Riot Grasper

Volume 2 - Ch 11.1

2nd Volume, 11th Chapter The Good Ol Balloon 1st Part

Authors note: Finally, that man!

7th month, 1st week, the day of Origin.

Even after keeping them company to the late hour drinking bout last night, I casually strode downstairs. So, its the effect of Abnormal Status Resistance, after all, huh?

Last night, Doorey-san decided to stay at Feeder Pops. However, for the sake of temperance, he was already in the dining area.

Yo! Morning, Seiji-kun.

Good morning.

The moment I returned Doorey-sans greeting, Lim could be seen coming downstairs, too.

Umu, as for Arnold-san, it will be the same as always, I guess?

Well, drinking without restraint is inevitable after reuniting with a long separated friendright?

After the three of us were done with the breakfast. I told them I would be leaving for the Paudal Wetland Belt and rose from my seat.

Because it was the day of Origin today, I would have to go hunt the Prism Slimes. I would be shopping quite extensively.

Fumu, Ill be in this town for a while. If you need something, let me know.

Last nighthe did say that the trade with the Archipelago States would be more active if the new policy were enacted. Therefore, he would be stocking commodities up before it was too late.

How about you, Lim-chan? If youre free until Arnold gets up, why dont you go to the market with Uncle? Ill give my friends daughter a present.

Thank you very much, butIll wait until Papa wakes up.

I-I see

Politely declining Doorey-sans invitation, Lim went upstairs lightly *tatata* just like a cat.

The tail of Uncle, who was left behind, drooped so low it was rubbing against the floor.

Close friends daughter would look just as cute as ones own daughter, surely.

Because Doorey-san wasnt married and had no child, such feelings would be even more pronounced.

Then, Ill be off.

Ah, waithere, if youre going out, how about you take this for the journey?

This is?

What he held out wasa colorful candy?

Its a confectionary made in a certain village of Lechelle Kingdom. There, sugarcane grows abundantly, so its their specialty product. Its popular as a commodity, too. I hope you try it a little.

It was a candy that was faintly red and yellow in colorit was interestingly shaped after a bird and a sheep esque animal.

I received it with thanks and left the inn.

Through the Guild, I went to the mount shop.

Oh, youre actually buying this fellow? I mean, its amazing considering youre so young.

I shoved the white gold coins in the shop clerks face (Courteously paid the amount) and finally made Rook mine.

After receiving pointers on how to keep a pet, I caressed Rook.

Apparently, it could be left here in case there was no shed for the mounts at the inn.

Although it would cost a little money, I was glad I could get on Rook whenever and go wherever I wanted.

Oousomehow, the view is different.

Although it was strange, since I was used to the journey of where I was heading to, I was feeling refreshed.

I always used to borrow Rook. I didnt know I would experience such an exhilaration when I owned it.

Like someone, who always rented a car, would feel upon buying a new car of their dreamsthey would cry.

After loitering more than usual around, I reached the Paudal Wetland Belt. Slightly vigilantly, I searched the vicinity.

Its notwhat you think it is. I was concerned about getting surrounded by the demons in retaliation of yesterdays incident.

However, my worries seemed to be unfounded.

Well, well. Time to once again chase the runaway slimes with Rook.

Thereafter, I repeatedly stole Origin Magic from the coalesced Prism Slimes. When it was about time to return home, I got off Rooks back and unsheathed the sword.

Should I try it once more?

I directed my consciousness to my palm and manifested a rainbow colored ball.

A clear image was required to manifest magic. However, because I had already spent considerable time on fusing all six elements, I seemed to be able to control it fairly well after getting a hang of it once.

I clad it on the sword as is and held it aloft.

After confirming there was no one around, I aimed at the swamp field so as not to destroy the nature.

Multi Elemental Extreme Sword Wave (Symphonic Rave)!

The moment the sword attack, which I fired with all my power, came into contact with the surface of waterthe sound of impact, which seemed to be making the air tremble, transmitted to my body.

A column of water soared into the skythe surface of the swamp, the depth of which was shallow to begin with, was lying naked. Water was whirling into the small crater like hole which had just formed.

Im so scary!

The joke I just cracked was actually in moderation. From now onI would have to take time and place into account before using it.

Even though Origin Magic was merely at Lv2, the power was terrifying.

Whether Alba used all of her power to finish the wounded me off with the great Fireball or not, I wasnt certain. However, considering what transpired yesterday, it seemed to be equivalent to Lv3.

By the way, I shot the rainbow colored ball prior to the sword unification, too. Although it was powerful in its own right, one could clearly perceive the power down.

Do other factors contribute to the sword unification, too? What comes to mind is the Lv of my Sword Arts? Or the attack power of the sword Im equipped with?

Or does the unification with a weapon one is accustomed to results in more precise image? Thats all I can think of.

Oh well. I decided to return for the day.

When I was reporting at the Merville Guild, I was informed by Sheena-san.

Youre Rank D+, Seiji-san, but your quest completion count has reached 10. Do you want to take the Rank Promotion Exam?

Ah, yes. I do.

I seeRank C Promotion Exam already, huh?

Ever since becoming a Rank D, I had been regularly hunting the Slimes for about a month.

It was an incredible speed even if I say so myself.

Although I had plenty of safety margin, a Slime was originally a difficult opponent for a Rank D Adventurer.

Here, there was no such thing as Lv up upon defeating monsters. Once they realized their inadequacy, they would have no choice but to train and gradually improve their technique.

Not many people sit for the Rank C Promotion Exam, so its conducted individually. Therefore, its easier to set the schedule. Do you have any request in respect of the day?

Previously, the Rank D Promotion Exam was a group examination. However, it seemed to be different this time around.

Every Adventurer starts as a Rank E, is that why many people sit for the first examination?

It was a pyramid structure; the higher the rank, the less the number of peoplein a way, it was a miniature society.

Well, it was natural since it was one organization.

Tens of thousands of people lived in Merville Town. In the suburban towns and villages, people lived in the denomination of hundreds and thousands.

In such a large town as Merville, people registered with the Guild numbered about 200.

More than half of them were Rank E and Dthose of higher rank were handful. In Merville, the vicinity of which wasnt infested with brutal monsters, high ranked Adventurers were extremely rare.

Early schedule if possible, please.

Very well. As soon as arrangements with the examiner have been made, we will contact you.

Will it be Bays-san this time, too? Nah, he couldnt be free all the time. It would be someone else this time around.

Im certain she mentioned that examiner quests were issued for high ranked Adventurers.

And then came the next day. 7th month, 1st week, the day of Fire.

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