Reincarnation of the Celestial Bastard

Chapter 80: Journey to the Northern Mountains

Chapter 80: Journey to the Northern Mountains

The morning air was crisp as Li Tian stepped outside the estate, the weight of his latest mission clear in his mind. The Cult of Shadows—a name that carried with it an ominous promise of danger. But he wasn't the same Li Tian who had only just begun his journey in this new life. He had grown stronger, faster, more decisive, and he wasn't afraid of what lay ahead.

As he made his way toward the northern mountains, the scenery around him changed rapidly. The bustling energy of the city faded into the stillness of the wilderness. Tall, ancient trees lined his path, their leaves swaying softly in the breeze, casting long shadows that danced on the ground. The trail was narrow, winding up through the dense forest that bordered the mountains.

The system's voice rang in his mind, calm and unwavering.

[Quest: Investigate the Cult of Shadows]

[Objective: Find the source of dark energy in the northern mountains and eliminate the threat.]

[Reward: Shadow Step Technique]

Li Tian's lips curled into a smile. The Shadow Step Technique had piqued his interest ever since it was first mentioned. The ability to move undetected through shadows would be an invaluable tool, especially when facing enemies who operated in the dark.

As he traveled deeper into the forest, the atmosphere began to shift. The air grew colder, and the faint hum of dark energy pulsed around him. It was subtle, barely noticeable at first, but as Li Tian moved further into the mountains, the sensation intensified. It was as if the very air itself was infused with malice.

He continued forward, his senses heightened. Every sound, every shift in the wind, became a potential threat. The forest was unnaturally quiet, the usual chirping of birds and rustling of animals conspicuously absent. A cold sweat formed on the back of his neck as his instincts screamed that he was being watched.

Without warning, a sharp rustling noise broke the silence. Li Tian's hand shot to the hilt of his sword, his eyes scanning the dense undergrowth. For a moment, there was nothing, only the stillness of the trees and the soft rustle of leaves in the breeze.

Then, out of the shadows, a figure emerged.

It was cloaked in dark robes, its face obscured by a hood. The aura of dark energy radiated off it like a suffocating fog, filling the air with a malevolent presence. The figure stood still for a moment, watching Li Tian with cold, unblinking eyes.

"So, the prodigy of the Li family finally comes to face us," the figure hissed, its voice low and chilling.

Li Tian's grip on his sword tightened, his eyes narrowing. "Who are you?"

"I am but a shadow, one of many," the figure replied cryptically. "But you... You have become a thorn in our side. The Cult of Shadows does not forgive trespassers, nor does it forget those who meddle in our affairs."

Without another word, the figure moved, its body blurring as it shot toward Li Tian at an incredible speed. But Li Tian was ready. His training had sharpened his reflexes to near perfection. With a swift movement, he drew his sword, the blade slicing through the air with deadly precision.

The sound of metal clashing echoed through the forest as Li Tian parried the figure's attack. Sparks flew as their blades met, the force of the collision sending shockwaves through the ground beneath them.

The figure laughed darkly. "Impressive. But you are still far from defeating the Cult of Shadows."

Li Tian didn't respond. His focus was absolute, his eyes locked on his opponent. The figure was fast—faster than any enemy he had faced before—but Li Tian's instincts guided him. He danced through the onslaught of attacks, his movements fluid and controlled.

With each clash of blades, Li Tian could feel the dark energy pulsing stronger. His opponent was drawing power from the shadows, feeding off the darkness around them. It was a technique Li Tian had never seen before, but it only fueled his desire to learn the Shadow Step Technique.

As the fight wore on, Li Tian's mind raced. He couldn't afford to drag this out. He needed to end it quickly.

Then, the system's voice chimed in once more.

[New Task: Activate Crisis Mode.]

[Hint: Tap into the deepest recesses of your emotional energy to unleash enhanced abilities.]

[Reward: Immediate boost to combat proficiency.]

Li Tian didn't hesitate. He had been in enough life-or-death situations to know that sometimes, pushing past his limits was the only option. With a deep breath, he allowed the system to activate Crisis Mode.

A surge of power exploded through him, his senses sharpening to an almost painful degree. His vision seemed to expand, the world around him slowing down as his reflexes accelerated. He could see every movement of his opponent, every shift in the shadows.

With a fierce roar, Li Tian launched himself forward, his sword cutting through the air with blinding speed. The figure barely had time to react as Li Tian's blade sliced clean through the dark energy surrounding it, shattering the protective barrier.

The figure staggered back, a look of shock flashing across its face. But before it could recover, Li Tian struck again, his blade finding its mark. The figure crumpled to the ground, its body dissolving into a cloud of black smoke.

For a moment, the forest was silent once more.

Li Tian sheathed his sword, his breathing heavy. The surge of power from Crisis Mode still lingered, but he could feel it fading. He had won the battle, but he knew this was only the beginning.

The Cult of Shadows was far more dangerous than he had anticipated. But with the Shadow Step Technique now within his grasp, Li Tian felt a new determination burning inside him.

He would find the source of this dark energy. He would destroy it. And he would make sure the Cult of Shadows never threatened his family again.

As he stood there, the system chimed one last time.

[Task Completed: Shadow Step Technique Unlocked.]

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