Reincarnated With Three Unique Skills

Chapter 35: Chapter 35: Invitation To a Gathering

With a mix of apprehension and curiosity, Ethan followed Aria's father, Aria, and the other clan members through the streets of Arcadia City. They were riding in a luxurious carriage drawn by two majestic lions, their powerful strides making the journey remarkably smooth.

Inside the carriage, Ethan was seated beside Aria at the back, while her uncle and another unfamiliar member of the Silvermoon clan occupied the front.

Aria's uncle, a man with a stern face and a hint of arrogance, glanced at Ethan with a smirk of irony. He had previously warned Ethan to keep his distance from Aria, but now found himself in the uncomfortable position of sharing a carriage with the very person he had cautioned against.

"Uncle, why do you look so displeased?" Aria asked, her gaze shifting from her uncle to Ethan and back again.

"It's nothing," her uncle replied with a dismissive shrug. He was clearly frustrated but couldn't voice his true feelings, especially with General Leon's presence looming large over the occasion. His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden realization of how ironic it was that Ethan was now so close, despite his earlier admonitions.

As the carriage continued its journey, the passing landscape captured Ethan's attention. The view outside was a picturesque blend of rolling hills, majestic mountains, and sprawling fields. Arcadia City was unlike any modern city he had known.

The ancient structures and natural beauty created an otherworldly charm, making it feel like a timeless realm. For a fleeting moment, Ethan was reminded of his own lack of a permanent home in this world, but he quickly brushed aside the thought. His focus was on the unfolding beautiful scenarios.

When the carriage arrived at the Silvermoon mansion, Ethan was awestruck by its grandeur. The mansion, designed in an elegant European style, stood majestically beside a tranquil lake, surrounded by meticulously tended gardens and smaller structures likely housing servants and guards.

The mansion's size was imposing; Ethan had to tilt his head to take in the entire view, with a large bell prominently displayed high above.

A servant, a middle-aged maid with a curious glint in her eyes, led Ethan to a spacious guest room. The room was adorned with rich fabrics and luxurious furnishings, but Ethan's mind was preoccupied with the purpose of his visit. He wasn't entirely sure why General Leon had requested his presence, but given the general's stature and recent events, he felt obliged to comply.

"Dear guest, this is your resting room," the maid said with a bow, opening the door to reveal the opulent accommodations. "Please make yourself comfortable. If you need anything, just call for me."

"Thank you," Ethan replied, nodding as he stepped into the room.

The room was lavishly decorated, with a large, comfortable bed that seemed to invite him to rest. Ethan wasted no time in settling down, quickly drifting off to sleep after a long and exhausting day.


A few hours later, Ethan was stirred from his slumber by the maid's persistent calling.

"Dear guest, please wake up! Master is calling for you. Dear guest!"

Ethan yawned and rubbed his eyes, gradually coming back to consciousness. "Coming," he mumbled, pushing himself out of bed. His head felt heavy from sleep, and he felt the urgent need to freshen up.

After dressing in his usual hunter attire—leather and furs suited for movement but somewhat plain for the occasion—Ethan stepped out of the room and inquired about the location of the bathing facilities.

"There is a bathroom nearby. Please follow me," the maid responded promptly, leading him down a series of corridors.

Ethan followed her to a beautifully appointed bathing room. After a quick but refreshing bath, he emerged feeling revitalized, his black hair now slightly disheveled but giving him a rugged charm. Despite the improvement in his appearance, his attire still felt out of place in the opulent environment. His hunter's clothing, though practical, contrasted sharply with the noble setting.

The maid, noticing Ethan's attire, hesitated before suggesting, "Perhaps you would like to change into something more suitable for the occasion. We have some fine clothing available."

Ethan, feeling somewhat indifferent, shook his head. "I appreciate the offer, but I'll pass. I'm not too concerned with appearances right now."

The maid, slightly exasperated but understanding, led Ethan to the grand hall where the clan members and General Leon were gathered. As the door creaked open, Ethan and the maid entered, drawing immediate attention from the assembled crowd.

The hall was filled with nearly a hundred young clan members standing in neat rows before a series of thrones. General Leon occupied the central throne, exuding an air of authority and grace. The elders and Aria's father were seated beside him, their thrones slightly set back to show respect for the guest of honor.

The moment Ethan entered, the noise in the room died down, and all eyes were drawn to him. The sudden silence heightened the scrutiny from the assembled nobles. Ethan felt a wave of self-consciousness as the gaze of the powerful figures, including the legendary General Leon, settled on him.

Aria's father, who was seated near General Leon, looked slightly impatient. "Hey boy, come here quick. At least don't be late at such occasion," he called out, his tone full of annoyance.

Aria, sensing Ethan's discomfort, quickly added, "Please don't mind my father's demeanor. He can be a bit direct, but he means well."

Ethan nodded, trying to mask his nervousness. As he approached, he felt the weight of the room's gaze even more acutely. General Leon's presence was imposing, a dimensional difference to the young man he had spoken to earlier. The irony of his situation was not lost on Ethan; here he was, a mere commoner, standing before some of the most powerful figures in Arcadia.

As Ethan reached the front, General Leon's piercing ocean blue eyes met his. The general gave him a slight nod, acknowledging Ethan's presence with a hint of recognition.

"Ethan, I appreciate you coming here," General Leon said in a calm, measured tone. "Please, join us."

Ethan bowed slightly, trying to maintain his composure. "Thank you, General Leon. I'm honored to be here." It felt really strange to be polite to the young man he knew so soon. It was really Ironic.

The elders and other clan members watched in silence as Ethan took his place among the gathered nobles. The atmosphere was a mix of formality and curiosity. The clan members whispered among themselves, their eyes occasionally darting towards Ethan and then back to General Leon.

As the gathering resumed its conversation, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider in this grand assembly. Yet, he knew he had to remain composed and respectful, especially in the presence of such distinguished individuals.

With a final glance around the room, Ethan settled into the background, his thoughts racing about what might come next. The sense of awe and the weight of expectations were palpable, and he could only hope that his presence would not be a source of discomfort or trouble for anyone.

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