Regressing as the Reincarnated Bastard of the Sword Clan

Chapter 47

Chapter 47: Overwhelming Gap (2)

The number of applicants who reached the final evaluation hall had nearly halved compared to the beginning.

This was because many had retired during the competition, which spanned over the past two weeks.

As a result, the atmosphere among the remaining applicants was one of collective shock.

For the first time, they were experiencing firsthand the outcome of a competitive society.

Some of them even had fierce, murderous looks in their eyes.

However, the examiners showed little reaction to this.

It was something they went through every year.

They were surprised, but for different reasons.

The number of final survivors was significantly higher than the average in previous years.

“They said this batch has the highest talent in history…”

“In any normal year, the scores of the Four Lords of the North would’ve easily secured first place, but now they’re trailing behind.”

“Theo Ragnar is no child to be underestimated…”

“Even Ray Ragnar, who was known as the weakest of the Four Lords of the North, is in second place.”

“And that’s not all. You should also keep an eye on Erika Ranke, Holcus Ranke’s sister. There’s no doubt she’s a talent.”

“It’s like Axion Ragnar’s death isn’t even a loss at all.”

As such opinions were exchanged,

The applicants were once again stunned when they saw the final results.

“Theo Ragnar is in first place again?”

“I heard rumors that Axion and the Gathering of the Hidden Dragons retired, but… was it true?”

“It wasn’t just retirement, some are saying that a few even died.”

“Even the Gathering of the Hidden Dragons was there. This is insane.”

“How are we supposed to beat that guy?”

“I’m already worried about the third test…”

“But the official announcement for the top scorer hasn’t come out yet. Let’s just wait a little longer.”

“There he comes!”

At someone’s words, all the applicants turned their eyes toward the entrance.

Theo and Ray were walking into the evaluation hall.

Both of them were covered in dust and dirt, as if they had just returned from a battle.

But no one dared to dismiss them.

The sharpness in their eyes was too intense.

Even some of the examiners flinched.

“They’ve both completely transformed from this test…”

Theo bowed his head toward the judge who stood on the platform.

“I was a bit late because I was handling the last monster.”

The judge silently nodded, while the examiner standing near the scoreboard quickly corrected the scores after listening to a whisper from another examiner.

1st. Theo Ragnar (1,521 points)

2nd. Ray Ragnar (1,102 points)

3rd. Erika Ranke (926 points)

“W-What? They just raised the score by two hundred points at once?”

“Even Ray Ragnar’s score jumped by a hundred points…!”

“This is insane…!”

“What the hell did they do in the meantime?”

As the murmuring spread through the crowd, the judge’s booming voice silenced everyone.

“Quiet, all of you-!”

The room went as still as if someone had poured ice water over the crowd.

Sword Tiger, until just moments ago. The supervising examiner has confirmed that there was no procedural issue, so no objections will be accepted-!”




The Demon Sword Tiger was a notorious 5th-class monster, known for having bones and skin so tough that even blades couldn’t penetrate them. It was also extremely fast, making it one of the hardest monsters to hunt in its class.

Moreover, since they typically hunted in packs of three or four, the difficulty of taking them down was said to rival that of a 4th-class monster.

That they had successfully completed the hunt meant that they had likely taken down a group of them all at once.

It was such an impressive feat that even the judge, who was obligated to remain impartial, couldn’t help but express admiration.

“Theo Ragnar and Ray Ragnar, stand in your places.”

Theo and Ray bowed their heads and moved to their designated spots.

At that moment, Theo’s eyes briefly met Wellington’s.

‘You’ve grown even stronger, haven’t you? As expected of Lord Theo. You’re unbelievable, truly beyond words.’

Wellington let out a hollow laugh at the sight of Theo, who had widened the gap between them even further.

‘He’s changed. Did something happen?’

Theo, for his part, was equally surprised by Wellington’s completely transformed demeanor.

He had been puzzled by how low Wellington’s score was compared to his skill level, wondering if something had happened.

It seemed clear now that Wellington had been up to something unrelated to the exam.

‘What kind of opportunity did he come across?’

Theo was already curious about the secret weapon his closest friend in this life had obtained.

“Now that everyone is here, we will begin the final evaluation-!”

At the judge’s words, Theo and the rest of the applicants turned their attention to him.

However, the more observant applicants sensed something was off and tilted their heads in confusion.

-The final evaluation?

-So the rankings posted over there aren’t the end?

“When I announced the content of this second test, I mentioned that the results would be based on the total accumulated score. However, the truth is, this test consisted of two parts. Does anyone know what the second part is?”

At that moment, confusion spread across the faces of the applicants.

A sudden mention of another test?

“Those who know, raise your hand.”

A few people raised their hands.

Theo and Wellington.

‘Was the opportunity related to the Attribute Breathing Technique?’

Theo looked slightly surprised when he saw Wellington.

Wellington, too, looked over at him and let out a hollow laugh.

‘What’s going on? In my past life, Wellington definitely never unlocked the hidden piece.’

It was rare for someone to uncover the secret of the Attribute Breathing Technique—perhaps one person in an entire cohort might figure it out.

It had been the same in Theo’s past life.

Even in the cohort that was hailed as the most talented in history, only one person had discovered it.

And now, there was one more.


What had changed?

‘Could this be… the butterfly effect?’

As Theo pondered this, two more people suddenly raised their hands from elsewhere in the room.

One was right beside him.


“You’re so sneaky, Theo. You hid this from me? Did you think I wouldn’t find out?”

Ray narrowed her eyes slightly, grumbling as she spoke.

Theo gave her a wry smile.

It seemed that after examining the patterns inside the cave multiple times, she had picked up on the secret to some extent.

‘I should have just explained it to her in advance. Now I’ve caused a misunderstanding. Meanwhile, things on the other side are just as I expected.’

As Theo pondered how to soothe Ray’s irritation, he glanced to the side.

There, standing next to Holcus Ranke, was a woman with a similar face, also raising her hand.

‘Erika Ranke.’

Holcus Ranke’s older sister.

The next head of the Ranke family and a prodigy once known as the “White Bear.”

She was originally the only person who had uncovered the Attribute Breathing Technique.

‘The future I know is slowly starting to shift.’

Theo was unsure how to interpret this.

He had anticipated that the future might change after he revealed his abilities and Axion’s death shifted the course of events.

But now, as he witnessed unexpected developments, he felt a strange mix of emotions.

Would these changes lead to something good in the future, or would they turn into a disaster?

There was no way to tell.

“So, four people have uncovered the secret? This cohort is definitely different.”

The judge, unaware of the significance of this situation, smiled at the unexpected result.

From his perspective, as someone managing the House of Ragnar, the emergence of new talents was always a welcome development.

The judge then began pointing at the individuals who had raised their hands, asking each one.

“Erika Ranke, you first. What did you gain? Depending on your answer, there may be additional points.”

Erika stepped forward and answered.

“‘Flame,’” Erika answered.

“And how many?” the judge asked.


“Show us.”

The applicants who were unaware of the hidden piece looked back and forth between the judge and Erika, only for their eyes to widen in shock.

Whirl, whirl, whirl!

Crackle, crackle—

A gust of magical wind swirled around Erika, and soon, small sparks of fire began to leap into the air.

And then—


The sparks linked together, forming a large flame, like a will-o’-the-wisp, spinning rapidly around Erika.

“Elemental manifestation…!”

The ability to imbue magic with an elemental attribute was something only granted to high-ranking officials or those considered extraordinary talents within the House of Ragnar.

Naturally, the astonishment in the room grew.

“Erika Ranke, you pass. For each hidden syllable, you are awarded 100 points, for a total of 400 points.”

With the judge’s declaration, the scoreboard swiftly updated.

1st. Theo Ragnar (1,521 points)
2nd. Erika Ranke (1,326 points)
3rd. Ray Ragnar (1,102 points)


“The rankings have changed…!”

The applicants murmured in surprise, but Erika didn’t seem pleased.

Even after this, reclaiming the first place was impossible for her.

“Ray Ragnar, what did you gain?”


“And how many?”


“Show us.”

Ray nodded and unsheathed her sword.

As soon as she took a light breath and activated her magic, the temperature in the room plummeted, and a fierce snowstorm erupted.

Crack, crack—

Where Ray swung her sword, the ground froze solid, and jagged spikes of ice erupted from the surface.

At that moment, Erika’s eyebrows twitched.

The combination of Ray’s Ice-White Sword technique and the Frost attribute was far more impressive than Erika had expected.

If Ray had even one more syllable…

Erika’s flames likely wouldn’t have been able to withstand the frost.

“Ray Ragnar also passes. You are awarded 200 points.”


Ray quietly sheathed her sword.

Her final score was 1,302 points, just 20 points behind Erika, placing her firmly in third place. However, her expression remained calm and indifferent.

“Next, Wellington Narcio. What did you gain?”

Wellington, with an unreadable expression, responded, “‘Water.’”

“So, Stream, then. And how many?”


Erika and Ray’s heads turned sharply toward him.

Erika, in particular, looked as though her eyes might burst into flames.

She had nearly given up on monster hunting to gather a mere four syllables.

And now, he had double that?

“Oh? Is that true? Finding more than five is nearly unheard of, even in other cohorts. So you’re missing just one, making it eight?”

The other applicants were abuzz with murmurs.

If what was said was true, it meant that a fifteen-year-old trainee had nearly mastered the Attribute Breathing Technique—something that could change the entire trajectory of his future.

The very starting point would be different for him compared to everyone else.

“If you’re lying, you’ll face the consequences.”

“I’ll show you the results.”


Wellington slowly drew his broadsword.

He briefly glanced in Theo’s direction, then calmed his breathing and closed his eyes.

Mental focus.



Water streams started to manifest around Wellington one by one, swirling and gathering into water spheres.

“Not only elemental manifestation, but also elemental control…?”

“Wait, they said he just discovered the Attribute Breathing Technique! How is that even possible?”

The shock among the applicants had now turned to utter confusion.

Among the five stages of elemental mastery—Infusion, Manifestation, Control, Expansion, and Sword of Qi—Wellington had already displayed three stages, a clear sign of extraordinary talent.

The water spheres he formed numbered six in total.

At that moment, Wellington opened his eyes.

Simultaneously, the water spheres dispersed and formed into a massive vortex.

Each stream of water within the vortex was so tightly compressed that it was as sharp as a blade, emitting a sinister whistling sound that echoed in the applicants’ ears.

Whirl, whirl, whirl—

Slash, slash, slash, slash!

“Well done.”

The judge softly uttered his praise while observing Wellington’s creation.


Suddenly, the judge propelled himself off the platform, arriving in front of Wellington in an instant.

It was as if he had teleported, his movement lightning fast.

Without warning, the judge thrust his right hand into the blade vortex.

His target: Wellington’s face.

Wellington was caught off guard by the judge’s unexpected reaction, but he remained calm and responded swiftly.

Like a lion sinking its fangs into its prey’s neck, Wellington attempted a thrust with his broadsword.

A simple motion, but with the blade vortex coiling around his sword, it was a completely different story.

The sharpness was beyond anything ordinary.

The judge’s palm collided with the tip of Wellington’s broadsword.


The blade vortex shattered, sending water flying in all directions, and Wellington was forced several steps back, coughing up blood.

He had suffered internal injuries.

“Straighten your stance!”

At that moment, two waiting examiners landed behind Wellington.

One of them helped support Wellington, while the other placed a hand on his back and channeled magic to help treat his internal injuries.

Fortunately, as time passed, the pale color began to fade from Wellington’s face, and his complexion slowly returned.

“It seems I got a bit too carried away and forgot my role. I apologize for causing unnecessary trouble.”

The judge offered a sincere apology, clasping his hands behind his back. Wellington, now steady on his feet, offered a formal sword salute in return.

“No, not at all. Thanks to you, Judge, I’ve gained a key insight into the breathing method. I’m truly grateful.”

Wellington’s words were genuine.

What might have seemed like a simple attack to others had been a revelation for him. From the judge’s footwork to the precise angle of his hand strike… Wellington had gleaned a flash of inspiration from it.

All he could think about now was returning to his quarters and reflecting on that insight. If he could properly refine it, he would surely advance by at least one level.

The judge’s smile deepened.

He, too, was a master of the Waterflow Breathing Technique, and it was Wellington’s potential that had excited him enough to give a personal demonstration. But now, he realized he might have seen even more potential than he expected.

‘A prodigy, truly… It’s a shame such a child was born into the House of Narcio instead of Ragnar. But perhaps… Narcio will soon flourish. Or, maybe…?’

The judge’s eyes gleamed as he looked at Wellington.

For a brief moment, a small desire rose within him—the temptation to take on a disciple, even in his later years.

“Wellington Narcio, you pass. Not only have you gathered the hidden syllables, but you also demonstrate a profound understanding of the elemental attribute. Therefore, I will award you an additional 900 points.”

Once again, the scoreboard changed.

1st. Wellington Narcio (1,689 points)
2nd. Theo Ragnar (1,521 points)
3rd. Erika Ranke (1,326 points)
4th. Ray Ragnar (1,102 points)


“The top rank has changed!”

“I didn’t even know the score could be overturned like that…”

“In other cohorts, they say reaching 1,000 points guarantees the top spot, but our cohort is just… what’s going on?”

The applicants were now beyond shock, descending into a state of disbelief.

But then, following the judge’s lead, all eyes turned to Theo.

After all, his final tally had yet to be revealed.

The judge spoke.

“Theo Ragnar! What did you gain, and how many did you gather?”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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