Chapter 146: CHAPTER 145

Andrew greeted everyone in the dining room and after that, they began to eat. Normally they always waited for him before starting meals, although this was not always the case, as Carolina or Helena could authorize them to start eating in the same way.

All this was a protocol to demonstrate his authority. It really wasn't something he planned, just that the courtesans and other employees for some reason adopted it on their own.

Andrew didn't give it much thought and let them do what they wanted. After breakfast, Andrew called the new girls to the dance room along with Carolina and Helena.

Sonia and the former courtesans were curious and also followed them. Andrew said nothing to that because it was no secret what they were going to do and although he had no intention of allowing the former courtesans to learn what he was going to show them, he was not going to forbid them to see.

Once in the dance room, Andrew arranged for them to sit facing a wall, which puzzled them, but they said nothing. Andrew took out the projection orb and after inserting the disc with the dance videos a ray of light shot towards the wall.

All the girls were shocked to see the beam of light, however, it wasn't until the beam of light hit the wall that their eyes almost popped out of shock because there they could see a girl dancing near a metal pole similar to those around them.

The girls came out of their surprise quickly and as intelligent women, they immediately understood that what Andrew was showing them was the way they should dance.

The dancing courtesans from the moment they arrived at the Heavenly Palace had been informed that their traditional dance was not what Andrew was looking for, but as women who knew how to dance it would be easier for them to learn the new style and so they had wanted to know what it was and now they had it in front of them.

The video showed a beautiful woman sensually dancing around the metal pole in front of many men cheering her on and throwing money euphorically.

Her movements were suggestive and sensual, even as girls all those present felt their bodies warm with a certain excitement. In the video, there were no complicated movements like in sports pole dance.

In case you don't know, pole dancing is not necessarily a sensual dance, in fact, it is sporty in which various muscles of the body are exercised, without forgetting that yoga is also applied when practicing it.

However, what Andrew was showing them wasn't the complicated moves where you need some strength and expertise. What he displayed were simple twisting movements on the metal pole while looking erotic.

In short, it is a simple dance that uses the metal pole as a support to perform more provocative positions. All the girls were immersed in the video except for Carolina.

It wasn't that she wasn't interested in the sensual dance, but that her managerial instinct was curious about something. "My love, what is that thing?" Carolina said, pointing to the projection orb.

Andrew immediately knew what Carolina wanted to know. He knew that the projection orb was a new invention in this world, something that shouldn't exist, and if it does it should be very rare, so Carolina must be thinking about its commercial value.

Despite the fact that Andrew knew that this instrument could be sold for a large amount of money, he had to disappoint Carolina, since it really was not as profitable a business at the moment as she believed. However, he still replied, "It is a projection orb".

Carolina frowned letting Andrew understand that telling him the name of the device didn't tell her anything and understanding that Andrew said, "I'll explain everything to you later, let's finish this video first."

Although dissatisfied, Carolina accepted and returned her gaze to the video displayed on the wall. Andrew was also watching the projection when a great realization came over him.

The thought that came to his mind left him stupefied because he had not thought of such a crucial matter to date. What he had overlooked was the music for the dance room.

In this world, the urban music of Earth did not exist and therefore it would be difficult to get suitable music for the courtesans to implement the dances they are learning from watching the video.

Andrew couldn't believe that he had gone through with this plan without considering the music and was banging his head as he mentally scolded himself for how stupid he was and it wasn't until Fluffy's voice sounded in his mind that he calmed down.

"Master, you don't have to be so severe over a mistake like that." Hearing the voice of his divine beast, Andrew anxiously asked, "Is there something in the system like the projection orb for music?", but Fluffy's reply left him cold, "There's no music in the system because It's not in your field of control."

Hearing that answer Andrew contemplated and it was really true, music could do many things, but it is definitely not something directly related to sex and eroticism, so it was not possible to be in the system.

After understanding this, Andrew could only let out a resigned sigh, but Fluffy snapped him out of his depression again, "Master, I think the week's abstinence really atrophied your brain."

Listening to Fluffy, Andrew was more confused than angry, although he was annoyed by the comment, he knew that Fluffy was bothering him that way because it was obvious, but he was missing it and not wanting to prolong the matter, he asked, "What do you mean?".

Fluffy let out a helpless sigh noticing that his master hadn't really noticed and a little irritated said, "Master, don't you realize that the video you're showing has music in it?", that's when Andrew realized.

In fact, the music has nothing to do with his specialty as the god Eros, but the video was different because it was an erotic dance and it had music in it, so there was the music he needed.

Fluffy sighed again, disappointed to see Andrew understand what he wanted to say and Andrew, who heard it clearly, couldn't help but be embarrassed, because it really was such a simple solution and he didn't see it.

Carolina and Helena, who were next to him, noticed Andrew's embarrassment blush instantly, but they didn't ask him what happened, in fact, they thought it was due to the excitement of watching the video and that's why they concentrated even more on the video trying to learn something.

Their misunderstanding of Andrew's blush led them to the idea that they should learn pole dancing to satisfy Andrew since he seemed to like it a lot. Andrew certainly liked that dance, but it wasn't necessary for them to learn it, however, he didn't know his wives' thoughts, so he didn't say anything.

After about 10 minutes the video ended and all the girls looked disappointed. Not because they were attracted to the dancer in the video, but because they wanted to learn the dance style, and watching it for 10 minutes was not enough for that.

Andrew who understood their thoughts walked to the front of all of them and began to say, "Don't worry, the video will play again later", he paused and continued with a serious expression.

"As you already know the dance room will open next week and what I want you to do is what you saw on the video, therefore this week will be hard for you. I don't expect you to master it in a few days, but it should be passable, so the video will play here throughout the morning every day for you to learn and practice just in the morning. Use the afternoon to rest."

Andrew paused again and looked around the room before continuing, "Although I'm asking a lot of you, I don't want you to get hurt or overexert yourself, don't try to master everything, focus on the simplest steps to start, I just need you to move to the rhythm of the music in a sensual way, not make extravagant movements, is that clear?"

"Yes, young master!" All the dancers responded at the same time and after seeing their determined expressions Andrew attended approvingly and taught them how to use the projection orb so that the video would play constantly.

Andrew didn't worry that they would damage the projection orb because it was sturdier than it looked. If they really wanted to damage it, they would have to hit it with a rock with some force, because thanks to its resistance the orb would even withstand falls from two meters high.

On the other hand, Andrew had more videos to show them, but he didn't take them out at the moment, because he thought it wasn't necessary. He preferred the dancers to focus on one video at a time and when they got better he would pull out the next video to add variety to their movement.

After his speech and teaching the courtesans how to operate the projection orb, Andrew along with Carolina and Helena left. Sonia and the other courtesans continued to watch the video despite being told that they did not need to learn the dance.

Andrew wanted to reprimand them, but Helena stopped him and convinced him that there was nothing wrong with them learning too, and although Andrew didn't want that, he let it go at Helena's insistence.

The three of them soon arrived at the office and practically the moment they sat down Carolina asked, "So tell me all about that projection orb." Andrew could only smile helplessly at Carolina's enthusiasm and began to explain.

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