Riot Grasper

Volume 2 - Ch 3

2nd Volume, 3rd Chapter The Fluidic Creature

5th month, 3rd week, the day of the Light.

The subjugation quest for a monster thatsable to use magic?

Answering my enquiry was the Merville Guild receptionist, Sheena-san.

Well arranged facial features, fair complexioned skina beauty the manner of speech of whom matched her looks.

Yeah, Im interested in a monster that uses magic of any kind.

If its Seiji-sanit means it has to be within the scope of Rank D, right?

I returned a nod.

Basically, I intend to receive a quest appropriate for my Adventurer Rank. There may be stronger monsters with more useful skills, but I dont need to be hasty.

With my current ability, I can solo a Blood Ogre.

However, if I overestimated my strength and ventured into an area inhabited by powerful monsters, I would only meet a premature death.

Theres a possibility of getting encircled by a group of Blood Ogres or encountering a monster that Im not a match of.

The purpose of the Guild in introducing the Rank restriction system is to keep the Adventurers from losing their lives wastefully.

Receiving a quest under the guarantee of safety margin, polishing the skills all the while, seems the most reasonable.

Save for the inevitable cases.

Thats the reason as to why Im searching for a Rank D scope quest. I, whos not knowledgeable when it comes to monsters, cant be expected to know as to which ones use magic. Hence, here I am asking Sheena-san quietly.

Wait a minutefound it

Upon my saying so, Sheena-san left the reception desk and walked toward the bulletin board which had the quest papers affixed.

I followed after her. Pleasing fragrance drifted to me softly. Ponytail! Cute ponytail! That my mind housed such idiotic thoughts with such an innocent face, no one would be able to guess.

Here, its a Rank D+ quest. Albeit few, there are monsters that use magic. Ive heard from Bays that Seiji-san is competent. Still, be careful not to be careless, please.

As for the quest paper she indicated

Collect the nuclei of the Slimes inhabiting the Paudal Wetland Belt in the southeast of Merville.

Quest completion requirement: deliver nuclei worth 2,000 Dalas.

ErmSlimes are those gelly guys, right?

Ah, did you know?

Nope, do Slimes use magic?

Yes. Although the Paudal Wetland Belt is a place overflowing with nature, the mana in the atmosphere there is extraordinarily thick. It seems to be a manaspot.

Manaspota place where mana tends to be dense?

What springs out of there as if pulled out is the Slime from the quest. Because its disconnected from the southern highway, its not frequented by people.

I see. So, the purpose of the quest isnt subjugationits the collection of nucleus.

Hence, the subjugation proof part isnt required eitheror rather, as long as I have the nucleus, there wont be any complaint.

Albeit miniscule, its nucleus is a mana crystallization; therefore, it seems to be in demand. Do you want to receive this quest?

Just to be sure, I had her indicate the location of the Paudal Wetland Belt on the handheld map.

Its quite farIf I were on foot, such a tiring distance would require a days trip.

If you need transport, its provided by the gate, okay?

Theres that option, too?

Its not needed now; however, it could come in handy if I decided to go on an outing.

Still, wouldnt it be better to get on one?

I have yet to seethe Riding skill.

Sheena-san suggested so kindly, after all, it would leave a bad aftertaste if I declined.

After having completed the quest receipt procedure, I headed to the South Gate.

In case of moving from town to town, theres an option of using a guarded coach; however, my destination the Paudal Wetland Belt is disconnected from the highway. Besides, the speed of a coach tends to be slow.

Renting a personal mount would be the best, no?

In the vicinity of the gate, the shops which conducted the business of lending mounts could be found sporadically. I decided to enter one such shop and asked.

Erm, can I rent a horse?

Aah, you can rent it for 200 Dalas per day. Are youan Adventurer? Where do you plan on going?

Basically, a horse is the most commonly used means of transport after, of course, walking on foot. Even when you talk about coaches, the single horse ones can be seen most often.

Occasionally, however, people can be seen riding a mount other than a horse.

Such as a furry cow, or a feline one such asa tiger?

At least, a mount that can defend its own bodyI dont mean to say a Scale Dragon, but

Did he say

A dragon?

More details.

Why so sudden? Are you interested in a Scale Dragon?


A smile befitting a merchant was plastered on the shop clerks face.

I see. Actually, this shops top recommendation is a Scale Dragon. Its inside, though. Do you want to have a look?

Thereafter, I was led inside the shop.

From the opposite side of the parting board, cries of various mounts could be heard.

There it is.

Adorably lain down and curled.

Tough scales covering its entire body, one black scale after another shining under the sunlight from the dormer, mingling with a glimmer of jade green, creating a lovely hue.

According to the shop clerk:

With ferocious and superior hind legs, its a runner that no other mount can hold a candle to. Overnight, I can cover a distance of 1,000 ri. (TN: 1,000 ri = 3,927 km)

Its thick tail maintains its body balance for extended periods of time. The comfort of ride is top notch, too.

Furthermore, being an amphibian, it can play an active part in the wetland belt.

He may have exaggerated a bit; however, it has already seized my heart.

Its horn looks good, too.

Unintentionally, I checked its skill constitution out.

How much does this Scale Dragon cost per day?

1,000 Dalas per day.

So expensive! Its five times the horses.

As for the quest reward, its 2,000 Dalasdo I have to splash half of that on just the conveyance?

However, in case of this quest, the remuneration as well as the quest completion counter will increase with the number of nuclei.

If I think about it, I can complete the quest more efficiently if I roam about freely in the wetland belt.

Or I should say, I want to take this fellow at all costs.

Thank you for the business. The basic way of riding is what I taught you earlier. Dont worry, even a beginner can ride it with ease for it has been adequately trained.

Upon those words, I observed the Shop clerk-san; especially, at the word trained; however, I couldnt find the Beast Tame skill.

Are there people who tame the mounts?

N? Aah, just like this Scale Dragon, there are beasts captured and trained by people who do it as an occupation. We then buy from them. Unlike horse, their birth control is difficult.

I seeit has piqued my interestno, for now, lets focus on magic. Yes, magic.

When I turned my face to the side upon feeling the Scale Dragons breathing, I found its cute round eyes gazing at me.

When I stretched my hand and patted its head slowly


Aah, like this? Got it.

You see, its not scary. Ne? I was scared for nothing

It hurtsjust a bitjust a bit.

Oioi, if youre not careful with play-biting, you can get injured. Before it happens, pull your hand out, quick.

After all, I cannot have the Scale Dragon lick a bitten hand.


However, because it can get healed right away, its fine, isnt it?

Then, I pulled myself together, straddled the Scale Dragon and faced outside the town through the South Gate.

Upon seeing me, a gallant figure called out. The sentinel who I occasionally exchange greetings with: Nicholas-san.

Oh, if it isnt Seiji. Leaving the gate in such a grandiose manner, where are you going?

Nah, just going to the Paudal Wetland Belt for a bit.

Its quite far. Good, its best for an Adventurer, but dont act recklessly.

If it becomes dangerous, Ill flee back here. That asidehow is it?

How is what?

To Nicholas-san, who was making a strange face, I emphasized my sitting-astride-the-Scale-Dragon figure.

Aahhow do I put it? Are you carrying the feed to a dragons den?

No, Im not! I have had enough.

Having parted with Nicholas-san, I grabbed the Scale Dragons reins back.

Destination: the Paudal Wetland Belt in the southeast.

Dragon Ridersounds cool and all, but.

When its tough legs clutched the ground firmly in order to run, the vibrations it produced faintly transmitted to the back of the straddling me.

However, as getting on it was my own ideaI have no right to complain.

Although its speed isnt much different from a horses, the comfort of ride is outstanding.

There was little to no fatigue due to rocking.

Moreover, its endurance seems to be considerable. Judging from the position of the sun, it had been running for about an hour, yet there was no instance of its speed dropping.

Still, for cautions sake, I took a break by a brook bank. After drinking water, we resumed our journey.

We had advanced halfway through the highway. While I was checking the map, the route diverted to the east.

Away from human habitation, the air carried a tinge of anxiety.

To have rented itwas perhaps the right choice.

As the sun quickly reached its zenith, we arrived at the Paudal Wetland Belt.

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