Reincarnated With Three Unique Skills

Chapter 141: Chapter 141: Slave District

"Kekeke… What do we have here?" A sudden cackle echoed through the air.

Aengus and Bella turned to see a demon with four hands, gazing at them with greed and ecstasy.

"So, the demon god hasn't abandoned me yet. He sent me these two half-breeds as gifts. Kekeke..."

Bella furrowed her brows. "Hey, let us out of here, mongrel, or we'll destroy it ourselves."

The demon laughed heartily. "Kekeke! You must be joking, beautiful. We're going to sell you two, and then you can go wherever you wish. Although, I doubt they'll ever let you go. They would definitely like the taste of a Succubus for sure.

So accept demon God's will obediently."

He took out two slave collars in his hands.

"Now, please, put the collars on yourselves and save me the trouble of using force," he offered magnanimously.

Aengus narrowed his eyes, feeling the intensity of the demon's greed and arrogance. The four-armed demon, cackling like he had already won, approached with the two slave collars in hand.

Bella's face twisted in disgust as she stepped in front of Aengus, her eyes blazing with fury. "You filthy mongrel, I don't think you understand the situation. If you don't release us this very moment, you'll regret it."

The demon tilted his head back, laughing heartily once more. "Kekeke! The arrogance of you two half-breeds is amusing. But no one has ever escaped my clutches. You'll fetch a fine price. Now, put on the collars, and let's avoid any unnecessary trouble."

Aengus, calm but serious, took a step forward, his voice steady. "You should rethink your options. For your sake." His hand subtly glowed, energy gathering as he prepared to destroy the cage if needed.

They were trying to not to gather that much attention on themselves. In this City the half-breeds are seen as inferior, like plaything after all.

The demon, unaware of the rising threat, continued grinning and waved the collars. "Oh, you think you're scary? Let's see how—"

Before the demon could finish, Bella flicked her wrist, and a pulse of destructive energy surged outward, shattering the ground beneath them and sending a shockwave through the air. The demon stumbled back, eyes wide with shock as the collars got destroyed to ashes.

"Oops," Bella said with a mock smile. "I guess we won't be needing those collars anymore."

The demon's expression twisted into rage, and his hands glowed with Nether energy as he prepared to fight. "You insolent half-breeds! You'll regret this!"

But Aengus, already prepared, stomped his foot lightly, unleashing a burst of Hellfire.

Bang! Clatter!

The sturdy iron cage melted away from the front.

Bella grinned. "Hubby, if you're doing this, let's finish it quickly."

Aengus nodded as the demon trembled in fear, realizing they were no ordinary half-breeds.

He dropped to his knees. "Please, spare me, my lord! This will never happen again!"

The commotion started drawing curious glances from the onlookers in the slave market.

"What happened, Boss? Why are you kneeling?" a few of his lackeys asked, approaching the disturbance.

In a hurry, Bella conjured bright Phoenix flames, ready to burn them all to ashes.

The boss demon nearly wet himself in fear, while his lackeys, not understanding the danger, charged forward, intent on attacking Bella.

"Fools!" the boss demon cursed, his worst fears realized.


Sizzle, sizzle…

The unending flames engulfed them all, their miserable howls echoing through the streets as they were being burned to a crisp.

"Oh, Lord!"

The human slaves and spectating demons shivered, quickly diverting their gazes, not wanting to attract trouble.

"Let's go, hubby!" Bella said, looking at the charred corpses with disgust.

Aengus walked beside her, ignoring the humans still trapped in their cages. They both knew that even if they freed them, the slaves would likely be hunted down or captured again. This city was a dangerous place for them, no matter what.

"Was it too excessive?" Bella asked, glancing at the devastation they left behind.

Aengus shook his head. "No. They deserved it after what they said about you. I would have killed him myself if you hadn't done it."

"Hehehe..." Bella smiled, feeling satisfied.

Just as they were about to leave the scene, a sharp, piercing human voice called out from behind them.

"Hey, wait... Please release us!"

Aengus and Bella turned toward the voice, spotting a girl dressed in ordinary hunter's clothing. She had likely been a hunter in the human world before her capture.

"Do you realize you'll be caught again if we release you?" Aengus asked calmly, his tone neutral.

The girl's expression was desperate. "We know, but at least we'd have a chance to survive. Please, release us all from the cages." She gestured to the other humans, who stared at them with newfound hope.

"Please save us! You must be sent by the gods!"

The pleas echoed through the crowd of men, women, young, and old alike, all begging for their freedom.

Aengus and Bella exchanged a glance, silently reaching an agreement before nodding.

Without hesitation, Aengus melted the iron cages with his Hellfire, while Bella used her powers to break the slave collars binding the humans.

"Now, go and try to survive!" Bella instructed the group.

"Thank you, thank you!" they all shouted in gratitude, exchanging hopeful glances before scattering into small groups and quickly leaving the area.

The girl gave them one last lingering look, her eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and understanding as she slipped into the shadows of a nearby alley, her future uncertain. Bella felt a pang of guilt for not being able to do more, but they both knew that staying any longer would only increase their risk.

Aengus, after briefly scanning the bodies of the slave merchants and finding no useful abilities to absorb, he sent them to his Dimensional Space for breeding.

"We need to move, Bella. We can't worry about their safety, not in our current condition," he said, his voice cold and pragmatic.

Bella sighed but nodded. "I know. Let's leave the slave district first. After that, we can search for what we came for," she replied, her tone more resolute as she took the lead, guiding Aengus through the chaotic streets.

Aengus followed closely behind her, trusting her instincts in this unfamiliar city. Their movements were swift, their sprinting speed turning them into little more than blurs, too fast for the ordinary demons around them to track. The city's laws prohibited flying, forcing them to remain on foot as they navigated through the narrow alleyways and bustling streets.

They weaved through the crowds, careful not to draw any unnecessary attention to themselves.

"We're almost out," Bella whispered, her eyes scanning ahead for any obstacles as they neared the edge of the slave district.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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