Reincarnation of the Celestial Bastard

Chapter 66: Shadows of the Past

Chapter 66: Shadows of the Past

Li Tian stood atop the mountain, his gaze sweeping over the vast landscape below. The world seemed peaceful, yet a storm was brewing inside him. He had achieved much, gained new powers, and formed deep connections with those around him, but something still gnawed at his mind—his past.

The wind brushed against his face, and he closed his eyes, taking in the scent of the earth and the rustle of leaves. Memories of his previous life stirred within him, faint but persistent, like whispers in the night. He had not spoken much about his old world since being reincarnated. It was a topic he kept buried deep within, yet it was always there.

Suddenly, a voice broke the silence.

"You seem deep in thought."

Li Tian turned around, surprised to see Xu Fang, his alluring stepmother, standing a few feet away. She was dressed in a long flowing robe that hugged her figure, her eyes filled with curiosity. There was something about Xu Fang that always kept him on edge—not because of her beauty, but because she was unpredictable.

"Just thinking about a few things," he replied calmly, though the weight of his thoughts remained.

Xu Fang stepped closer, her eyes never leaving his. "You've been distant lately. Is there something troubling you?"

Li Tian knew that Xu Fang was sharp; she could sense when something was off. He had been more introspective since his encounter with the Void Reaver Blade, and it hadn't gone unnoticed.

"It's nothing I can't handle," Li Tian said, offering a small smile.

She smiled back, but it didn't reach her eyes. "We all carry burdens, Tian. Some are too heavy to bear alone."

Her words lingered, but Li Tian remained silent. He wasn't ready to open up about everything—not yet. There were still pieces of his past he hadn't fully accepted, parts of himself he feared would change everything if they were revealed.

Xu Fang took another step closer, her hand gently brushing his arm. "If you ever need to talk... you know I'm here."

Li Tian looked at her, seeing something in her eyes he hadn't noticed before. There was more to Xu Fang than he had realized—something beyond her beauty, beyond her role as his father's wife. For a brief moment, he wondered if she saw him as more than just her stepson. But he quickly pushed the thought aside.

"I'll keep that in mind," he replied, his voice steady.

Xu Fang smiled again, this time more genuine. "Good."

Before she could say anything else, the sound of footsteps echoed from behind, and Li Xue appeared, her face lighting up when she saw them. "Brother, there you are! I've been looking for you."

Li Tian's expression softened as he turned to face his younger sister. "What is it, Xue?"

She hesitated, glancing between him and Xu Fang before speaking. "I thought maybe we could train together. It's been a while since we sparred."

Xu Fang gave a knowing smile, her eyes flickering between the siblings. "I'll leave you two alone," she said, turning to leave. But before she walked away, she looked over her shoulder at Li Tian. "Don't forget what I said, Tian."

As Xu Fang disappeared into the distance, Li Xue walked up to her brother, her eyes searching his face. "What was that about?"

"Nothing important," Li Tian said, brushing it off. "Just a conversation."

Li Xue frowned slightly, sensing there was more to it but deciding not to press the issue. "Well, are you up for a spar?"

Li Tian looked at his sister and saw the eagerness in her eyes. She had grown stronger recently, and though she had always admired him, he could tell she was hungry for more power. It was a trait they both shared, though she expressed it differently.

"Alright," he said with a smirk. "Let's see what you've got."

The two siblings stood across from each other in a secluded clearing, the wind rustling through the trees. Li Xue's eyes gleamed with determination, and Li Tian couldn't help but admire how far she had come. But even so, she was still far from reaching his level.

Li Xue moved first, her body a blur as she dashed toward him, her sword drawn in a swift, fluid motion. Li Tian sidestepped effortlessly, dodging her strike and countering with a flick of his wrist, sending a burst of energy her way.

But Li Xue was quick, raising her sword to deflect the attack. She spun on her heel, aiming another strike at his midsection. This time, Li Tian met her blade with his own, the sound of metal clashing ringing through the air.

"Good," Li Tian said, pushing her back slightly. "You've improved."

Li Xue grinned, sweat beading on her forehead. "I've had a good teacher."

The spar continued, their movements growing faster and more intense. But no matter how hard Li Xue tried, she couldn't land a solid hit on her brother. Li Tian's speed, combined with his mastery of the Void Reaver Blade, made him nearly untouchable.

As the spar came to an end, Li Xue dropped to one knee, breathing heavily. "I still can't beat you," she said with a mix of frustration and admiration.

Li Tian walked over to her, extending a hand. "You're getting closer."

She took his hand and stood up, wiping the sweat from her brow. "One day, I'll surpass you."

Li Tian smiled, knowing that day might never come, but he admired her determination nonetheless. "We'll see about that."

Just as they were about to head back to the estate, a sudden voice echoed through the clearing.

[System Message: New quest available.]

Li Tian stopped in his tracks, his attention fully focused on the system's notification.

[New Quest: Investigate the Shadows.]

[Objective: A mysterious force has been detected in the nearby forest. Investigate the source and eliminate any threats.]

[Reward: Forbidden technique - Phantom Fist.]

Li Tian's heart raced. The system's quests were never to be taken lightly, and this one seemed particularly dangerous. But the reward—a forbidden technique—was too tempting to ignore.

"Looks like I've got something to take care of," Li Tian said, turning to Li Xue.

Her expression turned serious. "Do you need help?"

Li Tian shook his head. "No. Stay here. I'll handle this."

Li Xue hesitated, clearly wanting to go with him, but she nodded in the end. "Be careful."

With that, Li Tian dashed into the forest, his body moving like a shadow as he followed the system's guidance. The trees blurred past him as he ran, his senses heightened by the new power he had unlocked. Whatever was lurking in the forest, he would face it head-on.

As he ventured deeper into the woods, the air grew colder, and a strange sense of unease settled over him. It wasn't long before he spotted the source of the disturbance—a dark, swirling mass of energy hovering in the distance.

Li Tian narrowed his eyes, preparing himself for whatever was about to come.

The shadows moved, forming into shapes—figures, humanoid in appearance but with no distinct features. They were like living shadows, their forms flickering and shifting in the dim light.

[System Message: Hostile entities detected. Eliminate all threats.]

Li Tian smirked. "Bring it on."

Without hesitation, he charged forward, his Void Reaver Blade glowing with energy as he swung it through the air. The shadows responded, moving to surround him, but Li Tian was faster, cutting through them with precise, deadly strikes.

Each swing of his blade tore through the darkness, erasing the shadowy figures one by one. But they kept coming, relentless in their assault. Li Tian's movements grew more fluid, his body moving like a blur as he danced between the shadows, his blade a deadly extension of his will.

Just as he thought he had them all, a massive figure emerged from the darkness, its form towering over him. It let out a low, guttural growl, its eyes glowing with an eerie light.

Li Tian grinned, his blood pumping with excitement. "Let's see what you've got."

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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