Chapter 134: [Bonus chapter] CHAPTER 133

Andrew talked to the new girls for a few minutes and th dismissed them. Oto had be more efficit than he had predicted and had finished the repairs to the Heavly Palace before noon ev though he had said, it would be until afternoon.

Thanks to that, the tire establishmt was complete and packed with rooms. The establishmt was not only twice as spacious but with the changes decided at the last minute, the gard in the middle of the building, was demolished and built, so technically there was now a little more than triple the space.

With all these rovations, there were plty of rooms available for the new girls and ev with them living there, they didn't fill half of the rooms the building now had.

Hela was in charge of guiding the new girls to their rooms and explaining how the operation of the place was, since she is the matron of the Heavly Palace, although now that she became Andrew's wife, that name changed to the administrator of courtesans.

Since the girls did not have many belongings, they were able to unpack rather quickly, and Hela introduced them to the other courtesans. She didn't take them to the other workers, because they were evaluating the candidates for new employees and she didn't want to distract them.

Contrary to what the new girls thought, Sonia and the other courtesans gave them a warm welcome and they quickly became frids. None of them thought it was strange that there were no rivalries or disagreemts, but this was all thanks to Andrew.

He didn't know either, he only ssed that the girls had good temperamts, but that wasn't tirely correct. What happed is that Andrew's divinity grew every day and thanks to that, the people affiliated with him were indirectly affected.

The changes were not exaggerated, just small subtleties, such as the harmony betwe the people of the Heavly Palace. It wasn't that they were brainwashed or lost their individuality, it was better described as feeling comfortable with each other.

Obviously, this was not to say that argumts or altercations did not exist, just that they did not occur over small things like the rivalry that the arrival of a new group of courtesans might spark.

The screing day for pottial future employees had ded and everyone had gathered at the reception. Víctor stood in front of them and began to say goodbye since Carolina was not prest.

"Well, your skills have be tested and we appreciate your time, that will be all for today. Tomorrow we will notify the merchant guild about the people who obtained the job and the day after tomorrow the ones selected must report to work if you accept".

Víctor paused and continued saying, "For those who are selected, wh the guild notifies you, they will inform you of your functions and befits, including salary, but if after that you do not agree, inform the guild or if you do not attd work the day after tomorrow, we will understand that as that you did not accept".

Victor paused again and looked a at everyone who was also looking at him seriously, not wanting to miss his words, "Finally, if you don't show up for work the day after tomorrow unless you prest a proper excuse, you won't be hired later".

Once he finished that stce, he dismissed them and little by little they all left. Seeing them leave, Víctor wt to the office where Andrew, Carolina, Hela, Oliver, Carm, and Héctor were already gathered.

As he tered the office, Andrew gestured for him to take a seat and started the conversation, "Well, I guess you already have the candidates chos, let's hear it."

Hector was the first to speak and passed a sheet of paper to Andrew to explain his criteria for approving or rejecting candidates for the cooking position. In the d, the list detailed the name of five people with geral descriptions.

Andrew asked some routine questions and approved the people selected by Hector. Th Carm delivered her list of chos ones and, like Héctor, explained her evaluation criteria.

The number of people writt on the paper was much higher than Hector's since more personnel were needed in the areas she commanded. About 0 people were writt and again Andrew asked routine questions and accepted those chos by Carm.

Finally, Victor expressed his thoughts, without calling the roll, since he only had 5 candidates, it was not necessary to do this, "Mr. Andrew, according to my evaluation, the two girls are the chos ones."

Andrew was surprised at Victor's choice. Not because he thought Victor was wrong, just that for this kind of business it wasn't common for the front desk to be manned by wom.

Certainly, a welcoming girl is more refreshing, but the receptionist was also the one that received the paymt and it was always more convit to have a man who gerates more presce in the evt that a clit did not want to pay or complained about something.

"Do you think that's the best thing to do?" Andrew asked a little doubtfully, to which Victor replied, "It certainly can be a bit troublesome if a dispute occurs at the time of paymt, but the three m who applied are not good".

Curious about Victor's evaluation, Andrew couldn't hold back and asked, "Why?" to which Victor replied, "The arrival of the new girls was quite timely, as it allowed me to assess the character of those candidates. According to what I saw, I feel that they could cause trouble with the courtesans, not to mtion, that they also…"

Victor stopped his words, not knowing if he should commt on his other conclusion, but Andrew did not allow him to remain silt and demanded, "Victor, speak your mind", so Victor said, "Offding the young ladies is a possibility."

Oliver, who was sitting to one side, frowned at the commt, since he had sworn allegiance to Andrew and for this reason his wives, being the most important thing for Andrew, were a priority for Oliver, so he interved.

"That is a possibility that should not exist. Young master, I think that Victor's concern is valid, it is better to avoid future problems due to foolishness, also, if there is a problem at the reception we can always instruct the guards to handle it".

Andrew had the same thoughts as Oliver, after hearing Victor's speculations. He trusted Victor's criteria to evaluate people, after all, he had clearly demonstrated it in his work time, so he nodded, implying that they would follow Oliver's suggestion.

After a few more words the meeting ded and everyone returned to their activities, except for Oliver who remained in the office, as he wanted to discuss with Andrew the acquisition of new guards.

The conversation didn't take long, as they had previously agreed to expand the number of guards, so they decided to visit the slave shop the next day.

Andrew had decided to continue using slaves for guard activities, to avoid problems, ultimately having armed m who were not loyal could cause future problems and although Andrew and Oliver could see the loyalty of the m thanks to their eyes, it was better to prevt, not to mtion that loyalty does not happ overnight.

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