Reincarnated With Three Unique Skills

Chapter 134: Chapter 134: Victory?

Darkness King's Authority!

Physique of Leviathan! (AN: Partial transformation)

Agus activated his abilities, and in an instant, his aura shifted dramatically. Darkness poured out from him, spreading across the battlefield, and focused heavily on Marquis Reynard.

The oppressive weight of the dark ergy slowed Reynard's movemts, pressing down on him as if invisible chains were binding his body. His weapon, still gripped tightly, hung useless at his side as he struggled against the force.


Ssing the growing danger, Reynard summoned hundreds of skeletons, their hollow eyes glowing as they sured him. Armed with bone swords, the undead legion marched toward Agus, their synchronized thudding footsteps echoing like a cavalry charge, filling the atmosphere with an eerie tsion.


Agus jumped and dove down into their midst, the impact shaking the g beath them. His partial Leviathan transformation had drastically boosted his physical strgth, and with his claws, he tore through the undead like they were nothing. Rott flesh and brittle bones crumbled under the force of his strikes, scattering debris across the hard field.

The spectators watching from the grand hall were left speechless, their mouths hanging op in disbelief. They couldn't comprehd the ease with which Agus was decimating the undead horde. To him, it seemed like a trivial task.

Standing among the remains of hundreds of torn and destroyed bodies, Agus remained calm, like an ancit well.


Just as the silce settled over the platform, the growls of the undead broke through once again.

Marquis Reynard smirked as the shattered skeletons began to reform. The scattered bones and flesh pulled together, restoring the once-defeated undead army.

Agus, however, showed no concern. He stretched his muscles casually, his body now gulfed in Hellfire. The flames flickered macingly, and Marquis Reynard's smirk faltered- Hellfire was the bane of the undead after all.

"Control of Hellfire? Interesting..." Belial's voice echoed with growing intrigue as his gaze sharped, kely observing the battle unfold. His interest in Agus had now be thoroughly piqued.

Belial watched closely, unaware that Agus still held ev greater power in reserve.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Agus moved like a bolt of lightning, his Hellfire-infused strikes hitting the undead with such intsity that each one erupted into flames, burning them into nothing but ash. His movemts were a blur, too fast for most to follow.


At that exact momt, Marquis Reynard broke free from the binds of Agus's Darkness chains.

With a roar, he lunged forward, his heavy skeletal greatsword aimed directly at Agus, intding to impale him. Reynard's speed was tremdous, closing the distance in the blink of an eye.


Agus met the strike head-on, his bare hand colliding with the massive bone sword. The force of the impact vibrated through his tire body, a powerful shockwave rippling outward from the point of contact.

The g beath them cracked, and the air itself seemed to tremble as their thunderous clash echoed through the expanded ara.

Agus's eyes narrowed as he steadied himself, feeling the immse power behind Reynard's blow. But instead of backing down, he smirked. The darkness a him pulsed as Hellfire flared ev brighter along his arms, making the clash betwe them ev more intse.

The Hellfire swarmed a Reynard, making painful for him to hold onto. But he managed to resist with his armour and Nether ergy.

Both fighters locked in a deadlock, neither willing to back off as the audice watched in stunned silce. The ara was filled with the sounds of cracking stone and the burning hiss of Hellfire, while Belial leaned forward, his interest deeping.

"Show me what you've got, half-breed demon," Reynard sneered, his skeletal face twisted with fury.

Agus's voice remained calm, but there was a fire behind his eyes. "You hav't se anything yet."

Agus produced a pair of wings of Hellfire and Darkness.


His wings unfurled fully, buzzing as they propelled him into the air with astonishing speed. The tire ara was bathed in the eerie glow of his combined power, the audice now completely captivated by the spectacle.

Marquis Reynard, caught off-guard by Agus's aerial maneuver, remained silt for a momt before a scowl crossed his face.

He activated his Deathly Aura, a field that drained life from anything within its range. But as the aura sured Agus, it had no effect on him.

Agus smirked, unaffected. His own affinity with Death made Reynard's power seem pitiful in comparison, his aura far superior in strgth.

Frustration built up in Reynard. But, His undead will refused to give up.

With immse force, he gripped his Skeletal Greatsword with both hands and hurled it like a spear, its tip aimed at Agus with deadly intsion.


The air whistled as the weapon's destructive tip hurtled toward him, but Agus remained unfazed. With a calm, focused gaze, he extded his hand and activated one of his more devastating abilities.

"Gluttony of Darkness!"

In an instant, a swirling black hole formed in Agus's palm, sucking the greatsword into it like a voracious void, completely nullifying Reynard's attack.

The crowd gasped in astonishmt as the weapon vanished without a trace, their disbelief echoing throughout the hall.

Suddly, a series of notifications flashed across Agus's vision:

[Strgth +50]

[Agility +50]

[Defse +55]

Agus glanced at the notifications but quickly dismissed them. His mind was now tirely focused on finishing the fight.

In seconds, He reached at top the ceiling of hall.


Th, with a swift motion, he folded his wings behind him and dove down toward Reynard, leaving a black fiery trail on his path.

Hellfire burned brighter a his Deathly Claw as he prepared to unleash a devastating clash.

The air trembled behind him as the intse dark power surged through his body.

Reynard's hollow eyes flickered brightly, barely having time to react before Agus descded upon him like a falling star.


Agus's deathly claws connected with Reynard's armor, piercing through it upon impact.

The explosive force shattered Marquis Reynard's skeletal body into pieces.

Agus, propelled by the extra force, collided with the hard g, causing an earth-shattering impact.

The floor beath him collapsed within a 50-meter radius.

A fiery storm and debris scattered everywhere, reaching near the spectators who stood at a safe distance.

They felt the deathly heat, and shivered, realizing that if they had be any closer, they most likely might not have survived .

As the dust began to settle, everyone looked toward the cter with curious faces...

"Is Marquis Reynard dead already?" they all wondered.

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