Reincarnated with a Military System in Another World

Chapter 151: The Adaptation

Chapter 151: The Adaptation

Valeria's gaze lingered on the rifles, her mind already planning the next steps. She knew the Demon King would be pleased, but now the weapons had to be put to the test. They needed to see if the dark warriors could wield these new tools effectively. She turned back to


"These will need to be tested in combat," she said. "I will assign a group of our best warriors to train with these weapons. You will oversee their instruction."

Astonoroph nodded. "I expected as much, Lady Valeria. I have already considered the specifics of their training."

"Good," Valeria replied. "Make preparations. The training grounds will be yours for the next several days. Our warriors must learn to use these rifles as efficiently as the humans do-if not more."

With that, Valeria turned on her heel, leaving the hall with the same decisive stride she had entered with. Astonoroph closed the case, his mind already working through the logistics of the upcoming training. He needed to select the warriors carefully-those who could adapt quickly to the mechanical nature of the rifles.

An hour later, Astonoroph stood at the castle's training grounds. The area, usually reserved for combat drills and spellcasting practice, had been cleared for his use. Rows of training dummies and targets lined one end, their surfaces enchanted to endure harsh blows and magical attacks. But today, they would face something different.

Valeria had gathered a group of dark warriors near the edge of the grounds. Each warrior was elite, handpicked from the Demon King's forces for their skill and discipline. Astonoroph could see the curiosity in their eyes as they watched him approach, the large case still in his grip.

"Warriors," Valeria addressed them sharply. "Today, you will begin training with new weapons. These are not swords or spells, but human-made tools of war. You will master them and use them to crush our enemies."

She motioned to Astonoroph, who stepped forward and set the case on the ground. With a gesture, he opened it, revealing the ten rifles inside. A murmur of surprise rippled through the ranks of warriors. Astonoroph lifted one of the rifles from the case, holding it up for all to see.

"This is a rifle," he began. "It is a weapon created by humans, modified and enhanced by my magic. It operates differently from any weapon you have used before. It relies on a mechanism to fire projectiles with great force."

He handed the rifle to the nearest warrior, a tall figure clad in dark armor. The warrior took it cautiously, examining the weapon. Astonoroph continued, "You will learn how to use this rifle effectively. It will allow you to strike at enemies from a distance with power that can penetrate both physical and magical defenses."

Astonoroph then moved to instruct the warriors, teaching them the basics of the rifles' operation. He explained how to load the magazine, chamber a round, and aim using the iron sights. The warriors watched intently, their expressions a mix of fascination and skepticism. This was a departure from the traditional weapons they had been trained with, but they were eager to learn.

The first warrior took position on the firing line, holding the rifle as Astonoroph had demonstrated. The others stood back, watching closely. Astonoroph guided the warrior's stance, adjusting the rifle in his grip.

"Focus on your target," Astonoroph instructed. "Control your breathing. When you're ready, pull the trigger smoothly."

The warrior nodded and aimed at one of the training dummies downrange. There was a pause, and then the rifle fired with a loud crack. The bullet struck the dummy, causing it to jolt back. A cheer rose from the watching warriors, their skepticism giving way to excitement. This weapon was powerful, and they could feel it.

"Again," Astonoroph ordered.

The warrior fired another shot, and then another, each time striking the target. Astonoroph moved down the line, repeating the instructions with each warrior. They took turns handling the rifles, firing at the targets until they grew more comfortable with the weapon's recoil and firing process.

Valeria observed the training from a short distance, her arms crossed. She watched as the dark warriors adjusted to the rifles, slowly gaining confidence with each shot. She could see the potential—the way these weapons could extend their reach on the battlefield and allow them to strike from afar with deadly force.

After a while, Astonoroph called for a break. The warriors gathered around, and he went over the mechanics of reloading and maintenance. They needed to know not just how to fire the rifles but how to keep them operational in the heat of battle.

"These weapons require care," Astonoroph explained, showing them how to disassemble the rifle for cleaning. "Dirt and debris can interfere with the mechanism. You must keep them clean and ready."

"My lord...if I may doubt the weapon is powerful thanks to your enhancements but using a weapon invented by humans is just..."

"What do you mean? We are already using what the humans are using in war. Swords, bows, shields-these were not inventions of our kind. We took what was effective and made it our own. The rifles are no different. They are tools, and tools must be used if they give us an advantage."

As Astonoroph spoke, a sudden, palpable chill swept through the air. The sky above the training grounds darkened, as if shadows themselves gathered to obscure the sun. An unnatural silence fell over the area. Every warrior, every creature present felt the shift in energy, and without a word, they knew what was coming.

The space before them warped, folding in on itself in a swirl of darkness. Out of this vortex, the Demon King materialized, his form towering and draped in his cloak as dark as the abyss. His presence was overwhelming, a suffocating force that pressed down on everyone present.

Instantly, all the warriors dropped to one knee, heads bowed low in a gesture of absolute submission. Astonoroph and Valeria were no different, falling to their knees, eyes glued to the ground. In the presence of their master, none dared to lift their heads unless commanded to do so. The very air seemed to vibrate with the power of the Demon King, his gaze sweeping across his subjects like a tidal wave of darkness.

For a long moment, the only sound was the soft rustling of the wind. Then, the Demon King's voice resonated through the training grounds, a deep, echoing rumble that seemed to originate from the very depths of the earth.

"Rise," he commanded, his voice carrying an authority that brooked no defiance.

Valeria was the first to rise, followed by Astonoroph and then the rest of the warriors. They stood with heads still bowed, eyes averted from the Demon King's piercing gaze. "Valeria," he spoke, his tone cold and inquiring. "What results have you to show me?"

Valeria stepped forward, her movements calculated and respectful. "My lord, the weapons created by Astonoroph have been tested and are being integrated into our forces. The warriors have been training with them for the past two days."

The Demon King's eyes flicked to Astonoroph, who felt the weight of that gaze like a physical force. "Astonoroph," he said, "present these weapons to me."

Astonoroph quickly moved to the case, retrieving one of the rifles. He approached the Demon King with careful, deliberate steps, stopping a few paces away. He held the rifle aloft, offering it for the Demon King's inspection without daring to lift his eyes.

The Demon King extended a clawed hand, and the rifle floated from Astonoroph's grip into

his. He turned it slowly, examining every inch of the weapon with a keen, discerning eye. His gaze lingered on the runes inscribed along the barrel and the enhancements integrated into

the design.

"You have done well to replicate the human weapon," he intoned. "But can these dark warriors wield them with the same effectiveness as their creators?"

Astonoroph bowed his head further. "My lord, the warriors have shown remarkable progress. They have adapted to the use of the rifles and can now engage targets at various distances. They are prepared to demonstrate their capabilities before you."

The Demon King shifted his gaze to Valeria. "Is this true, Valeria? Are they ready to show their


"Yes, my lord," Valeria replied confidently. "They have trained rigorously and are ready to prove that these weapons can serve our cause."

"Then let it be shown," the Demon King declared, his voice booming across the training


Valeria turned sharply toward the warriors. "You heard the Demon King," she commanded. "Prepare for the demonstration!"

The warriors moved swiftly, taking their positions along the firing line.

Astonoroph signaled to the attendants at the far end of the grounds. The training dummies were brought forward, enhanced with additional magical barriers to simulate the conditions of a true battlefield. These dummies would test the rifles' effectiveness against both physical

and magical defenses.

Valeria raised her arm, holding it high. "Warriors, on my command, you will engage the targets. Show our lord the power of these weapons!"

She let her arm drop. "Fire!"

The warriors aimed and squeezed the triggers almost in unison. The rifles roared, their cracks echoing through the grounds as bullets flew toward the targets. The enchanted dummies shuddered with each impact, the force of the projectiles visible as they struck. Magic barriers

flared briefly before succumbing to the onslaught, the runes on the rifles amplifying the bullets' penetration power.

In a matter of moments, the demonstration was over. The dummies stood battered, their surfaces marred by the impact of the enhanced projectiles. The warriors held their rifles at the ready, awaiting further instructions.

The Demon King observed the results with an expression that betrayed nothing. He stepped forward, his presence even more imposing as he approached the damaged dummies. "You have succeeded in creating a weapon that can challenge both physical and magical defenses," he said, his tone devoid of emotion. "Astonoroph, you have served me well in thisn/o/vel/b//in dot c//om


Astonoroph bowed deeply, relief washing over him. "Thank you, my lord. It is an honor to


The Demon King turned his attention to Valeria. "And you, Valeria, have ensured that these weapons can be wielded effectively by our warriors. But this is only the beginning." Valeria bowed her head. "I understand, my lord. We will continue to train and refine our use of these rifles until they become an extension of our power."

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