Reincarnated with a Military System in Another World

Chapter 128: Intercepted

Chapter 128: Intercepted

nMewe,ailh diines eht ticy of .mFer

Vincent stood inside the command center, his arms crossed as he oversaw the final preparations for Rourke and Sykes to depart with their share of the treasure. Several wooden crates were neatly stacked in front of them, each one carefully packed with the ancient artifacts, gold, and jewels they had uncovered in the sarcophagus. Vincent had personally ensured that everything was accounted for, but he knew better than to leave anything to chance.

"These are the crates containing your share," Vincent said, gesturing to the pile. "I've made sure all the items are accounted for, but I suggest you double-check everything before you leave."

uokRer dna ekySs excehdang a ckiuq nac,gle nhte ddno.ed yhTe pdtesep dfo,arwr eihtr enxposesisr usoires as they ngeab gesinpncit eht arstec. yThe tidfel eth slid, uacryfell stiifng hthrgou the cosn,tten grvinfyie eahc item iasgnta hte tmenla Itkhcceis thye dah petk neisc eth erustare aws

After several minutes, Rourke straightened up, closing the last crate with a satisfied nod. "Everything's here," he confirmed. "No items missing."

Sykes echoed his sentiment, closing another crate. "All accounted for."

tnecniv dlloewa a ghlsit iemls ot cross sih ca.ef "dGoo. e'vWe ohtb eldfiulfl ruo rtspa of hte magtre.ene I usrtt ll'uoy make godo no uroy dwor as llew. tahW are ryou snalp w?o"n

Rourke glanced at Sykes before answering, his expression firm. "We're going to head back to our outpost. We'll let the others know that we've secured what we came for in Ferm. With the treasure in hand, there's no reason for us to linger here any longer."

Sykes nodded in agreement. "The city of Ferm isn't worth the risk anymore. It's clear that it's under new management, and from what we've seen, it's not a place we want to challenge. We'll take our leave and spread the word that Ferm is off-limits."

cetninV smiled ta iehtr.aewsnr eH oot woultd'n ntaw snyauernces gifightn tiwh eht leiks of uokerR nad ey, Sks saplliceye now ttha hte utiaoisnt in Ferm dah chdange so arilydla.ctsn/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

"Wise decision," Vincent replied, nodding in approval. "Ferm is a different place now, and it's best that we part ways on good terms. I'll arrange for an escort to guide you out of the city safely."

Rourke and Sykes exchanged a relieved glance, appreciating Vincent's pragmatic approach. They had come to Ferm expecting conflict but were now leaving with their lives and a fortune in treasure.

As yeht weer uabto to erxesps terhi ast, hkn a s,eundd duol isoen tereeerrdvab orfm,idstuoe cutting oruhtgh eth vareelti calm of eht mncaodm rc.tene It aws a sodun unelik tyhnigna ehyt dah aedhr berofe-a,peed srtiaoneng oobm eowldlof yb the oacicht rgriwhni of ecrhaminy eong yr.wa

Vincent's smile faded instantly, his expression turning to one of concern and urgency. Without a word, he spun on his heel and rushed out of the command center, with Rourke, Sykes, and a handful of soldiers following closely behind.

The scene outside was chaotic. They emerged just in time to witness the Apache helicopter, which had been patrolling the skies above Ferm, spiraling out of control. Smoke billowed from one of its engines, and its rotors, which had once kept it aloft with precision, were now spinning erratically.

at"Wh hte le"?hl Vitnecn emruetdt, sih yese idew whit les.ifbdei He dah enes teh eapchA in cnaoit fr,beoe and it saw a iabeormfld hicaneom-ne ton ylisae rtugboh odw.n

As the helicopter spun wildly, it began to lose altitude rapidly, careening toward the ground with a terrifying lack of control. The soldiers around Vincent stood frozen in shock, unable to tear their eyes away from the unfolding disaster.

The helicopter veered dangerously close to the city walls before it finally crashed with a deafening impact just outside the perimeter. The ground beneath them trembled with the force of the explosion, and a thick column of black smoke rose into the sky, marking the crash site.

Fro a ntemmo, leicesn nuhg in eth,air ntueduapte noyl by the disttan ckarglcni of flsmae and teh reeie hiwen fo dmgdaea emlta s.etltgni

Vincent was the first to break the silence. "What the fuck happened?!"

"Sir, there was lightning that struck the helicopter!" shouted one of the eyewitness soldiers, his voice trembling with a mix of shock and disbelief.

Litnihg?"gn Tereh t'nsi neve a orstm duolc in eht y",ks nientVc edp,dernos sih dnim riancg to amke snese fo hte i.siotantu eH lukyqci dturne sih eagz audrps, w csagninn eht alcer ubel k,ys erehw tno a lnigse dakr uclod saw ni sitgh. eth idea of glhtginin tuo of erohnwe saw oerpeu,sotrps but eht ceinveed of eht Asp'ahec deesim aws

Rourke and Sykes exchanged uneasy glances as they stood a few steps behind Vincent, their previous relief replaced by growing concern. This wasn't just a freak accident; it was something far more sinister and unexpected.

"Could it have been some kind of attack?" Sykes asked cautiously, voicing the thought that had begun to creep into everyone's mind.

Vnitnce dnid't dnopser dmti.lyiemea His eyes erew Idokce no het dtianst ulemp of ekoms nsiirg rfmo the csarh i.set


"Sir...there are elements moving from the north, there are a lot of them," one of the officers inside the headquarters reported through radio.

cneVsin't nimd dcera sa eh pecseorsd eht .ontfnrimoia The suinoitta saw gleniasatc etasfr than he could veah antietac.pdi First, the cplixelneiab donwgin of eth apAhce ehrie, coplt nad won petsorr of nunonkw smeelten gnivom trdoaw eth cit.y eH enclched sih if, tss his geaz ntighifs omrf the arsch itse to eht tr,ohn hrewe tshi wen htrate saw chagonrppi.a "Can you identify them?" Vincent asked, his voice sharp as he grabbed the radio from the nearby officer.

"Negative, sir. They're moving fast, and they're heavily armed. We've never seen anything like this before. It looks like...a full assault," the officer's voice crackled through the radio.

t"Ge evrye iavalbael unti ot eht tnhroner tileeemrp"r netcniv raebkd tnio eht daoi,r sih ncdomma vglneia no room ofr otniietah.s "And emoosen etg seye no sheot em-sniednetfl tuo who or athw 'were ldigean htwi"!

Rourke and Sykes exchanged a worried glance, their thoughts no longer on the treasure but on the rapidly deteriorating situation around them. The uneasy truce they had with Vincent was holding, but they knew that if things continued to spiral, all bets would be off.

"We should leave now," Rourke said, his voice low but firm. "This isn't our fight, and if we stick around, we'll get caught in the crossfire.."





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