Riot Grasper

Volume 2 - Ch 13.2

2nd Volume, 13th Chapter The Rolled off Candy 2nd Part

His consciousness sunk into the bottom of gloomy darkness. In a mysterious space where the sensation of his body seemed sparse He got up

Aah, this is a dream.

Even though he was aware of that, he continued to gaze fixedly at the scene unfolding in front of his eyes.

Why are you all doing this?

Its a mission we were assigned to.

Words spat out of his mouth regardless of his will.

It was an event that had already transpired. It was merely a playback of the memory.

It felt uncomfortable to have his consciousness buried in his past self.

An aristocrats lady like you shouldnt think of worrisome things when you can return safely.

Aristocrat huh? I see But I have yet to feel like one myself

You may not believe me, but Im originally from an orphanage. When I was proposed to by my husband, many were surprised. However, the one who was surprised the most was I. I wonder as to what he saw in such a commoner girl as me.

Is that so?

Hey, since Im restrained and we have a lot of free time, why dont you tell me your story? Wouldnt it be boring to simply kill a hostage? In what manner were you brought up for you to turn into such an inhumane human being?

You talk too much Keep quiet

Right thenAs if the chunks of memory pieced together, the scene switched.

Hey, if a war broke out between your side and Lechelle, what would you do? Wouldnt you be in trouble if that happened?

Having said so The man continued his words

Likewise, it would be difficult for us to invade Lechelle Kingdom. Veronica Citadel Town is a natural fortress which naturally utilizes the Liebe Mountain Range. Thereby, we are maintaining a cordial relationship without forcing any dispute.

Considering my current state, it doesnt seem cordial relationship at all, dont you think?

Between two countries, there can never be a relationship of equality. They would always try to build a relationship favourable to themselves.

Its this method which Im against

Do you know about a flower called Phylia? Its a lovely white flower.

It cant be a flower which grows gregariously in Lechelle Kingdom Surely

Ah, I knew you would reply to my question. These past few days, out of those who were standing guard, you were the only one who would reply normally.

As a child, I saw that flower only once when a peddler came to the village. I was so happy when I found out that it had the same name as me.

Is that so?

The other day, I sowed a seed in the garden at the mansion. I hope it grows big.

Its a western plant. Its suitable for scarce rainfall climate. If it were given excessive water, it would wither.

HeeYoure knowledgeable

It will be convenient for my work if I learn about various cultures.

Do you have a family?

I dont

Well, I didnt have parents either, but I was never lonely because the guys at the orphanage were just like my family. Especially a girl who was slightly younger than me. She was just like a little sister to me

Apparently, they are showing signs of accepting our demands. Youll soon be released.

He is a very kind person So, you thought it would be effective to target me.

Having said soshe continued her words.

When my husband proposed to me, do you know what he said?

Upon her abrupt question, the man waited silently for her to continue her words.

I want to make Lechelle Kingdom wealthier and more peaceful. Even if I put my whole life into it, I may not achieve it. However, Im glad that I have your supportThats what he said.

What are you saying all of a sudden?!

The woman darted off and rammed her body into the window.

It was possible, though, to close in and intercept her at this distance.

However, the moment the woman turned her head backthe mans body stiffened for a moment.

This is the only support the current me can offer him. If the hostage is dead, my husband wont have to comply with whatever you demand.

People wouldnt choose death for themselves just like that

Yet that womans eyes were honest to the very end.

I have one last request. Pleasedont involve my family in this anymore.


The hand he stretched caught but air.

He knew it. He knew it very well. That it was already over.

Kahaa ha fu haa

The man, who had woken up from the dream, kept his eyes shut. He didnt move for a few minutes.

He endeavoured to calm his breathing that was so rough and his heart that was beating so loudly as if it was fiercely hitting his insides.

In the end, I can only indulge in self satisfaction, for thats my character

The mans muttering voice was drowned out by the sound of the bells.

7th Month, 2nd Week, the Day of Fire. Overcast.

Because Rank C and above quests had lessened within Merville, I decided to raise Abnormal Status Resistance to Lv3 for the time being.

Since today was supposed to be a day off, I would enjoy going back to sleep after six bells.

I was sleepy all the more due to thinking over something late last night.

As to what I was thinking over What do I wish from Alba?

If I made her my pet The whole town would be thrown into an uproar if I did such a thing

The other day, I read a book, Demon Dissection: New Edition Contains Speculation at the library.

Their typical physical features, such as horns and wings, varied. However, they had red eyes in general. Therefore, demons would be identifiable at a glance.

That, in my opinion, was the reason as to why Lim recognized Alba was a demon and attacked her even though her [Albas] form didnt differ much from a humans.

I, who had woken up before seven bells to the *tonton* knock on the door, managed to successfully crawl out of the bed and show my face to the visitor.

Lim What is it?

Seiji, you said it would be your day off today Will you not go to Maritas place with me?

After that day, Lim and I went to meet Marita once more. Although it was no more than showing face, Lim unexpectedly got along with Marita really well.

N, huh? Whats that in your hair, Lim?

I didnt miss the small gold hair ornament shining in her chestnut hair which her cat ears were enshrined in.

Umm, Marita told me that I should put more girly things on So, I bought it the other day. How does it look?

She was right. It looks good on you.

Un Thanks

Then, let me change into my outfit. After we have eaten breakfast, we will leave.

After I had shut the door close, I banged my head on the bed four times

Evil! Thoughts! Go! Away! (Translators note: (Bonnou) Kleshas, in Buddhism, are mental states that cloud the mind and manifest in unwholesome actions. Kleshas include states of mind such as anxiety, fear, anger, jealousy, desire, depression, etc. (Taisan) Disperse)

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