantial tip was proof that, Etna had done an excellent job, of course I let her know when I handed her the tip that Alfi had left her.

What Víctor had said the night before when he was saying goodbye to Mr. Johan's son was correct, any other person in this type of establishment would surely have taken the tip for himself, however, it was not my case, I would never steal or abuse my employees.

I certainly wasn't a saint, having slaves and courtesans who were no different from slaves is the proof, however, I honestly considered them people, and treated them as such, even though they were bound to me against their will in some way.

After saying goodbye to Etna, I finished the paperwork that I had pending. Carolina was not in the office, since she was generally touring the establishment checking everything and applying improvements, it was a task that she did every day, I had to admit , she was very dedicated.

She had also begun to perform exercises similar to those I had taught the courtesans, although she was a great beauty and had no need for them, seeing how the courtesans were more beautiful every day, like every woman could not be left behind.

It was impressive to see how simple exercises that I remembered from my past life could do wonders in this world. I knew there were better methods for conditioning the physique, but my knowledge was not deep, and not wanting to injure any of my courtesans by teaching an inappropriate exercise, I refrained from proposing anything.

Having finished all the paperwork, I called Fluffy, to check on my status. It was clear to me that, I should not have earned much, but I felt the need to review, as I wanted to acquire some new skill.

As I had imagined, I had only gone up 2 levels, I was at level 21 and my points totaled 31,810. It would seem like a large number, but with how expensive the system abilities were, they weren't that many.

After checking my status, I decided not to buy anything, I wanted to save a little more in order to buy a skill that would really help me earn points, since the very small increase I got from the misdeeds I did with the courtesans was not encouraging at all.

Leaving my depression behind, I left the office and walked around the establishment idly trying to distract myself a bit, I really had nothing to do. Thanks to Carolina's efficiency, there was nothing to correct in the operation of the Heavenly Palace either, so, I was left with no choice, but to return to the office.

Once again in the office and with nothing to do, I began to think. I had to find a way to increase my points. I could easily go to another brothel, surely I would earn more points doing it with other courtesans, but I also knew that it wouldn't make much of a difference, after all, sex purchased with money was no different from sex with the courtesans of the Heavenly Palace for the system.

The other option was to try to woo Carolina, however just thinking about it made me upset, not because I don't like her, but quite the contrary, I love her. After working and living with her for several months I have realized how incredible she is and I am not referring to her beauty.

Certainly, she is not the most sociable, also, capturing emotion on her face is a bit difficult, but somehow I like her, that's why I don't see her as an option to earn points, prefer to take her as a girlfriend, but I strayed off topic.

After thinking all afternoon, I could not find a solution, I had to admit, although I had all the knowledge about sex in my head, knowing about sex and socializing to get it, were two different things, and the last one was not at all my best ability.

In my past life apart from corporate relations due to my job, I really didn't know how to approach people, especially the opposite sex, that´s frustrated me, but when night came, I put the issue aside, focusing on the work, because the day had begun.

The Heavenly Palace was as usual, business was not bad, there were always customers drinking and eating, some minor merchants enjoying the service of the courtesans.

Sonia had become the most requested courtesan. From the beginning she was the best gifted physically and personality. After months of training and good nutrition, the little excess fat that, she had had disappeared, and now she was a complete beauty in her own right.

Other than that, she had gotten a small group fond of being her servants in private, so, she was the star of the brothel, generating the highest profit among all the courtesans.

This was not to say that, the others weren't progressing, in fact, each of them had some regular customers who were fans of their talents and generated good profits and tips, but Sonia was above all.

The day ended, so everyone went to rest, except for the guards who rotated in turns to watch over the property, since the red-light district was not peaceful in the least.

Fortunately, no mishap had occurred in the Heavenly Palace, but one could not let one's guard down. Besides, I was sure that at some point, trouble would arise, that was the nature of business and life, not to mention that this industry was by nature not peaceful.

As if invoking bad energy, in the early morning hours, when everyone was sleeping, a loud noise woke everyone in the establishment. I was the first one to notice the commotion. Quickly made my way to reception, where I found Oliver, Carlos and Manuel surrounding a man who was bound hand and foot, not to mention the bruises on his face.

I promptly asked what was going on, whereupon Oliver began to explain, "We found this man trying to get into the back of the establishment".

Despite the beating he received, the man did not explain what his goal was in entering the Heavenly Palace, and although I was not a cruel man, having lived in this world for almost 19 years, I knew how dangerous it was, therefore, could not act as weakness.

Determined to show character, I coldly ordered, "Start cutting him, let´s see how many limbs he has left when he talks", my order was clear, torture the man until he talks, if he doesn't, kill him.

Everyone in the Heavenly Palace had come over to the reception to see what was going on, but everyone was at a distance, except for the slave guards who had armed themselves and were now standing next to me at the reception.

Upon hearing my order, Oliver, Manuel and Carlos dragged the man away to comply with it, as warriors before falling into slavery, it was not a heavy order, but for the women who hid a little further away, the emotions were different.

The kitchen's women had little reaction, after years in this business, it wasn't the first time they had witnessed a similar scene or order, that's how cruel this world was.

On the other hand, the courtesans reacted even more strangely, they had a slight admiration for the display of cruelty on my part, it somehow showed that, I was a strong man with character, some of them even got a little wet donw there when they saw my manly attitude or what they thought it was.

However, only Carolina has a diferen expression. Although she had experienced difficulties in her life, none to the point that required cruelty like my order. She was a little scared, to the point that her hands and legs trembled a little.

When Oliver and the others had withdrawn with the invader, I turned to where the women were and in a calm voice told them, "You can go back to your rooms, everything is under control."

Upon hearing me, they all calmly returned to their rooms, only Carolina was still present, not because she did not want to leave, it was because her body did not respond to her. Realizing that, I approached her and kindly held her gently and helped her return.

Despite her cold demeanor, I had realized that she really wasn't as apathetic as her appearance suggested, and although embarrassed, she allowed me to support her until we returned to her room.

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